Kean’s Cloak of Invisibility

MOUNT OLIVE – Tom H. Kean Jr. won his CD-7 seat two years ago by not really engaging with the press or having public events.

He’s following the same pattern this year as he seeks reelection. This has continued to cause angst among the media, Democrats and some public interest groups.

But do voters in a district that ranges over at least parts of six counties in central and western Jersey care?

In other words, are some people going to vote against Kean simply because he doesn’t do interviews or public events. (By that, I mean campaign rallies etc. that are advertised in advance and open to all comers.)

Sue Altman thinks they do.

Here’s what the Democratic candidate said after holding a town hall Saturday afternoon in this Morris County town:

“Tom Kean Jr. dodges the press, doesn’t do town halls … people care about that because they care about the democracy. And not just in an esoteric concept. But democracy in terms of how it functions in this district. These are people who expect a high degree of service from their elected officials.”

We’ll have to wait until Election Day to find out if she is right.

But just for the record, on this day, Altman was hosting her second town hall of the week; Kean was holding a closed fundraising event just a few miles away in Long Valley.

Morris County Republicans were paying attention. They asked supporters to show up and ask Altman tough questions.

“I want the difficult questions. I invite the difficult questions,” Altman said in response to the Republicans’ plan.

One such question was about a tweet Altman made back in 2020 about “defunding the police.”

Republicans, not surprisingly, want to talk about this.

Altman has not shied away from it. She said today:

“It was a mistake,” and one that she has “owned up to.”

Interestingly, another questioner said he was a retired police officer. He condemned Kean for his support to end cost of living pension adjustments for police officers while he was in the New Jersey Senate.

Another less than friendly question came from a man who said that things often go bad when Dems are in charge. He referred to New Jersey’s high cost of living and to rising inflation and interest rates under the Biden Administration.

There are many complexities here. For example, the pandemic helped cause inflation and the structure of New Jersey government – home rule and its many towns and school districts – leads to high taxes.

“I don’t have a perfect answer for you,” Altman said. But she pledged to “fight like hell” on residents’ behalf if she gets to Congress.

The Democratic candidate also stressed her support to combat climate change and for women’s reproductive rights.She said she took heart from a man she met in Republican Sussex County who condemned J.D Vamce’s unflattering comments about women.

She also contended that Kean may have been elected as a moderate, but now he’s fundraising with right-wing House Speaker Mike Johnson and refusing to sign a bipartisan letter pledging to support the outcome of the 2024 election.

Kean’s aversion to meeting the public in such settings, however, can not be ignored.

“Tom Kean refuses to show up,” she said. “Will he defend his record, or will he hide from it?”

Altman today.






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11 responses to “Kean’s Cloak of Invisibility”

  1. It was great to hear from Sue Altman, whether you support her or not, at least she is willing to speak to the people of NJ 7. Our current congressman is too busy carrying water for the MAGA crazies in Washington and currying their favor here in NJ.

  2. Henry, as usual, spouting your Trumptard BS. Daddy’s Boy Kean just another GOP slimeball with Mike Johnson holding his gonads. He doesn’t speak to constituents and doesn’t represent them at all. Altman should crush him.

  3. Henry,

    Is reading comprehension difficult for you?

    Nearly every vote your sycophant Tom Kean has taken during his term has been to support the dysfunctional MAGA agenda. He won’t support country over party by signing the bipartisan election bill, yet over 85% of his district does. Is he really a “representative” of those people he’s taken a vow to serve?

    Why does he avoid talking to his constituents without having to pre-clear questions? What does he have to hide? You may not like Sue Altman, but she at least has the balls (something I don’t think Tom Jr. has found since puberty) to stand up and take the hard questions and give her answers. Kean’s cowardice and lack of intellect, along with yours, is glaringly obvious.

  4. With Kean in Congress we have no representation – he is going along with whatever MAGA leadership is cooking. He has no spine and no values that we need in our representative. Sue will fight for the working people of NJ. Sue will fight for women’s rights and reproductive healthcare. Kean will let MAGA take it all – our freedoms and our earned Social Security.

  5. With Democrats in Congress we have no representation. They vote 99-100% with the Communist Marxist Democrats. They vote to raise taxes, fund inflation (Green Raw Deal), vote to allow ILLEGAL ALIENS into the country to allow them to vote as Democrats for all of the freebies, vote to spend $7 TRILLION DOLLARS (while only bringing in tax revenue of $5 BILLION DOLLARS, thus, causing massive inflation, massive debt (over $35 TRILLION) and massive deficit.

    Sue Altman is another Democrat who will gut Social Security and give it to ILLEGAL ALIENS instead of hard-working Americans that paid into it as private pension, and government stole it to use for massive failed WELFARE projects.

    Kean is the one New Jerseyan fighting to oppose such out-of-control government run by the Deep State totalitarians, and Barack Insane Obama’s Democrat-Communist Party with Kabala Harris being the puppet.

    Why is Sue Altman fighting for “reproductive healthcare”???? There is no such thing. It’s called abortion, plain and simple. She’s fighting for abortion. She’s fighting to murder babies in the womb and after birth. That’s what she’s fighting for. She votes 100% with Democrats who want to murder the next generation. She’s just another Democrat-Communist fighting to continue the “Party of Death and Destruction”.

  6. kean is just running a biden harris campaign. They never talk to the media or hold press conferences and the media is ok with that. he is just doing the same.

  7. Kean cannot defend his actions in Congress so he hides from his constituents. You may not have liked Tom Malinowski but he was available to his voters via dozens of town halls plus, he and his staff helped a lot of people with their personal issues. You could call his office and get an answer. Kean is a MAGA stooge who has pledged his loyalty to the party that DID raise our taxes to support the rich. He voted against programs that would help NJ. Open Borders, Kean voted against a bipartisan bill that gave the Border Patrol what they needed and more. Don’t put a useless slug back into the House.

  8. Griffin is an expert on deranged looks!!

    What this site really needs is an expert on the deranged writings of commenters.

    I will be among the first to sign up for an evaluation.
    Wish me well.

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