Joe Biden's Presidency - and Malinowski - will be Tested this Week

ROXBURY - Things are quite clear to Tom Malinowski.
"So much of the agenda we ran on is going to be decided."
The fate of the Democratic majority in Washington and even Joe Biden's presidency will be tested this week as Dems try to pass two massive and consequential bills.,
Malinowski was in town Sunday afternoon to encourage campaign canvassers as they fanned out seeking votes for local Democrats, most especially the LD-25 trio of Senate candidate Jeff Grayzel and Assembly candidates Lauren Barnett and Patricia Veres. He spoke to party activists in the backyard of a home on Emmans Road.
All politics is local, as they say, but the events in Washington challenge that axiom.
"You're reading about the drama I am living," Malinowski said.
The CD-7 congressman knows how high the stakes are.
In short, what's the point of controlling Congress and the White House if you can't accomplish your goals?
Malinowski told the crowd that the Democratic infighting symbolizes the significance of the bills.
There is the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that would mean money for roads, bridges, flood control projects and most important to New Jersey, the long-sought Gateway Tunnel.
And then there's a $3.5 trillion bill that would support many Democratic proposals, including universal preschool, free community college and lower drug prices by allowing Medicare to negotiate costs.
Malinowski said that bill would also restore the full deduction for state and local taxes, which is now capped at $10,000. This has been very much a bipartisan goal of most New Jersey elected officials.
Restoring the cap was not part of the original bill, but Malinowski said it is now.
The congressman was confident the bills would pass, but then he cited Speaker Nancy Pelosi's instructions about getting ready for an intense week.
He called that an "understatement."
Assuming both bills do pass, Malinowski, who won re-election last year by a mere 5,000 votes, quipped.
"One party is the party of infrastructure. One party is the party of insurrection."
Kind of long for a bumper sticker, but it makes the point.