IUOE Local 68 Endorses Mikie Sherrill for Reelection

The International Union of Operating Engineers Local 68 announced today their endorsement of Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill for reelection in NJ-11.

“When it comes to fighting for the economic opportunity and security working families need and deserve, Mikie Sherrill has been leading the charge, and we proudly stand by her,” said Assemblyman Thomas Giblin, Business Manager of IUOE Local 68. “Mikie’s work to create jobs and grow the economy, address pension reform, and secure critical infrastructure funding for New Jersey tells you exactly the kind of ally our workers have down in Washington.”

“I am proud to earn the endorsement of the IUOE Local 68 and look forward to continuing our partnership to ensure the concerns of working families are met,” said Rep. Mikie Sherrill. “Our nation’s economy cannot thrive without our unions, and it is our responsibility to protect workers’ rights to organize, earn a decent wage, and have a secure and dignified retirement.”

Founded in 1896, the International Union of Operating Engineers is the 10th largest union in the AFL-CIO. Today, Local 68 represents and serves over 6,000 of New Jersey’s stationary engineers across over 300 employers.

Throughout her first two terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, Sherrill has been a steadfast leader for the working men and women of labor. A member of the House Education and Labor Committee and the newly formed Labor Caucus, she said she is committed to supporting the next generation of workers in New Jersey and across the country. Congresswoman Sherrill is a cosponsor of the PRO Act and the National Apprenticeship Act in both the 116th and 117th Congresses and was a strong advocate for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that creates millions of good-paying jobs by funding critical infrastructure projects across New Jersey and the country.

Previous comments for: IUOE Local 68 Endorses Mikie Sherrill for Reelection

  1. Thomas "Window" Paine says:

    Mikie can collect all the union endorsements she wants. Her upper-class constituents are going to stay home in droves on Election Day due to her inability to restore the SALT deduction. The very real aversion too the overturn of Roe Vs Wade in CD-11 will not be enough to save her.

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