INSIDERNJ POLL: Who will Win the U.S. Senate Contest?

[totalpoll id="35386"]

Previous comments for: INSIDERNJ POLL: Who will Win the U.S. Senate Contest?

  1. Madelyn Hoffman says:

    Honestly, there's no reason NOT to include all candidates running for a particular office. That's what democracy is -- letting the public know who is running and on what platform. Far too many organizations and polling organizations include only the Democrat/Republican depriving the public of information about everyone who is running for public office and deciding for the public who the more popular candidates will be. Part of the reason this country is so polarized is that polling organizations and non-profit organizations decide for the public which candidates should be highlighted -- and most of the time it has to do with how much money they have -- not necessarily their appeal to the public.

  2. TimOB says:

    You can vote more than once in this poll. Think about it. What are the chances that the Green Party candidate could have more votes than any other candidate? It's a statistical impossibility. Consider there are nearly two times the number of registered Libertarians in NJ than Greens. And certainly there are more Republicans and Democrats.

  3. Barry Franklin says:

    Maybe you shouldn't have included the Green or Libertarian candidate. The fact that Madelyn Hoffman is leading kills the polls credibility. Nothing against her. Its just not going to happen.

  4. Verum_est_mirabilius_fictionem says:

    Yeah, that's not looking too good from this poll.

  5. TimOB says:

    Can't wait to see Murray kick the Bob's butts in the fall. We need to stop the duopoly. THEY are the problem.

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