Kean University’s Vice President Discusses Urban Issues Critical to Society, on State of Affairs

Steve Adubato sits down with Barbara George Johnson, vice president of external affairs and urban policy and research at Kean University, to discuss critical issues including gun violence, environmental justice, and systemic racism in healthcare. Recorded 5/26/22.
Steve Adubato asks Johnson to explain what environmental justice means for urban communities in New Jersey. Johnson explains “we have the center for the urban environment at the Watson Institute. Environmental justice is critical as it applies to the overburdened communities that are mostly black and brown, where incinerators increase particulate matter pollution, and occur because of the number of industries and factories and so forth that have been the bedrock of urban spaces for a number of decades.” She continues to say “environmental justice says let us have equity and equality across all playing fields let's ensure that all of our communities have clean air, playgrounds and places that young people can play. Let’s decrease the asthma levels they’re due to particulate matter pollution.”