INSIDERNJ POLL: Who is the GOP's Best Option to Run Against Phil Murphy in 2021?
By Insider NJ |
April 2, 2019, 11:43 am | in
The Diner Booth
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Previous comments for: INSIDERNJ POLL: Who is the GOP's Best Option to Run Against Phil Murphy in 2021?
How about Tricia Flanagan? Or Murray Sabin?
No candidate will prevail over the best Governor in the State of New Jersey, Phil Murphy
Bob Knapp, Jersey City
Doug Steinhardt - no political base, led the loss of the governorship, the loss of all but 1 GOP congressman, the party-switching of a state senator. Has turned the NJGOP into a broke, non-entity. Sign me up - NOT!
How about Tricia Flanagan? Or Murray Sabin?
No candidate will prevail over the best Governor in the State of New Jersey, Phil Murphy Bob Knapp, Jersey City
Doug Steinhardt - no political base, led the loss of the governorship, the loss of all but 1 GOP congressman, the party-switching of a state senator. Has turned the NJGOP into a broke, non-entity. Sign me up - NOT!