INSIDERNJ's WHO'S UP AND WHO'S DOWN: Week of the First Big Wave of Congressional Debates

Jeff Van Drew
Several competitors had good debate performances this week, but the CD2 Democrat stood out with a practically pitch perfect frontrunner's performance on Wednesday night at Stockton.
Michael Aron
NJTV's chief political correspondent presided over an extremely substantive debate forum on Wednesday night between Assemblyman Jay Webber (R-26) and former federal prosecutor Mikie Sherrill.
Gina La Placa and Jason Carty
The policymaker and firefighter tied the knot last Sunday in Moorsetown at a wedding packed with insiders.
Robert Crook
The CD-11 independent candidate had the best line of the night in Ogdensburg, channeling Nixon as he intoned, "I am not a crook."
Yvonne Lopez
The Perth Amboy-based Democratic Assemblywoman received the Elected Woman of the Year from the National Women Legislators Foundation.
The Ogdensburg Historical Society
The debate the organization threw up in Sussex County in the local firehouse was packed: standing room only in the middle of mountain man country.
Damon Tyner
The Atlantic County prosecutor this week absorbed accusations of mortgage fraud and ethics violations in the Kauffman murder case
Al Alvarez
The former chief of staff at the Schools Development Authority resigned from his job last week in the face of what was an imminent story about his having been the target of a sexual assault allegation. It proved another bruising headline for the governor, who attempted to talk about his economic plan, while failing to get out in front of the Alvarez debacle. It amounted to Murphy giving his political rivals room to conclude the worst here and here and here as other antagonists indulged back chatter tales of an alleged frat slobs -style 2017 Murphy for Governor campaign.
Joseph Brodie
A federal court convicted the 39-year old Millville veteran of making threats to U.S. Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-2) and members of the congressman's staff.
Seth Grossman
It wasn't that he was horrible. He made a politically sound calculation to attach himself to President Donald J. Trump in a district that Trump won in 2016. But if he is indeed down by double digits against state Senator Jeff Van Drew (D-2), the Republican failed in the rivals' Stockton University tilt to truss the centrist Democrat.
Noemi Velazquez
The Murphy aide ate a suspension after calling evangelicals who support President Donald J. Trump "assholes."
Jeffrey Klein
The Fair Lawn Board of Education member used his authority as a trustee to inappropriately dictate classroom policies, garner benefits for his child, and intimidate and bully staff members, according to a complaint filed by four middle school teachers.
Jeff Winston
The East Brunswick BOE candidate sustained a GOP filed complaint for infringement, using the Brunswick Bears' mascot on his lawn signs.
Carlos Valencia
Dover Mayor James Dodd called on the 4th Ward alderman candidate to bail after revealing that Valencia is a two-time felon.