Previous comments for: INSIDERNJ POLL: Who Won the ABC News/Univision Presidential Debate?

  1. niknar says:

    In the last debate, it was: Sanders Yang Steyer Harris Gabbard Booker Castro Warren Beto Klobuchar Buttigieg Biden

  2. niknar says:

    Really?!!! Now it's Buttigieg? He has been rising in the polls lately: in the Top 3 in Iowa (& Biden is out).

  3. Kyle R Johnson says:

    #ButtiYang2020 Wa da tah

  4. niknar says:

    I see.... Do you speak to us from your time warp 1 year from now?

  5. niknar says:

    That remains to be seen. Yang does well in the few polls I've seen, especially lately, & the fact that he's still relatively unknown, & most of the best pollers are well-known, that portends well for a Yang candidacy. However, Sanders has done very well in polls against Trump, & Warren usually beats Trump as well, & is generally improving. She also has the greatest favorability among Democrats. We'd do very well with any of these 3.

  6. niknar says:

    I'd love to see more comments of this nature.

  7. niknar says:

    In my opinion it was: Warren Yang Sanders Beto Booker Buttigieg Castro Harris Klobuchar Biden

  8. Kyle R Johnson says:

    The party chose Yang. The rest are only there to create a show and herd the sheeple to Yang who is the alarm bell to WAKE UP. :D

  9. Roger Green says:

    I think Mayor Pete is an honest man and would make a good president, but I support Andrew Yang based on many of his polices. Both men are good people, but Pete Buttigieg has been very vague on specific polices which is opposite Andrew Yang. But I respect your preference. Buttigieg is also an honorable, intelligent and Patriotic American.

  10. Jon says:

    Andrew Yang wins every debate simply because he is for the people. All the other candidates are corporate bought tools.

  11. Jon says:

    Nope. Yang is way better in every way. He also is beating Trump by a much larger margin than bernie. Warren is losing to Trump.

  12. Jon says:

    Pete is awful. He's the worst version of a corporate bought empty suit. He scoffed at Andrew Yang promoting his freedom dividend by giving 1,000 dollars a month to 10 Americans, but Pete spends millions on ads and flying on private jets. Pete is an awful candidate and even more awful person.

  13. Cathy says:

    I stand corrected. I meant to say national poll, but didn't, so my bad.

  14. fr0wn town says: Here's one to get you started

  15. Cathy says:

    Yang hasn't come close to beating Trump in any legitimate poll.

  16. John A. Leopard says:

    I support Pete Buttigieg. He is the best candidate.

  17. fr0wn town says:

    Yang is the clear winner, didn't break the rules, answered honestly, shared things that others shy away from, like campaign corruption He's the only option for a real future.

  18. fr0wn town says:

    Yang beats Trump in every poll because he appeals to the problems Trump yells about, but does nothing to fix. People are struggling so they want solutions. 10% of Trump voters are drawn to Yang instead, it's just Math.

  19. TheGandhiGuy says:

    Bernie is great, and totally electable. But the prediction markets see Yang as MORE electable, and so do I.

  20. sockii says:

    Yang was given the least amount of time to speak, yet when given the chance to he landed his answers. He also showed class by not stealing time or talking over other candidates -- unlike others up there.

  21. Jason Gaylor says:

    Like Yang but Bernie still remains the best candidate overall and the most electable.

  22. domahman says:

    I support Yang. If America doesn't vote him in, we are all doomed. I predict futures :)

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