InsiderNJ Quiz: Identify this Individual Spied on the Streets of D.C. Who Ran For Office in New Jersey.

(h/t Zachary Israel for the photo)


Please post your answer below this story either directly on the site or to Facebook. The first person to correctly make the identification receives an InsiderNJ T-Shirt.

Previous comments for: InsiderNJ Quiz: Identify this Individual Spied on the Streets of D.C. Who Ran For Office in New Jersey.

  1. 1Prop says:

    If it's not Jeff, then it's Dick Zimmer. But the high-water pants, the slumped shoulders all point to Jeff.

  2. Alan Alda Anti-Christ says:

    Rush Holt?

  3. Dennis Gardell says:

    Jeff Bell

  4. njlibertarian says:

    Yeah, definitely looks like Jeff

  5. 1Prop says:

    Looks like Jeff Bell.

  6. James Devine says:

    I that Gordon MacInnes?

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