Jersey City Council President Joyce Watterman joins forces with Congressman Andy Kim for Senate Race

Jersey City Council President Joyce Watterman joins forces with Congressman Andy Kim for the NJ Senate Race. Joyce Watterman hosted Congressman Andy Kim Thursday at a variety of scheduled events. In a room packed with over 40 seniors the council President introduced Congressman Kim as her friend. She emphasized the need for people in government that really care about their communities. The energy in the room was electrifying and constituents are excited about the future of New Jersey. They enjoyed two additional events where they met with Clergy Members in Greenville and Business owners downtown. Constituents asked provoking questions and showed interest in the congressman’s current role and his ambitions for senator. This is the first time Watterman, and Kim have been seen together in Jersey City. Both teams are truly motivated about the opportunities that this partnership can bring.
"Congressman Andy Kim has been in the house of representatives for five years. He is truly a man that cares about the people of New Jersey. I’m so excited to bring Congressman Kim to Jersey City and Hudson County. I am tired of people dictating to us who we are going to vote for. It’s time that we tell everyone else who we want in office. Andy is the man for the job, and I believe in him, and you should too,” said Council President Joyce Watterman. “I was born and raised in Jersey City and care about the people of this City,” she added.
I think the black community needs more education when it comes to social media they be saying the craziest things like naming cities as countries not knowing how to spell or read its nuts and then blaming everyone else.
Bring good paying jobs 2 the black community in Jersey City Jersey City needs New Schools 🎒 👍🏿🏤 like yesterday! Also do me a favor no more charter schools in Jersey City , they don't work for the black community . Please invest more in the back communities more affordable housing programs That's essential for the city to grow and develop.