Kim Decisively Wins Mercer County Convention with 62% of the Vote

Tonight, Congressman Andy Kim easily won the Mercer County Convention with a 34-point victory margin, receiving 236-108 votes over Tammy Murphy, resulting in a complete shutout from a potential ‘line-sharing’ opportunity that Mercer County affords any candidates who reach 40% support through a rule in their bylaws. These results came after hundreds of delegates voted via secret paper ballot.

“This is our 7th convention win. There is no denying that the energy we are building is real and growing," said Kim. "Tonight is yet another example of the possibilities for our campaign when the people of New Jersey can vote freely without fear, pressure, or intimidation."

A clear pattern has emerged during this year’s ‘Convention Cycle’ that proves Andy Kim wins when the choice is up to the voters who are allowed to vote via secret ballot and without undue pressure from New Jersey’s political machine. The results speak for themselves- In Monmouth County, Andy won 265-181 over First Lady Tammy Murphy with 60% of the vote. In Burlington County, he won 245-21 over Tammy Murphy only to win again the following day in Hunterdon County with 62% of the vote. He went on to win in Sussex County with 57% of the vote and Warren County by over 80%. Over this past weekend, he won Ocean County’s convention with 86% of the vote and a 73-point victory margin.

First elected to Congress in 2018 at the age of 36, three-term Congressman Andy Kim is one of the younger members to serve in Congress and is the first Asian American elected to federal office from New Jersey. If elected to the Senate, Andy would be the 4th youngest Senator, the first senator from South Jersey in recent memory, and the first Asian American elected to the Senate from the entire east coast of America. In 2018 and 2020, Kim defeated two self-funding millionaires in a district carried by former President Trump, and in 2022 Kim defeated his third self-funding millionaire opponent by 12 points.

Previous comments for: Kim Decisively Wins Mercer County Convention with 62% of the Vote

  1. Maria Galeota says:

    So happy for Andy Kim. He is a good man with excellent credentials. I look forward to seeing him as Senator Kim…he will be a good legislator for NJ!

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