Joanne Kuniansky, Socialist Workers Party Candidate for Governor, will File Petitions Thursday

The Socialist Workers Party 2021 candidate for governor, Joanne Kuniansky, will file petitions to get on
[caption id="attachment_118637" align="alignright" width="195"] Candace Wagner[/caption]
the ballot on Thursday, May 20, at the state elections office, 20 West State St. Trenton at 1p.m.
Kuniansky (pictured, top) will present 1,500 signatures, almost double the 800 requirement, she said.
“My campaign has won solidarity for striking steel workers resisting the bosses’ attacks at Alleghany Technologies Inc and for delivery drivers fighting for better working conditions in New York.
“In the face of persistent joblessness I have found widespread support for the demand for thirty hours work for forty hours pay to share the available work and for workers to build our own political party, a labor party on the road towards establishing a workers and farmers government.”
“The response of working people to our campaign is reflected in the number of signatures we are presenting,” said Kuniansky.
Kuniansky along with Candace Wagner, SWP candidate for lieutenant governor have participated in protests against police brutality, anti-Semitic assaults, and attacks on abortion rights. They demand an end to the U.S. government’s embargo on the Cuban people and attacks on their socialist revolution.
Kuniansky is a deli worker at Walmart and Wagner is a freight rail conductor and a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen.
Kuniansky will be speaking at a campaign forum on May 22 at the campaign headquarters 3600 Bergenline Ave., Union City. (Attached is the SWP platform).