Kean Allies Appear to Chuck Red Meat to the Trump Base

Don't believe all that stuff you're hearing about Tom Kean Jr. being a RINO.
It's not true.
Kean is a Trumper.
"Tom Kean Jr. Supports the Trump Agenda" says the headline on a campaign mailer circulating in CD-7 where Kean seeks the Republican congressional nomination in tomorrow's primary.
To emphasize the point, the mailer presents a large photo of the former president and a much smaller one of Kean.
The other side of the piece touts Kean's "Conservative Leadership."
All this is apparently the handiwork of the New Jersey Republican State Committee.
Given the fact the Republican establishment backs Kean this is not unusual.
Then again ...
Kean would seem to have an easy path to winning the nomination. After all, he has six opponents, some of whom are more serious than others.
But some of them, especially Phil Rizzo and John Flora, are questioning - to put it mildly - Kean's conservative background. Rizzo, in fact, has created a website just to attack Kean as a phony conservative.
It seems clear that the state committee aims to set the record straight.
But why? Does someone think the primary race is closer than most believe?
There is much campaign literature popping into mailboxes these days, so it's unclear how many voters will even pay attention to this piece.
However, you've got to figure one fellow taking note will be incumbent Democrat Tom Malinowski, who "flipped" the district in 2018 largely because of voter unhappiness with Trump. He's going to love Kean's embrace of Trump.
As for Kean, he probably figures one election at a time.
A source studying the flier pointed out that it contained the disclaimer "new Jersey Republican State Committee Inc."
"the actual New Jersey Republican State Committee never uses the word 'inc' at the end of their disclaimers," the source said. "They are very sensitive about their trademark."
They are, the source insisted, "phonies," developed by rogue operators trying to lure Kean into a trap. "If he said nothing about them, he would be acquiescing to their pro-Trump message. If he repudiated the fliers, he would be alienating pro-MAGA voters."
That flyer is illegal. There is no committee address. And if it's an IEC trying to impersonate the NJGOP, then they need the "Super PAC" disclaimer. Also, using a corporate identifier that is regulated by the state (if you're not a registered corporate entity, and not THAT entity) would be fraud and possibly even identity theft - and a major ELEC violation. Once the stamp went on it, add federal mail crimes. And if it is the NJGOP - the missing address would tend to support that theory as they drop the ball often - then they have no business supporting ANYONE until tomorrow. The Party is the members - Registered Republicans - not guys in a (well, not a smoky back room as the NJGOP closed their state office) diner, someone's house, back porch, or wherever they meet and collude. If someone looks into this, heads are gonna role and checks to ELEC are gonna be written - or worse. P.S. - Go Vote!