INSIDERNJ POLL: Who Will Win the Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDO) Chairmanship?

[totalpoll id="28701"]

[caption id="attachment_697" align="alignnone" width="784"] DeGise, right, officially gets on board with Fulop[/caption]

Previous comments for: INSIDERNJ POLL: Who Will Win the Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDO) Chairmanship?

  1. Xena Bianchi says:

    Little do you know the fact Stack has a large amount of supporters. Thousands of people voting for him, being one of the few politicians with the most highest votes. Educate yourself!

  2. The Bureau says:

    1190 votes for Amy...Jersey City rising up

  3. Hamza Ali says:

    PLayboi carti album is bumping

  4. The Bureau says:

    There are about 5 to 10 poor saps in the town hall of Union City right now voting and reloading, voting and reloading...sad but true..

  5. The Bureau says:

    Polls such as this one are very telling in the first few hours. I am certain Stack will round up the troops in Union City and advise them all to manipulate this poll. Keep in mind that Union City only has 74 votes come June 12th..The remainder of the county will make a statement on June 12th!

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