Previous comments for: InsiderNJ Poll: Who Won the Democratic Prez Debate?

  1. Aya Kartal says:

    As someone who has lived and worked in Newark, I think I have first hand experience to say fuck Booker

  2. Aya Kartal says:

    NJ born and raised, Yang all day

  3. Squarepegroundhole says:

    Andrew Yang was the clear winner. Parrot Pete is an eloquent nothing sandwich.

  4. Dontbenaive says:

    Andrew Yang just makes sense.

  5. Kyle R Johnson says:

    #ButtiYang2020 Wa Da Tah

  6. Kyle R Johnson says:

  7. Jeannemarie Wallnau says:

    Yang won with his focus on solutions. Yang would show a higher place in more polls if they weren’t through landlines (thinking of Emerson).

  8. JDH🩉 says:

    I like Mayor Pete and Yang, but if I had to choose who would fare better in the general election, I think Pete has more of a chance given his military experience, which speaks to foreign policy, and can pick up midwestern/rural Democrats we lost to Trump who have become disenfranchised. Both struggle with significant demographics, and they'll need those votes if they hope to be the nominee. I'd be happy with either, tbh. I'll support the nominee when all is said and done. I did so, begrudgingly, with Hillary.

  9. Will says:

    Yang killed it! Was so excited when automation finally came up as a topic in a debate.

  10. BY says:

    how pete is even in this discussion, idk.

  11. MATH Ranger says:

    Yang has gone VIRAL.

  12. Sarah Gail Cotton says:

    Yang won this, hands down. Only practical candidate.

  13. GIFShinobi says:

  14. Ruth Anne White says:

    Oof. This is a NJ poll and Booker is < 1% Yang won this hands down, with less minutes than about 5 other candidates

  15. NightwingJay says:


  16. HealyHQ says:

    No contest, Andrew Yang had the best performance. No platitudes or waffling about or dodging questions, just laser-focused on the problems of average Americans and the data-driven solutions to solve them. I really hope my fellow Americans vote for this man -- he will be the smartest president we've ever had. Let's go, Andrew Yang, 2020! 👍

  17. domahman says:

    Yang is all about solutions.

  18. Felewin says:

    Yea I totally agree, Yang won and he's doing better and better...

  19. Erodred says:

    Yang proposed practical solutions to the problems America is facing

  20. David Betancourt says:

    Easily Yang

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