Judge Orders Recount of Votes in Atlantic City Mayor's Race

A state superior court judge today ordered a machines recount and recheck and a recounting and rechecking of the absentee ballots in the June 6th Democratic Primary for Mayor of Atlantic City.
Judge Mendez's order was a response to a petition filed by Councilman Marty Small, who won last week's election on the machines but lost the absentee ballot duel with nemesis Councilman Frank Gilliam, who won the election.
Small won 1,529 to 1,429 at the polls. He won provisionals 37-24.
But he lost on paper ballots, 694-209.
That leaves Gilliam ahead by 372 votes.
The recounting and rechecking will occur on Monday, starting at 9 a.m.
"The fight continues," Small told his supporters.