Katie Brennan Responds To AG's Finding In Review Of Rape Allegation Investigation

Following is a statement from Katie Brennan in response to Attorney General Gurbir Grewal’s Office of Public Integrity and Accountability has found no evidence that Hudson County Prosecutor Esther Suarez acted improperly in the investigation into Brennan’s rape complaint against former senior Murphy administration staffer Al Alvarez:


“The Attorney General’s swift conclusion that the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office acted properly in my case may bring a sense of relief to some. However, for those, like me, who have not yet seen justice in New Jersey, the Attorney General’s decision only heightens my already grave concerns about the treatment of sexual assault victims in the investigation process.


“The integrity of every government body involved in the Attorney General’s investigation has been called into question. I am deeply discouraged that the Attorney General’s Office could rush to its conclusion without the Attorney General or Office of Public Integrity and Accountability ever even requesting to speak with me. They have not heard my story directly. They have not allowed my concerns to be heard or asked me any clarifying questions.


“Had I been asked, I would have told them that, contrary to some reports, the first and only time I met Prosecutor Suarez was at a dinner on August 30, 2018.


“It is my hope that this State’s elected officials and others in law enforcement continue to push for clarity, transparency, and justice in my and other sexual assault cases in New Jersey so that future victims don’t have to suffer through this terrible process.”

Previous comments for: Katie Brennan Responds To AG's Finding In Review Of Rape Allegation Investigation

  1. 1Prop says:

    Looks like the Guv has Alvarez's back.

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