‘Jay has that Tea Party Bent’: Essex County Chairman Jones Welcomes Webber to the CD11 Contest

Essex County Democratic Committee Chairman Leroy Jones occupies a chair of political power that sits athwart two contested general election congressional districts, both of them still primary-volatile as his party this year tries to make deeper cuts into a federal Republican Majority.

Scion of a political family that goes back to the American Revolution, U.S. Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-11) endured a year’s-worth of Trump towel snapping before calling it a career, putting challenger retired Navy helicopter pilot Mikie Sherrill in better position in a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)-targeted Republican-leaning district. But Sherrill still faces the prospect of her own challenge from counselor Tamara Harris, a financially well-heeled Democrat who’s running off the line.

“Obviously there’s going to be a primary, and I’m no stranger to primaries,” said Jones, who backs Sherrill over Harris. “Although the district is broader than just Essex County, we have had our primary contests here and what it is really is it’s a family squabble. At the end of the day, Mikie will move through the primary. Everybody sought the organizational line in all the counties; obviously that meant something, but it’s not the be all and end all. Nobody is taking Tamara lightly. She is a competent candidate with an impressive background.”

So far, on the Republican side, Assemblyman Jay Webber (R-11) remains, after a week and a half, the sole declared GOP candidate.

Jones said he doesn’t take Webber lightly.

“I think Jay Webber is a formidable candidate,” said the Essex County Democratic Committee Chairman. “He doesn’t seem to have the Trump baggage Rodney might have had, or the lack of responsiveness and aloofness from his constituents that Rodney bore, but Jay has that Tea Party bent that could be problematic in this environment. And, let’s face it, Donald Trump will continue to be the gift that keeps on giving, whether it’s Jay or anyone else. I respect Jay’s tenure in the legislature although I don’t agree with him.”

Webber hit back with a quote.

“Leroy Jones and I always get along fine, but let’s face it:  he doesn’t have a handle on the common-sense conservative voters of CD-11,” the CD11 Republican candidate said. “He’ll see this year that the voters in this district just want responsible government that helps grow the economy and jobs, implements a fair and reasonable immigration policy, and protects our interests abroad.”

Jones, for his part said, “The bottom line is we have to go in with guns blazing. It’s going to be a nationally observed election, and one of 24 seats that needs to be turned to flip control of the House. We’re going to all in behind one candidate once we get through the primary.”

InsiderNJ asked Jones about how his organization has absorbed or interfaced with the #me2 movement.

“Surprisingly enough there hasn’t been any #me2 movement knocking at my door, that says we’ve got to beat back this whole sexual harassment scourge,” said the chairman. “That is something that has caught the nation by fire, and it has lent new meaning to the importance of women in elected office. You can see that in the candidacies of Mikie Sherrill, Linda Weber, Lisa Mandelblatt and Tamara Harris. Even with respect to [newly sworn-in Essex Assemblywomen] Britnee Timberlake and Shanique Speight, and the ascent to budget chair of Assemblywoman Eliana Pintor Marin, there is a reflection of the surge of women’s voices, so legislation can be developed to protect those who find themselves in situations of abuse and harassment.”

Then there’s CD7, where a party scrap has prevented the emergence of a clear and decisive establishment standard bearer.

In a district that only counts the town of Milburn as part of its Essex oversight, Jones backs Berkeley banker Linda Weber, although former assistant Secretary of State Tom Malinowski racked wins in Hunterdon and Warren counties, leaving Union as the final testing ground in the pre-primary season.

“I have not analyzed that race carefully,” said Jones, “but to me personally I thought and still believe the best opponent for Leonard Lance would be a woman. I’m not sure why Hunterdon and Warren went the way they did. I haven’t delved into it that closely. But I still believe in my heart of hearts that a woman would be the best opponent, particularly a credible woman like Linda Weber.”

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