Keep America Great in the Face of Trump's Anemic Self-pity

BANGOR, PA. - To those who want to make America great again, America makes a great candidate for president named Kamala Harris, a courageous woman who prompts hateful people to make skin-crawling, hate-spewing comments in support of making a convicted felon president.
On a lawn in Bangor, Pennsylvania, I looked up and saw Harris' distorted picture accompanying a sign that said, "Say No to the Creepy Ho. Trump 2024. Make America Great Again." There was a little girl playing in the yard near where someone planted that sign.
You want to ensure America's greatness?
Resist creepy, profane hatred like that and vote for Harris, who continues to demonstrate courage and honor as a presidential candidate. Harris not only put a horrific, prosecutorial beatdown on her ethically calcified opponent in the lone presidential debate, prompting him to run for the cocoon of his Kool-Aid drinkers and the fortifying glow of propaganda refraction. She has consistently elevated the rhetoric in this contest in a manner consistent with the most refined and refining spirit of America.
Harris' deflating, self-pitying opponent, who tried to unleash a mob on the United States Capitol to short-circuit the results of the last presidential election while jeopardizing the safety of his own vice president, which resulted in the stroke and subsequent death of Officer Brian Sicknick of New Jersey, gushes hate in an attempt to subvert justice and sabotage a country founded on the rule of law.
His followers and enablers find a green light, animal warmth in their authoritarian leader's persistent pattern of self-victimization and anemic demonization of his opponent. "Joe Biden became mentally impaired. Kamala was born that way," he said in September.
While his cowardly apologists make excuses and pretend an interest in policy to take attention away from their own complicity in a felon's personal agenda for America, they need to know their only policy position consists of enabling feeble-dude lawlessness, self-victimization, and hate.
Kamala Harris doesn't have time to whine. She said it best in a profound speech last week: “On Day One, if elected, Donald Trump would walk into that office with an enemies list,” she said. “When elected, I will walk in with a to-do list.”
So, on Tuesday, America, don't make a convicted felon president again while empowering the profane priests of his wretched movement.
Keep America Great and vote for Kamala Harris.
[caption id="attachment_111422" align="alignnone" width="1235"] Vice President Kamala Harris.[/caption]