Kean Chastises Malinowski, Creates a 'Parent's Voice Coalition'

Tom Kean

Republicans all across the land these days are talking so much about school curriculum, it's a wonder more aren't running for school board.

To ask that question is to answer it.

Clearly, Republicans think it's good politics to criticize a sex education curriculum they think has gone "too far."

Tom Kean Jr. wants to make sure he's not left behind. Kean, who is seeking to oust Democrat Tom Malinowski in CD-7, has created a "Parent's Voice Coalition," because as he says, "Parents deserve a voice in their children's education."

A posting on his Facebook page asks parents to sign up and tell (Phil) Murphy parents deserve a role in their children's education.

Kean further explained his point in a Monday appearance on Fox News.

He called the health and sex ed standards proposed to take place next fall "outrageous," because students in lower grades would be exposed to gender identity and taught about pornography.

"We have to continue this fight," he said, adding that Murphy is out of touch.

As we said, Kean is not running against Murphy, he's running for Congress, which has very little control over what gets taught in public schools.

That's not the point. Republicans think they have a winning issue.

Kean's Facebook page does take a swipe at Malinowski, accusing the Democrat of belittling parental concerns about education.

Malinowski, for his part, planned an education forum for students and parents this week in Springfield, but that has been postponed until May 21 at a location to be determined. The congressman's office said having the forum during spring break may hold down the crowd.

Up to now, Democrats have been a bit wishy-washy on this issue. Some, including Murphy himself, have said the proposed standards need review.  Let's see if that happens.

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