Jones Slaps Away at National Republicans

With Republicans in the House of Representatives still unable to choose a Speaker after two days and six unsuccessful ballots with no end in sight, New Jersey Democratic State Committee Chairman LeRoy J. Jones, Jr., is calling on voters to reject extremist Republicans who are proving to be totally unfit and unable to lead on the critical issues facing our nation.
“This farce in Washington with Republicans failing in the simple task of choosing a leader for their party in the House of Representatives shows once again that the Republican Party is utterly broken and unfit to lead our country forward,” said Jones. “Instead of advancing policy solutions to reduce costs for middle class families, or to invest in our communities with funding for priorities like schools, health care and infrastructure, Republicans are embarrassing themselves and proving that they have no interest in doing anything to help the people of our country. The business of our nation is being held hostage and the legislative process is at a standstill because the Republican Party cares more about theatrics than about governing. We need to remember this when we go to the polls in June and November of this year in our state – it’s the Democratic Party that brings solutions to the table.”