Insider NJ Key Must-Read Pieces: Week of Currie's Reaffirmation, CD2 Intensification

From the Statehouse to Jersey City, from CD2 to LD25, from Passaic County to Morris County, here are the Insider NJ key must-read pieces of the past week.
Currie and Schaffer Reelected to Lead NJ Dem State Committee
New Jersey Democratic State Committee Chairman John Currie and Vice Chair Peg Schaffer each received a new term to lead the party when members of the Democratic State Committee this morning gave them the thumbs up.
If you’re going to play the long game in politics, doing things now that set you up for the future, the idea is not to come up short.
U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Bridget Kelly Appeal Tuesday
Politics is nasty and vindictive. But that’s not a crime – it’s just the way things are. Strip away the legal prose and citations and that just about sums up the argument of the Bridget Kelly legal team before the U.S. Supreme Court, which is set to hear the latest chapter in the classic New Jersey scandal lovingly known as Bridgegate this coming Tuesday.
Republicans to Watch in the 2021 Gubernatorial Contest
With a million more registered Democrats than Republicans living in the Garden State—some thriving, others not—it seems like any GOP aspirant looking to warm the seat presently manned by Governor Phil Murphy is in for an uphill battle.
Kean, Jr.’s Quest to Abide Where Lance and Frelinghuysen Could Not
It seems inevitable that it would come to this for that last politically surviving third of an aristocratic triumvirate reduced now to a single-standing totem otherwise known as Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean, Jr., in the era of President Donald J. Trump
Malinowski or Kean: Who Will Win the CD7 Contest in 2020?
The CD7 race this year features a potential showdown between incumbent U.S. Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-7) and Republican challenger Tom Kean, Jr., the long-serving state senate minority leader.
Paterson Ward One: Competing Wills at the Heart of Silk City
In any fight, the victor will exploit a mistake by his rival to get the crucial upper-hand, and in the ongoing Paterson scrap between Mayor Andre Sayegh and Ward One Councilman Mike Jackson, a citywide seesaw of competing visions built on equal parts ego, pride, toreador testosterone, vanity, and political chicanery, all enhanced by a general societal mood of inanity, but bitterly serious finally, each focused competitor undertook his competing agenda while awaiting the other’s misstep.
Point-Counterpoint: O’Scanlon Versus Holley
Proposed amendments to the vaccine bill have two Trenton lawmakers in rundown. First, we have printed Assemblyman Jamel Holley’s (D-20) objection to the amendments, followed by a rejoinder by the proponent of the amendments, state Senator Declan O’Scanlon (R-13).
Another Political Mistake by Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop
Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop’s attempt to take over the school board may prove a political disaster, even if it isn’t much of a surprise. The election defeat and most recent indictments of Sudhan Thomas leaves Fulop without an important ally on the school board. But alienating the teachers’ union which has finally taken a firm grip may be another political misstep, and perhaps a politically fatal mistake by Fulop.
“You can add Phil Murphy to the list of reasons why I left the Democrat Party,” said Republican Congressman Jeff Van Drew. “I didn’t vote for him in 2017 and certainly wasn’t going to in 2021."
Currie Fire Blankets Guv after Van Drew Attack
New Jersey Democratic State Committee Chairman John Currie tonight released the following response to Rep. Jeff Van Drew’s (R-2) attack on Governor Phil Murphy.
Democrat Kennedy Running for Congress in CD2
Brigantine’s Amy Kennedy formally launched her campaign Monday to be the Democratic candidate to challenge Congressman Jeff Van Drew, R-2nd, after his party switch and ‘no’ vote on impeachment of President Donald Trump.
Mazzeo and Armato Back Harrison in CD2
On the same week that Brigantine’s Amy Kennedy entered the Democratic Primary for Congress, 2nd Legislative District State Assemblymen Vince Mazzeo and John Armato issued a wagons-circling statement in support of Montclair University Political Science Professor Brigid Harrison.
Passaic County Freeholder Best to Pursue Reelection
“After consultation with family, friends and community leaders as well as the encouragement and support from our State and County Chairman John Currie, I have decided to seek re-election for a 4th term on the Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders."
Mimms to Pursue Passaic County Freeholder Seat
At-large Paterson Councilwoman Lilisa Mimms – in anticipation of the possibility of a vacancy – this week sent a letter to the Passaic County Democratic Committee in pursuit of a Passaic County Freeholder nomination.
Paterson’s Witherspoon Going after Passaic Freeholder Seat
Paterson Planning Board Member Wayne Witherspoon wants to screen with the Democratic County Committee for a Passaic County Freeholder seat this year.
Rumors of the political demise of Essex County Freeholder President Brendan Gill proved greatly exaggerated, as his colleagues tonight returned Gill to a third term upon the board throne.
Hudson County Freeholders Reorganize – Vainieri Retains Chairmanship
With a Christmas tree still on display in the lobby of its Pavonia Avenue building in Jersey City, Hudson County Freeholders retained more than a little of their holiday cheer at their Jan. 7 reorganization meeting.
Two Governors in the House in Millburn
There were some puzzled looks – and even mild displays of irritation – in Middlesex tonight, even as people rose out of their chairs to give Governor Phil Murphy a standing ovation.
Visiting Pannullo, O’Donnell Bows out in East Hanover
The agenda was as clear as could be. Item one under resolutions at Monday’s council reorganization meeting was reappointing Matthew O’Donnell as town attorney.
CIG Insider NJ Podcast: LD11 Senator Vin Gopal
Listen to a tenth episode of the CIG Insider NJ podcast with host Paul Crupi and LD11 Senator Vin Gopal.
Dunn is Done (but Only Until a Scheduled Convention)
Aura Dunn is about to become a “former assemblywoman.” Wait a minute, you may say, wasn’t Dunn just sworn-in to replace Anthony M. Bucco in Morris County’s 25th District?
Morris County’s Own Super Bowl
Super Bowl weekend and the Morris County freeholders – is there anything more exciting than that Probably not.
Does even #MeToo Matter in NJ Politics?
Dozens of women interviewed for the article “painted a portrait of a casually misogynistic system of politics and government where it is nearly impossible for women to remain in the business without having to navigate everything from sexist insults to assaults on their bodies.”
The New Jersey Chamber of Commerce today announced additional steps that it will take to ensure that all guests on its upcoming Walk to Washington will feel safe, comfortable and respected.
Sweeney Boycotting Walk to D.C., League, and Nighttime Parties
“I will no longer participate in the train ride to Washington or the nighttime ‘parties’ at either event until more progress has been achieved to bring an end to the toxic environment at these gatherings."
Oliver Fires off Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations to Weinberg
The following is the full letter from Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver to Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg (D-37).
Chairwoman Quijano Thanks Heroes of the Landmark ‘Driver’s License for All’ Legislation
I will never forget the holiday season of 2019, because I was able to give the historic gift of greater access to a driver’s license to the thousands of undocumented immigrants, domestic violence survivors, homeless, and LGBTQIA people who have been asking New Jersey to align its laws with the reality of its residents.
The Politics of Hate Condemnation
It’s now becoming common for local politicians to join with clergy to proclaim solidarity and to condemn hate.
What if Jack Collins Ran for Governor?
The race was slowly burning a fuse throughout the late 1990’s as to who would succeed Governor Whitman. The Governor broke her pact of office and left early to serve as the Secretary of The Environmental Protection Agency under President George W. Bush.
Friday Political Potpourri, Redistricting Predictions
Let’s dive right in to this week’s two-part political potpourri!
Why VBM is Broken in Camden County–and How it Can Be Fixed
Efforts to ramp up Vote by Mail (VBM) seem, on the surface, to be a win for democracy. More people voting–what’s not to like? Except it’s not that simple.
Steinberg: Key Dynamics in CD2’s Kennedy v. Harrison
Sixty years ago, on January 2, 1960, US Senator John F. Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) announced that he was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. Watch the following video of JFK making this announcement, and you get a sense of his capacity for positive Inspiration and hope.
The 1960s: Moses v. Jacobs and Rockefeller; The 2020s: Norcross v. Altman and Murphy
For George Norcross, the year 2019, politically speaking was a very bad one. His reputation as a New Jersey exemplar of soft corruption worsened, and his image of political invincibility on his home turf in South Jersey was significantly damaged.
Will Booker Hit a 2020 Wall? DNC talks Diversity but Lives and Dies by Campaign Cash and Polls
For most of the career of Sen. Cory Booker, he’s been at the center of establishment politics, but now, thanks to the DNC’s high bar for participation in the Jan. 14 debate, he finds himself on the outside looking in.
Former NJ Gov. Whitman on the State of the Republican Party
Steve Adubato sits down with Christine Todd Whitman, Former Governor of New Jersey (R)-NJ, to talk about President Trump’s leadership, the public employee pension crisis and the state of the Republican Party in New Jersey