June Fischer on Joe Biden’s 2020 Presidential Run: ‘I’ll Walk to Scranton Tonight if I Have To’

Retired Democratic Committeewoman June S. Fischer says that she is strongly committed to supporting Joe Biden in his 2020 Presidential Campaign, so much so that she would "walk to Scranton tonight" if necessary. Biden was born in Scranton, PA, and is preparing to formally launch his 2020 run for president.

June S. Fischer is the name most people associate with Joe Biden in the state of New Jersey, and at 87, the retired Democratic Committeewoman and inveterate Biden backer said she is raring to go.

“I’ll walk to Scranton tonight if I have to,” Fischer of Clark, NJ, told InsiderNJ, as Biden prepares to formally launch his 2020 presidential run on Wednesday of this week.

"I'm very strongly committed to Joe," said Fischer, whose last jobs included stints in the offices of U.S. Senator Bob Menendez and then-U.S. Senator Jon Corzine.

"I'm thrilled beyond belief that he's getting in the race," Fischer said of the presidential candidate who once told her that if he had ten June Fischers he would be president.

"I think he's the candidate who has the best chance of beating Donald Trump," Fischer said of Biden.

InsiderNJ asked if she fretted at all about the possibility of millennial voters not understanding the old school former vice president. "I don't,"said the veteran of Democratic National Conventions going back to 1972 and George McGovern. "I have a 27-year-old grandson, and he told me his friends like Biden. Why? It's about trust. They feel they can trust him."

That grandchild grew up with pictures of himself and candidates for office, more numerous in the Fischer household than are the photos in other families of grandchildren with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.


Previous comments for: June Fischer on Joe Biden’s 2020 Presidential Run: ‘I’ll Walk to Scranton Tonight if I Have To’

  1. Publius Valerius Publicola says:

    Biden for President Campaign Kickoff Rally in Philadelphia on Saturday, May 18, 2019, 11:00 AM Eastern time. Here are the details : Where: Eakins Oval, 2451 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphia, PA, 19130 What: Biden for President Campaign Kickoff Rally in Philadelphia

  2. Publius Valerius Publicola says:

    I'm with joe!

  3. Louis Bensinger says:

    Creepy Uncle Joe hasn't done anything for Scranton people are just too dumb to realize

  4. anjeo90 says:

    I won't vote for any Democrat. Biden was Obama's VP. No way!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. 1Prop says:

    Poor old Uncle Joe is finished. Done in by his own party.

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