The Kean Jr. for Ciattarelli Deal in Gear as Expected in CD7
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A Republican source said he just got a phone call from one of state Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean's (R-21) fundraisers notifying him that Kean, Jr. is indeed preparing to run for Congress in the 7th District.
That's the seat currently occupied by U.S. Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-7).
In the aftermath of two 2018 patrician ejections (Frelinghuysen and Lance) it's a Mayflower-persistent follow-through by the Central Jersey GOP, which cut a deal some time ago to give Kean the CD7 shot in exchange for a 2017 (and maybe 2021?) gubernatorial run by former Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli (R-16).
Kean's from Union.
Ciattarelli's from neighboring Somerset.
"Kean Jr," said the source, "is calling his contributors telling them that he is running against Malinowski."
Malinowski last year eked out a victory against incumbent U.S. Rep. Leonard Lance (R-7), who held the senate minority seat prior to Kean.
A 2020 run and win by Kean would likely give Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick (R-21) a first crack at the upper house.
According to Save Jersey, Kean will formally announce his candidacy for Congress on April 16th.
So a five percentage point win -- 51.7% for Malinwoski to 46.7% for Lance -- is eking out a victory? Maybe for a multi-term incumbent in a safe district, but for a Democrat against an entrenched incumbent? There's enough drama in politics without having to make it up.
RINO Bramnick is lucky if he makes it in November!
Jr. has risen higher than he should ever have.