INSIDERNJ Poll: Assess Governor Christie’s Response So Far to Kim Guadagno’s Gubernatorial Candidacy: By Insider NJ | June 21, 2017, 9:35 am | in Edward Edwards INSIDERNJ Poll: Assess Governor Christie's Response to Kim Guadagno's Gubernatorial Candidacy:It is unconscionable. Can he please grow up and not always feel obligated to criticize and minimize? Good grief, give her a CHANCE!What? He's blunt. He's direct. Others run around whispering and then making nice when they see Kim. He is CALLING IT LIKE IT IS!I appreciate the psychological duress Christie is under right now. He's a powerful guy in the twilight. That must be VERY tough. Look, let's be very real here. Guadagno started it by crossing the governor on key policy points. SHE divided the GOP.Christie has always looked out for numero uno. Guadagno learned from the best.I miss Christie already. He's a true political animal who makes Team Guadagno look like Have they sworn in Phil Murphy yet as governor?He is BRILLIANT! At 15% job approval, he knows he gives Guadagno her best chance to win by playing the villain to create public sympathy for her. Vote (Visited 17 times, 1 visits today)
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