Kim v. Richter: Democrats Lead in battleground CD3

Richter and Kim in CD3

In battleground CD3, incumbent U.S. Rep. Andy Kim appears to have an edge over challenger Republican businessman David Richter.

Certainly, Kim's party has an edge with five days to go until Election Day.

The raw partisan early numbers lean in Kim's direction in the battleground district, but where nearly 80,000 unaffiliated voters break is unaccounted for.

Here are the numbers in the two-county congressional district:

Burlington D 72,450 R 40,626 U 37,553 Total 150629 T Voters 281,457 53.52%

Ocean D 37,132 R 52,004 U 40,313 Total 129449 t Voters 222,566 58.16%


D 109,582

R 92,630

U 77,866

Total 280,078

Total Voters 504,023


2018 Total: 306,875

Difference: 26,797

2018%: 60.89%

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