INSIDERNJ'S Who's Up and Who's Down: Pre-Election Day Issue

From left on the week before the elecction: Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker, Senator Ronald L. Rice, and Assemblyman Ralph Caputo.


Ronald L. Rice

Assemblyman Ralph Caputo this past Tuesday evening paid tribute to his running mate, the senior senator from the 28th District, at a Nanina's in the Park event attended by over 200 people. Guests who turned up to honor the public service of the Marine Corps combat veteran turned Newark city cop turned state lawmaker included Governor Phil Murphy, Essex County Democratic Committee Chairman Leroy Jones, Essex County Executive Joe DiVincenzo, Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker (D-28), and many or most Essex-based lawmakers. A visibly moved Rice - one of the most independent-minded people in Trenton - was never honored quite this way, and it took his district-mate Caputo to make the arrangements.


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