Is Jersey Shore In Danger Of Becoming 'Hell With The Lid Off?'

Ocean City Boardwalk on Saturday morning.

In 1868, James Parton, a writer for Atlantic Monthly magazine, was sent by his publication to Pittsburgh to report his impressions of the condition and image of the nation’s premier steel-making industry.

In a memorable turn of phrase, he reported to his readers that the city “looked like hell with the lid off.”

Had the intrepid reporter been here today and visited the Seaside Heights boardwalk on any Saturday night in July, he’d likely have reached the same conclusion.

That, at least, would be the view of local officials there as well as in Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Wildwood and other Jersey shore communities dealing with hordes of young people --- drunk or marijuana-addled--- rampaging freely on the beaches, boardwalk and neighboring streets, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

Local police were badly outnumbered, unable to control hundreds of teenagers storming beaches and boardwalks, brawling, vandalizing at will and at random, screaming obscenities and generally frightening the bejesus out of the family tourist crowd.

Medical assistance was required to tend to teenagers who drank themselves into a stupor and fell unconscious.

There has always been a Mad Max in the Thunderdome vibe given off by beach and boardwalk communities up and down the Jersey shore in the summer months, but the chaos and mayhem of Memorial Day weekend 2023 far surpassed the disorder and rowdiness of years past.

Local officials were cautious in pointing fingers of blame, but there was no mistaking they felt Gov. Phil Murphy and the Legislature bore some responsibility for tying the hands of law enforcement and making it nearly impossible to enforce laws against underage drinking or marijuana possession.

When possession of marijuana by those over 21 was legalized in 2021, the legislation included stipulations for dealing with juvenile offenders.

Police are prohibited from arresting or detaining minors for alcohol or marijuana possession or for refusing to identify themselves when asked. They are barred from asking for consent to search minors for alcohol or marijuana or for seizing what they found and cannot use the odor of marijuana to stop or search minors.

If an officer is accused of violating any of those restrictions, a charge of deprivation of civil rights can be lodged, carrying a $15,000 fine and five years in jail if convicted.

In practical terms, no police officer will risk exposure to that level of potential criminality for asking a drunk or stoned teenager for identification.

It didn’t require a great deal of study by the sophomore class computer nerd to interpret the law --- all restraints were gone, arrests and detention were prohibited and police would not be allowed to search for alcohol or marijuana.

What followed --- the law of unintended consequences --- was inevitable. Mobs of teenagers --- many spurred by social media --- spiraled out of control. Their sheer weight of numbers overwhelmed police.

Ocean City officials responded by imposing a curfew on both boardwalk and beach and banning backpacks --- often used to conceal alcohol and marijuana --- from its’ boardwalk in the evening hours.

Seaside Heights officials plan to reinstate a curfew and may ban overnight or short term rentals to reduce crowds of young people showing up and cramming an apartment or house for a day or two, creating havoc and leaving town.

There is talk in the Legislature of lifting the restrictions on police in dealing with juveniles and repealing the civil rights denial criminal provisions.

In retrospect, the desire to treat youthful offenders in a fashion to avoid criminal records in light of minorities being arrested disproportionately--- as well intentioned as they may have been at the time --- may have been an overreach.

Whether any of the changes will be enacted in time for the summer vacation season is problematic, though, leaving local officials and law enforcement to deal with the consequences.

With high school graduations in the coming days, increased crowds of teenagers are anticipated to bring their celebrations to the beach, ratcheting up the pressure on local resources to accommodate them.

Further outbreaks of violence in more communities will surely bring official responses in the form of curfews and prohibitions.

Tourism and the billions of dollars it pumps into local economies in three months could be impacted as well if vacationers --- particularly families --- feel threatened, question their personal safety and worry about exposure to raucous crowds of inebriated, cursing young people.

The Memorial Day weekend experience may have sent a sobering message that for the Jersey shore achieving a reputation as a place to avoid rather than a place to enjoy will have long term economic consequences.

Finding the proper balance between welcoming the exuberance of teenagers seeking to enjoy a bit of freedom and the rights of visitors to experience the same enjoyment in peace and security may be difficult, but it is imperative.

Otherwise, lifting the lid off hell will be a common weekend occurrence.

Carl Golden is a senior contributing analyst with the William J Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University.

Previous comments for: Is Jersey Shore In Danger Of Becoming 'Hell With The Lid Off?'

  1. Natasha says:

    I feel this is part of the reason why our car insurance coverage was forcibly increased! Murphy covering every angle while ensuring he doesn't lose a large group of money spending tourists this summer. Kat Gentis says: June 14, 2023 at 12:01 pm How about the fact that these same young individuals (and older) get in a car in their “legal” drug-induced state? Where are the updated laws regarding driving under the influence of Marijuana (not to mention the fact that our cops’ hands are tied worrying they’ll lose their jobs just trying to do their jobs and enforce these laws)? The number of driving accidents are at an all-time high, and little to NOTHING is done about it.

  2. Kathy says:

  3. Thomas says:

    This blaming prosecutors not charging and releasing criminals is a red herring. Stop complaining, making excuses, and blaming others for the manufactured rise in crime because of Police Unions around America mostly in big cities which most are run by democrats, along with shore towns and municipalities with night life periodically post bulletins reminding police officers toPolice often take advantage of juveniles. Even when the officer doesn’t have probable cause to search them or their vehicles, they do anyway. Police use intimidation tactics. The police like to ask questions and no matter the answer given it’s suspicious to them, doesn’t add up. In every department there are officers who serve honorably with integrity and just as many bad apples who abuse their authority, drink and drive, violate the civil rights non white and young white drivers, especially when there are 2 or more in a vehicle. A vehicle with 4 white teens is definitely getting searched no matter what, all told to exit the vehicle and separated, interrogated, threatened, and their rectums violated. And to those “patriots” who say good, give it deep and stretch it out, that’s not following your beloved Constitutions Bill of Rights. You can’t be all in on the second for you and the hell with the fourth for your fellow American. Finally, to Ms. Bunty C Dunty chose to purchase or rent a home in a shore town with a noisy thriving raucous night life, pack up your stuff, sell your home and move. Cant fight against the youth. The jailhouse gets empty

  4. JD says:

    Murphy just doesn't want his kids caught again...

  5. Dick Hertz says:

    Alarmist crap article. Worried more about bunkerBitch having top secret documents in a busted up crapper where foreign nationals visit.

  6. King Guy says:

    Lots of sensationalized MAGA crap in this article. Same old story since the 80’s with young people just want to mingle. Many of the clubs where the young would congregate have been shutdown so nowhere to go. Should call this trash “Get off my lawn”.

  7. MOMMAJO says:

    As a resident , a mom and grandmother, I would kick my kids ass if they. Exhibited the behavior we had to endure that weekend. to those who say the article is full of B.S, how would you feel when a punky kid told you to go F yourself ; when they trashed your property and told the police officer, trying to moved them along “ why what you gunna do”. The officer stepped back and told the kid to relax, calm down a d move on. We have never had a situation like this before. Kids do dopey things And that’s ok. I get it.Many crossed that line as they drove though town In their Mercedes yelling obscenities out the window and picking fight. Terrorizing shop owners pushing over clothing racks , knock things off the shelf’ they laughed a cursed people YES IT DID HAPPEN!!!!

  8. Ann says:

    The summer visitors with the cherished tradition of coming here can be rowdy too, so let's not have them bellowing self righteously against teenagers. Too many "NJ has its own law" big-talkers can isolate NJ mindset too much from the rest of the nation. Panicking teenagers might be a symptom of a need for more fresh air and transparency in here.

  9. Bashi says:

    Love those who say this article is made up, obviously they all voted for this idiot and don’t have any experience living in any of these towns

  10. john doe says:

    found the pathetic npc of the group.. Mike Dobson take npc of the day award. congrats mike

  11. john doe says:

    well jersey is a demorat state so....none of this is surprising.. elect demorats and watch your hood go to crap, thats a fact.

  12. Kat Gentis says:

    How about the fact that these same young individuals (and older) get in a car in their "legal" drug-induced state? Where are the updated laws regarding driving under the influence of Marijuana (not to mention the fact that our cops' hands are tied worrying they'll lose their jobs just trying to do their jobs and enforce these laws)? The number of driving accidents are at an all-time high, and little to NOTHING is done about it.

  13. Matt says:

    I condemn the current situation. But the town elders for years ignored the abuses of shore renta cops. Often illegal and overzealous cops knew that that young people who were fined ..for actions the state would easliy court..would not spend the time or the money to return to challenge them in court. Nephew parked LEGALLY recieved a ticket because a couple inches of bumper were over yellow line. Or cop on foot who claimed my friend went through a red light when in FACT it turned yellow as we were in intersection. Was nervcouldnt find his license..but he did..and was cited for failuto produce.Ruined the weekend with a couple hundred dollar fine.

  14. Debbie says:

    It’s a damn shame how these so called parents are raising there kids teenagers not even old enough to buy alcohol or cigarettes & the parent is more like a teenage friend then guiding them and discouraging them from the partying life they are encouraging it but renting these condos for them to party and disrespect the owners premises. Having sex drinking smoking weed & lord knows what else. Be aware air rbnb property owners. Crime is on the rise & the parents are promoting it. It’s not a racial thing at all cause most of these kids are white rich kids!!! Hello)

  15. Pablo says:

    Anyone drunk, high with disorderly conduct should be taken of the street. This stupid benevolence ruins our towns, cities and life in general. Same law for everybody regardless of creed or age.

  16. NJ KATE says:

    This is not a political issue. It's common sense that the police in each town are directed by town leadership how tough to be on problem people. The reality is, those of us who live in non-shore towns know enough to completely avoid the shore during the summer. Traffic is horrendous, parking is non-existent, and the crowds are not managed.I can spend my tourist dollars elsewhere. The shore is no longer the place to go during summer. So vead.ry s

  17. Jennifer says:

    This has nothing to do with Trump. Stop blaming him for everything. Why blame for idiot kids? You should be blaming the parents who allow their children to act like this. Sounds like you're the racist one Mike dobson.

  18. Mike Dobson says:

    Fly more Tump flags - that should solve all your whiner, snowflake, crying, sulking, slobbering problems. I’m sure screaming all your idiotic “Brandon” quips will fix things. Throw in an “FJB” or some other low IQ stupidity. The Wildwoods are densely packed with empty-headed racist Trumpers who don’t understand even the most basic operations of federal system of government, yet has all the answers when it comes to solving social problems. I’m just glad NJ has the good sense to place reasonable gun control restrictions on these dopes or else they’d be out brandishing AR’s towards 13 year-old kids because he/she rode a bike on a lawn.

  19. Craig says:

    Basically, these kids are doing what my generation was doing 40 years ago, but they are not all white. That's the hell part for the Maga crowd. For that matter, these kids are doing at Wildwood what Trump and Co had been doing in DC. THAT was really hell with the (toilet) lid off.

  20. trump is goingtotoprison says:

    Does Carl work for Fox News ? This is all made up up jibberish. But people like him know who their marks are and how they will believe anything they tell them.

  21. Auggie says:

    The pattern of protecting the worst common denominators at the expense of the citizens (especially including those in the poorest neighborhoods) takes its toll. Add to it the criminalization of policing procedures and you get what is easily predicted. Car theft rings using teens, flash mobs, failing schools, and good people not given the chance to climb the economic ladder.

  22. fat trump wears makeup says:

    this article is a joke but the senile commenters are the punchline. do the world a favor and stay off the internet.

  23. BJ says:

    I work as a bouncer on the shore - I worked this memorial day. It was actually tame compared to last year. This is some alarmist rhetoric blaming people at the state level for problems that can be solved locally. Except you want someone else to solve them for you is the catch, at anyone's dime but your own. As I said, I am a bouncer. We can solve your problems for you, but you all pay us pennies and nickel and dime us over how many guards you want. We have to buy our own equipment, we have to pursue our own certifications. If we get roughed up dealing with your problems, you'll cut us loose while we're still in the hospital bed. You get what you pay for.

  24. Carl Golden is a dummy says:

    This article was written by a ignorant moron. Go pearl clutch somewhere else and get a life.

  25. Scott says:

    I am totally floored by these policies and didn’t know they existed! We stopped going to the Jersey shoe many years ago when we discovered OC MD. While I agree that the policy needs to change let’s break it down to bare bones, PARENTING! The majority of these kids are handed everything to them in life with no upbringing or consequences for their actions! So let’s put the blame where it belongs, if these kids were taught any kind of manners and responsibilities, this kind of crap would not go on on the scale that it is!

  26. THOMAS KUBI says:

    Any moron who thinks this article is made up has not been in the middle of this prep school bacanal! These white trash SOBs know how to circumvent the law. A police officer told me their powerless and I've seen it. Children out at 3 AM or later that are 13 years old. Destruction of public and private property. The parents need to go to jail for their crimes. Same old retheric. police are bad because they arrest crimes, really?

  27. Natasha says:

    Thinking this article isn't true makes you a MORONIC, ROAD CLOGGING, ASSHOLE DRIVING, GARBAGE DUMPING (cuz what do you care, it's not your home) BENNY, possibly one with culpability in one way or the other!!! Oh and here's another article relating to same issues so you can gloat that 2 writers have it wrong.... Our governor is such a money hungry whore! Don't let law enforcement get involved with minors regarding illegal substances (because $$$). Just let them go then hope and pray they don't kill anyone while driving, because these aren't people who care about others. If they're blasted but need to go somewhere, LIKE HELL are they gonna take a step back and think "Maybe I should sober up a little". With all the $$$ Murphy is recouping by giving kids a reason to come here, he better get a good interest rate to increase his profits. First accident where people die due to his idiocy will set a precedent for all the catastrophes to come. Good article below from PBA. OH AND TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO WERE STAYING AT THAT MTV HOUSE (making a mess & debacle around my year round stomping grounds)...... WE DON'T NEED YOU. WE'RE GOOD!!!! YOU DO YOU AND CAUSE PROBLEMS WITH YOUR FANS SOMEWHERE ELSE. WE DON'T NEED IT HERE. Thankfully I have great childhood memories going to the beach (NOT THE SHORE). IBSP, Mantoloking, LBI. Dad teaching me how to body board. Chatting it up with your sand neighbors. But those days are long gone. At least once every summer it happens and I'm not dead yet. So I'll finish this with ..... I HOPE NOBODY GETS IMPALED BY AN UMBRELLA!!!! Keep your head up at all times because they fly when it's windy!!! (Something you'd think people would take into consideration, but again... Selfish).

  28. Nellie says:

    There is only one base reason for this trouble and that is the tourist. They come-rent-disregard our towns-feel entitled-ignore local laws-have little to no respect-argue-are loud-curse constantly-trash is everywhere….it is endless. The young have no discipline or respect. The parents don’t care. Lord help the locals-Labor Day does not come soon enough.

  29. Paul says:

    This article is written by a political pundit with no ties to the Jersey Shore. I was in Wildwood with my family (and two toddlers) the entire week encompassing Memorial day, including spending every evening on the Boardwalk. UFOs with alien contact are more of a reality than the nonsense written in this article. Most of the noise and drinking and smoking was done by 50-somethings who were there for a convention the following weekend. And they were no bother - they do that every year.

  30. Willy says:

    Memorial Day weekend at the Jersey Shore has always been a bit wild . What this writer is saying pales in comparison to how Wildwood was like in the 70’ and 80’s. Too many “ get off my lawn” types at the Jersey Shore nowadays

  31. Dan says:

    I just wish the people living in NJ would stay in NJ, instead of migrating to nearby states. They bring their belligerent attitudes with them and expect their new communities to adapt to them, instead of the other way around.

  32. Mike Dobson says:

    LOL More blame-gamers who are much more capable of crying and pointing then (they) are actually being useful and solving problems. Everyone’s brother’s wife’s’ cousin’s uncle’s sister is a cop or was a cop and therefore has the complete and irrefutable insight into what’s wrong. All problems - 0 solutions, other than elect Trump or some dope like him. Snowflake whiners.

  33. Joan Burnett says:

    From “Dirtnap” and other doubters. “Nothing to see here; Don’t believe you lying eyes”. Always the same with these folks, everything is an Ultra-MAGA conspiracy. Don’t let the facts matter.

  34. Anonymous says:

    I just spent 5 days in Ocean City this last week/weekend. I didn't see a single problem. We spent a nice peaceful vacation on the boardwalk and the beach. Other than the smoke from the Canadian fire I'd give my vacation a 10/10. Didn't see any fights, no drunken idiots, didn't even so much as hear a siren or see a flashing police light and the place we stayed in was 3 blocks off the boardwalk on 11th Ave. Whatever the OC police and city council are doing seems to me to be working. Beware of the Boogeyman this article is trying to frighten you with.

  35. L F Hutton says:

    Sure glad Carl not teaching my child. Carl, look for other work. This was all intentional by the Obama Leftist Murphy. These are INTENDED consequences. All good ideas in here. So as a 63 year old, if I smell of the stuff, I’m fair game. Then let’s hold the parents responsible. Jail time has a way of even making what should have been generally castrated parents law abiding and responsible.

  36. Timothy Moore says:

    Ummmm yeah it's illegal to search someone, but it's not illegal to arrest them for disorderly conduct. If people are shouting and making a public disturbance, it's totally fine to go after them after asking them to stop doing that. Them yeah if they breathalyzer over the limit while booking them yeah throw in drunk in public.

  37. Maureen says:

    I am a 72 year old women walking down the boardwalk last week with a friend at 10PM when 3 boys riding e-bikes I believe that is what they are called. At a very fast speed when twice one of the bikes scarred me by whizzing by at a very high speed so close to me. There were 3 Policemen right there to witness the situation and did absolutely nothing it look me in the face and walk away. Is this the kind of world we want? Not I!!! Something should have been done. Are these bikes allowed on the boardwalk at night?

  38. White People Problems says:

    Please stop going so we have to deal with less nerds and narcs in Wildwood. Wahhhh, people are having fun...waaahhh

  39. Kathleen Parker says:

    First… where are the parents?? Have they abdicated their responsibilities? Second.. don’t just blame Murphy… he has a State Senate that had a lot of input I’m sure. Jersey is home to a lot of wealthy families with a lot of pull. I’d be interested to know how many kids are local and how many come to the shore instead of wrecking havoc in their own communities.

  40. Responsible Parenting says:

    All of the families with homes in Ocean City and most shore towns didnt vote for the governor but it's their children creating this mess.

  41. Joe Pasquarello says:

    For Mr. JUST SAY NO TO MAGATS.... Maybe if you owned a home or were a taxpayer in one of those communities you might feel differently. I doubt it though as you appear to be a BIDEN/MURPHY SYCOPHANT and you buy whatever liberal/woke dreck they are selling. The two are solely responsible for the demise of long held values in this state and country. JoeP

  42. Herman monster says:

    Remove the Governor from New Jersey he is in unable to correct the problem

  43. Herman monster says:

    The Democratic governor in New Jersey should be removed from office people's rights must be observed and anyone who breaks the law should be put in jail and severely punished

  44. Herman monster says:

    People Democrats are not what they used to be now Is the time to vote against them, and remove them From office. The law must be enforced otherwise This trash is going to destroy our society these People that do what they want is not right Don't other people have rights also. So why is the Democrat govner letting honest people be abused.

  45. Mike smith says:

    Do your homework..this article IS absolutely true. My brother and brother inlaw are officers. Only if the Marijuana or alcohol are in plain sight can they stop the youth and even then it can only be a warning. The youth can pull out another and only a warning. The punishment to the police for violating this is not worth the risk to them. Just because you're a Democrat doesn't mean you have to defend every rule he makes. He tried something and it backfired. Time to correct it for ALL our sakes. Stop making things purely political. It's a social issue that needs to be fixed. Do the right thing for all of NJ residents. Teach your kids. Support police rather than fight them. One day you will need their help.

  46. L Cabong says:

    get your Facts straight before you leave and answer like that, seems like Democrats pretty much run New Jersey their mayor and Governor are Democrats, I don't know where you get the fact that Republicans run Ocean City and Wildwood New Jersey when they're actually Democrats. More liberal denial when it's actually your own party during the destruction but yet you have to blame it on somebody else the narcissism of liberals is out of control

  47. Jim says:

    Holy shit, I went to seaside, prices at the stands were outrages, price gouging, tried to buy 3 shirts which were 3 for 30 dollars last year, this year the price doubled. Food and drinks are all high, except for one place across the Astec Hotel on the boardwalk that sold burgers for 4.00 dollars. The cost to play games are 30 to 45 dollars, candy 45 dollars for one small bag, the old carousel now requires the purchase of at least a 25 dollar card to play games which consumes the 25 dollars in one play. Rowdy kids strolling the boardwalk, drinking openly, crushing, yelling and pushing one another. Police Officers were grouped in a pile of 6 across from Jimbo’s and at one point I asked them to do some work, they just stood there talking to one another. I did find 1 police officer working the beach on an ATV, my hat off to him for doing his job, but asides from all this someone has to gain control of the rowdy kids and the insane price. Great job from the political cronies that have allowed all this to happen, I wonder what taxes are currently being paid by all the merchants at seaside, after all the money that they are taking in, maybe IRS should check them all for reporting correct income. After 50 years of going to NJ shores my friend and my family are stopping from going to any New Jersey shore. For those that do go, get a 2nd or 3rd job just for the money it will cost you, just to relax at what was once a fun, inexpensive and family place.

  48. Mike Dobson says:

    So 90% of the problems described involve underage/minors - yet not a word about parental responsibility. Absolutely moronic to polarize the issue as political and blame the governor for crimes committed by young adults. It’s always “the dems” or “the libs” fault - it’s never the actual offenders fault. Just shows that these same people have likely been blaming their own failures some other group their whole lives, and never taking responsibility. The NJ shores have problems, just like every town, but it’s not the chaotic, anarchy Mad Max dystopian that the author and some readers suggest. That’s just snowflake talk.

  49. Deb says:

    It’s all fun and games till one of your kids ends up with a criminal record and you and society will support them their whole lives. It’s a toss-up whether I trust rent-a-cops to make better decisions than those they will try to apprehend.

  50. Sethington Rolands says:

    This is absolutely hilarious. So instead of letting cops DO THEIR JOB they want them to not do anything. Let there be blood.

  51. Al says:

    Go fug yourself cops

  52. Jow says:

    Nazis run this website

  53. Mikey says:

    What happened to Jack's Comment I Agee with him also live near beach no probs

  54. John says:

    Wow if you believe this you probably think the aliens are coming to get you. Do you know how to tell if a story is fake or not? Show me some video or pics. This is crap

  55. Jack says:

    Cannabis is great and article is fake I live two blocks from the beach.

  56. Geo. Simko says:

    We should not have to be subjected to this behavior while trying to enjoy ourselves at any shore area including the side streets, stores, boardwalks, beaches or simply common areas open to the general public. Some people blame the politicians and then some blame the people who voted them into office. Yes I agree that things are not the way most people would like them to be, but politics will always be politics……. I personally blame parents for the actions of their childrens behavior in public and should be held accountable for their actions. Police should be able to perform the duties of the job that they were sworn in to do……… Protect & Serve. Enjoy your Summer, Stay alert, Healthy & Safe. 🇺🇸🦀🇺🇸🛥🇺🇸⚓️🇺🇸🦞🇺🇸

  57. Mr Q says:

    When minorities are getting arrested at an unfair un even rate then whites for the same things..then no its deserved...dont be mad now that its your children getting arrested for what they actually do....guess its ok when the system favors you huh?....ignotant ass

  58. Quran Wilkins says:

    When minorities are getting arrested at an unfair un even rate then whites for the same things..then no its deserved...dont be mad now that its your children getting arrested for what they actually do....guess its ok when the system favors you huh?....ignotant ass

  59. Chris Power says:

    Is it really so surprising in light of the many idiotic moves by this pathetic state "leadership"?Maybe if enough families head elsewhere this summer, the pressure from the shore communities will carry some weight. Give the police the ability to make an example of a few, an the rest will fall in line.

  60. Peter Mark says:

    Democrats and Liberals are the problem. That's the swamp in New Jersey. Flush them Away!

  61. Alli says:

    Why cant it be both? Police can lawfully stop and detain and detain these juvenile hoodlums and insist a parent must pick them up but not criminally charge the children? Only the parent gets fined if they refuse to come for them. If their 18 or over they are detained and sleep it off. I don't know but at least it's somewhere in between, I make sure I am never at shore in the evening.

  62. Justin says:

    Ha what a joke, the author of this article never smoked a joint or went to a party as a teenager ? Let the cops focus on real crime instead of noise complaints and weed . If you want a family vacation, just go to Cape May or Delaware. As a kid , I loved going to the boardwalk and seeing loud and drunk people . It was entertaining and FUN . Just lighten up and if it's too much for you to handle , just move to Kansas .

  63. Luz says:

    That' not MAGA, I saw it , I was there June 3rd. It's not an exageration. I always felt safe in NJ, not anymore. Now I find myself making sure every window and door is looked in my house. Not very optimistic of future governments, today's youths are but a bunch of social media ridden, empty hearted, disrespetfull and confused beings that know nothing about life. It's not their fault though, "man is born good until corrupted by society".

  64. Christopher Allen says:

    Total fault of the governing body in the state of NJ, as usual. This state seems to suffer at the hands of both parties. The current squatter in Drumthwacket is nothing more than a New England Liberal Carpetbagger. His agenda is party driven only. He has done nothing for the state except fourth allow the perpetuation of exactly what this article is about. Lawlessness and giving the ill willed and ill intentioned citizenry the go ahead to wreak havoc is malfeasance and even treasonous to our state and nation. The police are being targeted by both criminal and the filthy political hacks like our governor and his party. The only way to fix this is to fight this abuse of power and hold them accountable. Truly hold them accountable . They should be stripped of all ability to legislate without repercussions of their legislation. They want cops to be held accountable and weaken Qualified Immunity for them. The same should be done to these frauds who steal our tax dollars as payment for their agenda of party power and enabling of the criminals and degeneration of society.

  65. Christopher Allen says:

    Sadly the issue is state level as we see in every single urban city run by your DemoRATS . The shore towns do not make the laws allowing for the nonsense we see in towns. Stop your shilling and agenda driven comment. It shows nothing but ignorance.

  66. L Angstadt says:

    I am sorry …do any of you actually live here cause I saw it first hand and it’s not a farce, it’s not clock bait, it’s now MAGAs. It is what is happening in real time with real teenagers being unruly. Whatever the reason…it needs to stop. I grew up on the OC boardwalk, I am a local and I never acted like that, never vandalized a store, didn’t spit on cops or store owners. Did we crowd around in groups and maybe disrupt flow..yes…then the cops said move along and we moved along…and set up in the next block. That was our rebellion on the boardwalk. Maybe we have raised an entitled, everyone gets a trophy, everyone gets heard generation of children that don’t respect authority. I’ll say it first …I was to easy on my kids.

  67. E. Genovese says:

    God bless and protect our police

  68. Toni says:

    To all you folks who say the POLICE are to blame , I just wonder what color the sun is in your world. Murphy and his woke policies have hamstrung law enforcement officials, yes, I said OFFICIALS to the point that, not only do they have to fear for their very lives every time they report for their shift, but they fear for their careers and their families as well. Its a DISGRACE what our men and women in uniform are forced to endure. SICKENING

  69. Dawn Graff says:

    Our Country and it’s total lack of Law and Order will only get worse. These nuisance issues should come with consequences!! That would straighten up many teens!!

  70. JB says:

    This article is full of so many lies and BS. There is nothing in the law that states police have to take a hands off approach when it comes to rowdy teens. That's ridiculous. In any case, let them have their fun. It's not like they are invading The Capitol trying to overthrow the government......

  71. Cortado says:

    Why is the focus on going after teens with alcohol and Cannabis instead of focusing on violence and vandalism?

  72. Joe blowme says:

    Lol, let them little punks rip the shit out of jersey , the kids are animals , and its great , why do u want to arrest them , just let them start shitting on the board walk , they dont need toilet paper to wipe there ass , they can drag there ass in the sand .

  73. Joe blow says:

    Lol, let them little punks rip the shit out of jersey , the kids are animals , and its great , why do u want to arrest them , just let them start shitting on the board walk , they dont need toilet paper to wipe there ass , they can drag there ass in the sand

  74. Nancy McGuinness says:

    I hope things change I'm going to the jersey shore for my birthday week normally we get on a plane but I had surgery so we're not getting on a plane this year

  75. Jaybird says:

    Well, you're half right. We are overpopulated with stupid people who vote for other stupid people to take away law and order.

  76. TJ says:

    Whiny bitch article.

  77. Herman Munster says:

    This lawlessness started with Barack Obama, you voted for these idiots, so you’ve got what you voted for and you dead beat fence sitters never voting saying, “I don’t care, my vote won’t make a difference”, what do you think now!

  78. Laurie Schwebel says:

    I love this statement, "Teenagers seeking to enjoy a bit of freedom". Really? If they are 18 and over, they are not children anymore. Act like an adult, you sure as heck couldn't wait to get there. People spend their hard earned money to take their families on vacation to put up with this crap and put their families in danger. The law is the law, no matter what the age and tying officers hands of enforcing the law is plain stupidity on the part of law makers. You reap what you sow. If you plant stupid laws, your crops are stupid outcomes. Laws were made to protect the innocent not the quilty.

  79. Wendy says:

    Another reason to flee the state. If you can’t even enjoy the shore what else is left especially for seniors who no longer need to stay because of a job. Wake up New Jersey!

  80. Jeff Conway says:

    I live in Cape May, NJ and have seen with my own eyes the out of control and ridiculous behavior of these teen 'pop up parties '. Two people died in Wildwood this year during a H2O-i party. H2O-I is a type of racing car that is modified for speed and noise. I suggest that those who think this is made up reporting pay a visit to the Shores and see for yourself. Give the Police the authority to keep peace and order. Lock up the perpetrators. Throw the key away. They know it's wrong. Do something about it.

  81. Krev says:

    This is boomer lead-poisoned nonsense

  82. Qwerty Keys says:

    People in the shore towns will vote the same way when the next election comes around because dems libs and progs are the pavlov's dogs of voters. It's a no brainer and the results back it up.

  83. Philip Arvelo says:

    Half the towns they are complaining about have Republicans as majors, so you can't blame the governor. Police will arrest anyone that is drunk or disorderly .

  84. Leslie says:

    We agree with Dave, a lot of young People show no respect to Adults, worse than we ever were as Kids, You respected your Elders then. This is what happens when the Democrats get any Power. Look at our Country now, yet supposedly Trump is the Problem, right ?. Best President we had Since Reagan, things were good, America was good. Not anymore.

  85. Sandy Kennedy says:

    I think to stop this you must inconvenient the parents. Pick them up and let the parents come get them and pay a fine. Just like old times. Nothing is changing for the better.

  86. Thomas Edison says:

    Thats a Demorat city u dope..New Jersey n Shitadelphia

  87. Joe says:

    Not going back ever

  88. Republican Mark says:

    @ clearly arent familiar with many laws of this state , and if you are part of any LEO community, with that lack of knowledge , your part of the problem... • Officers may not request consent from an individual who is under the age of 21; • Officers may not use the odor of marijuana alone as reasonable articulable suspicion to stop an individual who is under the age of 21 or as probable cause to search the individual’s personal property or vehicle; • Officers who observe marijuana in plain view will not be able to use that alone as probable cause for a search of the individual or the individual’s personal property or vehicle; and • Officers may not arrest, detain, or otherwise take an individual underthe age of 21 into custody, or transport the underage individual to a police station, police headquarters, or other place of law enforcement operations, for a violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:33-15, except to the extent that detention or custody at or near the location is required to issue a written warning or collect information necessary to provide notice of a violation to a parent/guardian (note: the officer shall provide written notification of the violation to the parent/guardian of the juvenile, regardless of whether it is a first, second, third, or subsequent violation). What should an officer do if an underage individual (under 21) refuses to provide identifying information for the written warning? Reasonable efforts should be taken to explain the situation to the underage individual (procedural-justice techniques). If the underage individual continues to refuse, the law does not allow for the underage individual to be placed under arrest (adult) or taken into custody (juvenile) for violating N.J.S.A. 2C:29-1, unless the individual has engaged in some affirmative act of interference with the officer; simply refusing to provide identifying information does not constitute an affirmative act under N.J.S.A. 2C:29-1. However, because the law states that the officer may detain or hold the underage individual in custody at or near the location of the incident to the extent required to issue the written warning or collect information necessary to provide notice of violation to a parent/guardian, should the underage individual walk away from the officer, the underage individual would be in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:29-1. 9. What can an officer do if they observe an underage individual with marijuana or cannabis but the underage individual puts the substance in their pocket or conceals it in some way? Amended N.J.S.A. 2C:33-15 states, “As part of the process for the issuance of a written warning or write-up to a person for a violation of paragraph (1) of this subsection, the law enforcement officer shall take possession of any alcoholic beverage, marijuana, hashish, or cannabis item from the person, and any drug or cannabis paraphernalia for use with any marijuana, hashish, or cannabis item.” Thus, the officer may order the underage person to turn over the marijuana or cannabis. Should the underage individual refuse, reasonable efforts should be taken to explain the situation to the underage individual (procedural-justice techniques), just as the officer would if the underage individual refused to give their identifying information (reference question #9 above). If the underage individual continues to refuse, the law does not allow for the underage individual to be placed under arrest (adult) or taken into custody (juvenile) for violating N.J.S.A. 2C:29-1, unless the individual has engaged in some affirmative act of interference with the officer, such as an underage individual walking away from the officer as described in question 8, above. However, simply refusing to turn over the marijuana or cannabis does not constitute an affirmative act under N.J.S.A. 2C:29-1.

  89. Stephanie Deven-foley says:

    Disorderly Conduct. Disturbing the Peace. Unlawful Assembly. Lewd Behavior. Illegal drug use. Illegal Alcohol use. .

  90. Corey stalker says:

    Ok boomer

  91. Stephanie Deven-foley says:

    Large groups of any kind should not be allowed to enter any public space without a permit. Beaches and boardwalks should have capacity limits to protect everyone's safety. If you want a day at the beach just go on your own with your family or friends, no one is stopping you. Obviously that's not the agenda here. It used to be called Disorderly Conduct and it used to be against the law.

  92. J maga says:

    Almost every shore town is run by democraps Wildwood and Cape may for example. And the further north you go in the state it's 100%democrap!

  93. Ivan says:

    Maybe if people that are coming down for vacation should start respecting property motes hotels streets n etc etc go back to philly or new york or Florida us locals dont need this crap every summer like seriously and all these seasonal rentals should start doing yearly just saying

  94. Big Daddy trump says:

    My azz got analed

  95. Marty sidorchuck says:

    When ocean city held there meeting 2 weeks ago how come none of our youth where invited to attend for some feed back of our youth. Whete these board members born at age 40 and had no teenager experiences? We all need to compromise. They need a place to hang. They our are future. Give them a beach to hang out til the curfew. Police cam monotir from the board walk God bless our youth. Former teenager. Marty. Circa 1957.

  96. Marty sidorchuck says:

    When ocean city had there meeting about 2 weeks ago how come the didn't invite any of our youth to attend. They needed the feed back of our youth. They are our future. Where were the board members 30 to 40 years ago!! Give them a place to hang out. Maybe the beach at 12th street. We need to find a balance. This will back fire when the merchants see a decline in revenue. God bless our youth. I am a former teenager!!

  97. Smokin liberal sheep daily says:

    Dirtnap? I highly doubt you have the guts to put anyone down…you’re one of those punks that’s all talk..please remember this when I have you put your mouth on the curb as I’ll make sure the word “dirtnap” is the last thing that goes through your head before stomping the back of your skull

  98. Pauly d says:

    We need the jersey shore back Pauly D can clean it up

  99. Todd Gack says:

    There are 63 national parks. Go there instead. Jersey shore is trash

  100. The situation says:

    Bring me and snooki back !! We can clean up the jersey shore

  101. Kathleen Jacobson says:

    We have been going to the Jersey Shore for 30 years. I do not believe this article. I wasn’t there On Memorial Day weekend so I can not say about that But it’s ALWAYS been a pleasurable vacation for Us. It has gotten very expensive however we will Continue to go until we feel otherwise

  102. Frank says:

    Just saying that to know I was doing that in the early 70s drinking relaxing going with women having fun lock the son of a b****** up that goes trouble

  103. John says:

    You are absolutely wrong. The law stems from a democratic governor who does not know which end is up

  104. Michael J Makara says:

    This is what occurs in Republican cities like these shore towns. They spend all their money on giving business whatever they want and provide nothing for the young people. They want the kids to spend money but then want them to disappear.

  105. Dave says:

    Thank all who vote Democrat and support Gov Murphy on his outstanding decision making! Why would any police officer want to risk his job or pension at this point searching people for anything when NJ Government and local towns in which they have have been sworn in to protect and serve don't even have their backs!!! I'd say the jersey shore is getting exactly what they voted for!

  106. Just Say No to MAGAts says:

    This article is nothing but lies and exaggeration. The only purpose is to fire up the idiot MAGAts and put down Gov Murphy.

  107. Teresa P. says:

    you are so off base in this article. NOWHERE IN ANY LAW OR DIRECTIVE does it preclude/prohibit an officer from arresting someone in possession of alcohol or marijuana under the age of 21. NOWHERE. The overzealous, power-hungry cops don't want to treat humans they don't like with respect -- that's what this is about.

  108. Dirtnap time for Magats says:

    Totally made up article designed to fire up the Jersey MAGAts and put down Gov Murphy.

  109. Dirtnap time for Magats says:

    Totally made up article designed to fire up the Jersey MAGAts and put down Gov Murphy. None of it is true.

  110. Merlene says:


  111. Merlene says:

    Now that's funny

  112. Merlene says:

    It's always good to let kids have a little rhetoric going on but I think they know when to calm down think they have it out of this system now

  113. Merlene says:

    Just got to be ready to knuckle up when you go

  114. Lori says:

    Please share your version.

  115. Lori says:

    This isn’t the first time Governor Murphy has proven himself to be an idiot. Let the police do their job. Any teenager that is drunk, high, disorderly or commits vandalism should be taken home and the parents should be issued a ticket of a substantial amount.

  116. Craven Moorhead lll says:

    All of this could have been avoided, but God forbid a minority teen gets a criminal record.

  117. Tyler d. says:

    I don't believe this story accurately reflects the events. Click bait

  118. P Perillo says:

    You got what you wanted, more tourism,high costs for everything ,outrageous weekly rental fees. Take your family out of NJ for your vacation, be creative. Divide and conquer..

  119. Steve Callaghan says:

    Lawlessness is increasingly common in Democrat controlled cities and states . Take a look @ San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago and Philadelphia as prime examples. If we handcuff the police and effectively decerminalize petty crimes ,then scofflows will exploit the gap. This trend is crippling small and large businesses alike. Fund the police and keep reasonable laws on the books. If not, be prepared for more food desesrts and shuttered businesses.

  120. Edward c Fleck says:

    Bad parenting and we are too overpopulated

  121. Scott says:

    Excellent, yet frightening article which basically gives teenagers no boundaries or consequences for their unlawful actions. I feel awful for the police who simply cannot do their job. If they can’t do their job, it is only a matter of time until residents or other visits do what they need to do to protect themselves and their families. Give the police back the authority that we as adults depend on! Keep the Jersey shore safe for everyone not just entitled drunk teenagers.

  122. WokerThenWoke says:

    Forward all the 911 calls pertaining to this behavior to the Governors office. All residents of these communities should be calling the governors office not 911. You get what you voted for. Enjoy.

  123. Steven Zettlemoyer says:

    We rent a house each year in the Wildwoods for our family vacation and if things are this bad in Wildwood we will NOT be coming back. I have been going to the Jersey shore since I was a kid and now 63 years later our trips may stop because that idiot Governor Murphy has handcuffed the police and there ability to control these unruly and arrogant kids. If they don't get a grip on this problem BILLIONS OF DOLLARS will be lost. Fix this problem now .

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