Previous comments for: INSIDERNJ Poll: Who is the Best Democratic Candidate to Run Against Donald J. Trump in 2020?
She currently has 16 years as a State Representative, Honolulu City Council member, Legislative Aide, her military and National Guard Service, Vice chair of the DNC, and 3 term congresswoman all after creating an environmental nonprofit as a teenager.
People insist in first-past-the-post voting, like these polls. Promote ranked choice voting!
Just so everyone's aware: After witnessing the fraud of Kirsten in this poll, I voted 9000+ times to skew the results. When I was finished, I lit up a Cuban Rejects cigar -- so very proud of my work.
Like a DNC party Boss Tweed in the back room smoking a cigar, ignoring the will of the people.
I feel dirty.
As a state rep, she worked to undo her past mistakes in opposing civil unions. She has been consistent on this and wider equality issues in the House since then. Her transformation and support is genuine and not token. I wish she could have been one of the minority crowd who were all for it from the get-go. Oh well.
Are we referring to background checking (not banning) Syrian refugees after the 2015 Paris attacks? Doesn't sound terrible to me. She did issue two statements in January and March condemning Trump's refugee ban, so I know where her heart is.
The following link does a better job
of clarifying the BPJ's response
to radicals (and not a determined anti-Islamic crusade)
That's cool that your position changed from voting against to support. It's quite different when you are a state rep. protesting against civil unions (not even gay marriage, but its precursor, civil unions.)
She was against Syrian refugees before Trump. And she backs Modi and his anti-Muslim BJP party. So it appears my assessment is not as misguided as some would think.
No, Bernie seemed to thrive on being on the campaign trail and meeting citizens all over the country. The much younger reporters who were covering him complained about the pace he kept up. When he can outrun much younger people, I think he proves he is still up for it.
I agree with the great majority of voters here, Tulsi/Bernie 2020 dream ticket!
Actually, Tulsi is not anti-Muslim. She is also not anti-gay. It's true she was against same-sex marriage in the past, but changed her tune over time. Her time in Iraq actually changed her mind. I, too, was against gay rights and even voted for California Prop 8 in 2008 to define marriage as between one man and one woman. I eventually learned firsthand how much these laws hurt people I loved. So, you're misguided on your assessment of Tulsi. Let me know what you think!
I choose Tulsi over Bernie because one of them is on the right side of history regarding the illegal Syrian attack and Israeli apartheid and the other one sounds like Mayor Quimby.
Bernie has put in the commitment to the people. He has the name, but will NOT be allowed on the Dems ticket as the DNC Will NOT let him. Tulsi might be good for the VP slot, but Bernie doesn't need the support of the DNC nor does he need to run on the DEMS ticket. Neither He nor Tulsi will be allowed into the debates, but Bernie will NOT need the debates to get the votes. My vote, therefore, is Bernie Sanders.
Yes I am aware of that. Hopefully Trump will be too old to hold up to the pressures of campaigning and the job itself by then.
the sooner people get the idea out of their head that being a leader requires experience rather than strength of character, the sooner we will start having a decent President.
Tulsi's anti-Muslim and anti-gay positions are non-starters for me.
And just as important, fill the House and Senate with progressives.
Jimmy Carter is in his nineties and still sharp as a tack.
He has earned it.
Tulsi doesn't have the experience needed. Make her Secretary of State, she would make a great one.
In Oprah's defense, she has said that she isn't running for political office.
She is awesome!
The Democrats will put forth Clinton again...or MacAuliffe or Booker or some other corporate Dem who will make it easy for Trump.
Agreed 100%!
Yes! Nina should be on this. I love Tulsi and Bernie, but no one gets me fired up like Nina.
Maybe Nina Turner/Killer Mike?
None of the above. Someone new will rise up.
Sanders/Gabbard! Same ticket!
Gillibrand just happened to get over 2000 votes, really?
You may be right, though I think Trump's victory sort of upended the conventional wisdom that only senators and governors can win party nominations and/or become president.
Even without being elected to the Senate first, Tulsi would look good next to Trump.
-she's a veteran with 18 years of experience in public office
-he's a draft-dodger who had zero political experience before being elected and spent a third of his presidency golfing/vacationing
Perhaps because Warren said not that long ago that she is not planning on running. Of course I am not sure if anyone has officially announced their candidacy at this point and anyone could change their mind in the next few years, especially once they start doing national polls.
Good point. I think Tulsi is more likely to run for Senate in 2018
than president in 2020. I hope she challenges Mazie Hirono in the
Flashback to 1988.
@Nina Turner 2020
OK, Bernie is my first choice, if he chooses to run again, but why doesn't the poll give you space for a write-in candidate?
Here's my recycled contribution to his campaign if he does run:
Bernie's in better shape and hands down, he has better hair.
Tulsi/Bernie 2020.... Tulsi/Nina 2024
Tulsi/Bernie2020 Tulsi/Nina2024
Are you sure? List one area she would be more qualified. Bet ya can't. Lol
Because Elizabeth Warren sold out the progressive movement. She wasn't there for the Sanders Campaign when it mattered. She shilled for Hillary as it became apparent that Sanders couldn't win due to the DNC's meddling in the primary. Those who were paying attention during the primary will not forget that she was silent on the issues of voter suppression and election fraud.
Although just as ridiculous.
Oprah could not possibly be more unqualified than Trump.
Fuckin' right? Glad to see that the people have spoken. Tulsi Gabbard is the clear winner here.
Tulsi Gabbard is my first choice. Bernie would be my second (I think Tulsi is more consistently anti-war but I still like Bernie as he consistently supports the working class / middle class). I will never support neoliberals like Cory Booker or Kirsten Gillibrand.
Hillary Clinton light is not going to win... anything... -_-
So in less than 8 hours, Kirsten Gillebrand gained over 2000 votes...
What about Pete Buttigieg?
Bernie is only 4 years older than trump!
What kind of idiots are voting for Clinton? Seriously!
True but the campaign process is very strenuous and stressful and maybe not something a 78 year old person could ask of himself? I'd love to be able to say President Bernie Sanders though
This is true, but if say he were to die in office...we'd have Tulsi to back him up and continue his vision. Sounds like a good contingency plan to me!
How is Trump going to last four years and run for reelection?
Is there some reason why a bunch of irrelevant people made the list and Elizabeth Warren, who is likely to run, didn't? Bernie is my first choice, and fuck all of you pushing the right's talking points for them by saying he's too old. We said that about Nader and McCain, and they're still kicking. JFK was in his 40s when he died in office. Anyone could die in office, regardless of age. Besides, what do you think VPs are for?
Anyway. First choice Bernie, second Elizabeth, third Tulsi.
Tusli would be such a breath of fresh air! Plus she is smart and steady. I would love to see her run in 2020!
I chose Tulsi over Bernie only because he will be 78 in 2020. That's getting up there and he may be too old to take on the high pressure demands of campaigning and the presidency. That's really sad though. So I think Tulsi is our next best option
Hilarious, that dumbass zuckerburg can't even make his code with right with billions of dollars and a pile of halfwit coders, and Oprah? Wtf is this world coming to, she's more unqualified than trump.
Hard to fathom people still think Hillary is a thing.
I think a Sanders/Gabbard ticket would be a sure winner!
Why isn't Elizabeth Warren included here?
Would still prefer Tulsi, but Warren is a more well-known figure, very likely to run, and a notable omission
Tulsi / Bernie!
Bernie and Tulsi on the same ticket. Who the f#*k could stand behind the corrupt loser HRC. Must be a joke vote.
hard to choose between Bernie and Tusli. Put them on the same ticket.
She currently has 16 years as a State Representative, Honolulu City Council member, Legislative Aide, her military and National Guard Service, Vice chair of the DNC, and 3 term congresswoman all after creating an environmental nonprofit as a teenager.
People insist in first-past-the-post voting, like these polls. Promote ranked choice voting!
Just so everyone's aware: After witnessing the fraud of Kirsten in this poll, I voted 9000+ times to skew the results. When I was finished, I lit up a Cuban Rejects cigar -- so very proud of my work. Like a DNC party Boss Tweed in the back room smoking a cigar, ignoring the will of the people. I feel dirty.
As a state rep, she worked to undo her past mistakes in opposing civil unions. She has been consistent on this and wider equality issues in the House since then. Her transformation and support is genuine and not token. I wish she could have been one of the minority crowd who were all for it from the get-go. Oh well. Are we referring to background checking (not banning) Syrian refugees after the 2015 Paris attacks? Doesn't sound terrible to me. She did issue two statements in January and March condemning Trump's refugee ban, so I know where her heart is. The following link does a better job of clarifying the BPJ's response to radicals (and not a determined anti-Islamic crusade)
That's cool that your position changed from voting against to support. It's quite different when you are a state rep. protesting against civil unions (not even gay marriage, but its precursor, civil unions.) She was against Syrian refugees before Trump. And she backs Modi and his anti-Muslim BJP party. So it appears my assessment is not as misguided as some would think.
No, Bernie seemed to thrive on being on the campaign trail and meeting citizens all over the country. The much younger reporters who were covering him complained about the pace he kept up. When he can outrun much younger people, I think he proves he is still up for it.
I agree with the great majority of voters here, Tulsi/Bernie 2020 dream ticket!
Actually, Tulsi is not anti-Muslim. She is also not anti-gay. It's true she was against same-sex marriage in the past, but changed her tune over time. Her time in Iraq actually changed her mind. I, too, was against gay rights and even voted for California Prop 8 in 2008 to define marriage as between one man and one woman. I eventually learned firsthand how much these laws hurt people I loved. So, you're misguided on your assessment of Tulsi. Let me know what you think!
I choose Tulsi over Bernie because one of them is on the right side of history regarding the illegal Syrian attack and Israeli apartheid and the other one sounds like Mayor Quimby.
Bernie has put in the commitment to the people. He has the name, but will NOT be allowed on the Dems ticket as the DNC Will NOT let him. Tulsi might be good for the VP slot, but Bernie doesn't need the support of the DNC nor does he need to run on the DEMS ticket. Neither He nor Tulsi will be allowed into the debates, but Bernie will NOT need the debates to get the votes. My vote, therefore, is Bernie Sanders.
Yes I am aware of that. Hopefully Trump will be too old to hold up to the pressures of campaigning and the job itself by then.
the sooner people get the idea out of their head that being a leader requires experience rather than strength of character, the sooner we will start having a decent President.
Tulsi's anti-Muslim and anti-gay positions are non-starters for me.
And just as important, fill the House and Senate with progressives.
Jimmy Carter is in his nineties and still sharp as a tack.
He has earned it.
Tulsi doesn't have the experience needed. Make her Secretary of State, she would make a great one.
In Oprah's defense, she has said that she isn't running for political office.
She is awesome!
The Democrats will put forth Clinton again...or MacAuliffe or Booker or some other corporate Dem who will make it easy for Trump.
Agreed 100%!
Yes! Nina should be on this. I love Tulsi and Bernie, but no one gets me fired up like Nina. Maybe Nina Turner/Killer Mike?
None of the above. Someone new will rise up.
Sanders/Gabbard! Same ticket!
Gillibrand just happened to get over 2000 votes, really?
You may be right, though I think Trump's victory sort of upended the conventional wisdom that only senators and governors can win party nominations and/or become president. Even without being elected to the Senate first, Tulsi would look good next to Trump. -she's a veteran with 18 years of experience in public office -he's a draft-dodger who had zero political experience before being elected and spent a third of his presidency golfing/vacationing
Perhaps because Warren said not that long ago that she is not planning on running. Of course I am not sure if anyone has officially announced their candidacy at this point and anyone could change their mind in the next few years, especially once they start doing national polls.
Good point. I think Tulsi is more likely to run for Senate in 2018 than president in 2020. I hope she challenges Mazie Hirono in the primary.
Flashback to 1988.
@Nina Turner 2020
OK, Bernie is my first choice, if he chooses to run again, but why doesn't the poll give you space for a write-in candidate? Here's my recycled contribution to his campaign if he does run:
Bernie's in better shape and hands down, he has better hair.
Tulsi/Bernie 2020.... Tulsi/Nina 2024
Tulsi/Bernie2020 Tulsi/Nina2024
Are you sure? List one area she would be more qualified. Bet ya can't. Lol
Because Elizabeth Warren sold out the progressive movement. She wasn't there for the Sanders Campaign when it mattered. She shilled for Hillary as it became apparent that Sanders couldn't win due to the DNC's meddling in the primary. Those who were paying attention during the primary will not forget that she was silent on the issues of voter suppression and election fraud.
Although just as ridiculous.
Oprah could not possibly be more unqualified than Trump.
Fuckin' right? Glad to see that the people have spoken. Tulsi Gabbard is the clear winner here.
Tulsi Gabbard is my first choice. Bernie would be my second (I think Tulsi is more consistently anti-war but I still like Bernie as he consistently supports the working class / middle class). I will never support neoliberals like Cory Booker or Kirsten Gillibrand.
Hillary Clinton light is not going to win... anything... -_-
So in less than 8 hours, Kirsten Gillebrand gained over 2000 votes... Reaaaaalllly...
What about Pete Buttigieg?
Bernie is only 4 years older than trump!
What kind of idiots are voting for Clinton? Seriously!
True but the campaign process is very strenuous and stressful and maybe not something a 78 year old person could ask of himself? I'd love to be able to say President Bernie Sanders though
This is true, but if say he were to die in office...we'd have Tulsi to back him up and continue his vision. Sounds like a good contingency plan to me!
How is Trump going to last four years and run for reelection?
Is there some reason why a bunch of irrelevant people made the list and Elizabeth Warren, who is likely to run, didn't? Bernie is my first choice, and fuck all of you pushing the right's talking points for them by saying he's too old. We said that about Nader and McCain, and they're still kicking. JFK was in his 40s when he died in office. Anyone could die in office, regardless of age. Besides, what do you think VPs are for? Anyway. First choice Bernie, second Elizabeth, third Tulsi.
Tusli would be such a breath of fresh air! Plus she is smart and steady. I would love to see her run in 2020!
I chose Tulsi over Bernie only because he will be 78 in 2020. That's getting up there and he may be too old to take on the high pressure demands of campaigning and the presidency. That's really sad though. So I think Tulsi is our next best option
Hilarious, that dumbass zuckerburg can't even make his code with right with billions of dollars and a pile of halfwit coders, and Oprah? Wtf is this world coming to, she's more unqualified than trump.
Hard to fathom people still think Hillary is a thing.
I think a Sanders/Gabbard ticket would be a sure winner!
Why isn't Elizabeth Warren included here? Would still prefer Tulsi, but Warren is a more well-known figure, very likely to run, and a notable omission
Tulsi / Bernie!
Bernie and Tulsi on the same ticket. Who the f#*k could stand behind the corrupt loser HRC. Must be a joke vote.
hard to choose between Bernie and Tusli. Put them on the same ticket.