Judge Denies ACLU and LWV Suit to Keep Polls Open Past 8 PM

A few moments ago, the polls in New Jersey closed, over the entreaties of two organizations that had taken legal action to keep them open.
The League of Women Voters of New Jersey and American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey filed suit today in state Superior Court, Mercer County Division, seeking an extension of open polls by an extra 90 minutes.
A judge tonight denied the suit.
The defendant was Tahesha Way, secretary of state for the State of New Jersey.
The suit cites trouble this morning with voting machines.
The ACLU issued a statement following the decision.
From the suit, reprinted below in its entirety:
"This action is brought by the League of Women Voters of New Jersey and the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey to protect one of the most fundamental civil rights: the right to cast a ballot and participate in democracy.
"New Jersey law requires that polling locations be open between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. Standard Time. Due to widespread technological issues reported throughout New Jersey, voters throughout New Jersey have been unable to cast their ballot at their local polling locations during these scheduled hours. The late opening of numerous polling locations spread across the state and ongoing operational issues throughout the day has resulted in dozens of voters being turned away, asked to return later, or leaving because of the long waits, resulting in their inability to cast a ballot. This necessitates the extension of voting hours such that voters, including Plaintiffs’ members, who were unable to wait for operational voting machines during scheduled hours can vote after 8:00 p.m.
[pdf-embedder url="https://www.insidernj.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2021-11-02-LVWNJ-v-Sec-of-State-complaint.pdf" title="2021-11-02 LVWNJ v Sec of State complaint"]