Kim Wins Monmouth

In a stunning repudiation of the Murphys in their home county, upstart progressive Dem Andy Kim, congressman from Burlington County, this afternoon won the Monmouth County Democratic Convention.

That means Kim will occupy the organization line in New Jersey's Democratic Primary for the United States Senate seat currently occupied by indicted U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez.

“The results here today represent what we’re seeing throughout our state; we are building a movement for change in New Jersey and that movement cannot be stopped,” said Kim. “This was the First Lady’s home county; winning by such a significant margin shows that Democrats are demanding someone they can trust and someone with proven experience. We’re going to keep fighting in every county for every vote and to make sure we restore integrity.”

Next up?

Kim's home county of Burlington.

[caption id="attachment_155541" align="alignnone" width="821"] Tammy Murphy jarred in Monmouth.[/caption]


The vote total:

265 for Kim.

181 for Murphy.

Dr. Patricia Campos-Medina also participated in the convention and received votes.

Kim has positioned himself from the beginning as the progressive good guy in the contest, unwilling to do the bidding of the bosses. As an indictment-ravaged Menendez assumed a battle-ready position in the aftermath of the U.S. Attorney's charges, Kim released the following statement:

After calls to resign, Senator Menendez said ‘I am not going anywhere.’ As a result, I feel compelled to run against him. This is not something I expected to do, but I believe New Jersey deserves better. We cannot jeopardize the Senate or compromise our country’s integrity. I believe it’s time we restore faith in our democracy, and that’s why I am stepping up and running for Senate.”

Kim was first elected to Congress in 2018 and is the first Asian American elected to federal office from New Jersey. In 2018 and 2020, he defeated two self-funding millionaires in a district carried by former President Trump, and in 2022 Kim defeated his third self-funding millionaire opponent by 12 points.

His toppling today of Tammy Murphy signified a shocking result for the governor's allies who expected to smack Kim around with organizational heft at the First Lady's back.

[caption id="attachment_77772" align="alignright" width="150"]Hoboken Mayor Bhalla Bhalla feeling good right now.[/caption]

The defeat immediately rang the political doorbells as far away as Hudson.

One insider said, "Any Andy Kim victory against Tammy Murphy emboldens the off-line, progressive movement elsewhere.  It's fairly traumatic to the system when, under these conditions, a sitting two term Democratic Governor’s wife is defeated."

Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla looks to have more than merely a heartbeat, for example, in his off-the-line challenge of U.S. Rep. Rob Menendez, Jr. (D-8), son of the jammed-up U.S. Senator.

Tammy congratulated Kim, but then hastily left with her husband, the Governor of New Jersey.

She did not give a speech after her loss, as buzz percolated about whether she would be able to keep going after sustaining a backyard beatdown.

One insider offered the following:

"I think it definitely gives credence to Kim’s narrative. What it certainly does is solidify the hardening narrative that Tammy Murphy is just an underwhelming candidate."

This is a developing story.

Please stay tuned for details.

[caption id="attachment_155539" align="alignnone" width="817"] Murphy dealt a blow in Monmouth County.[/caption]

Previous comments for: Kim Wins Monmouth

  1. Daria Ogden says:

    If anyone questions who they should vote for, just listen to each candidate and you will rush to push the button to vote for Andy Kim.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Unless you have walked in the uncomfortable shoes of the "angry mom" you haven't a clue. New Jersey's schools were shut down in a matter of a day due to the pandemic, resulting in historic learning loss. Our legislators are still debating how to fix this. Tammy's response, was making climate change a mandatory part of the curriculum in New Jersey. This was a first in the nation celebration. But, if you can not read or comprehend what you are reading this is a moot accomplishment, lacking insight and priority. It reeks of progressive special interest; which is exactly what she pledges not to be part of, if elected Senator.

  3. Janet Rolnick says:

    I listen to Andy speak early in his run for the house. It was like a breath of fresh air! He wants to make this country better for all of his constituents. He exemplifies the kind of person that everyone should want to represent them. We need to discard the old back room NJ politics, please vote to make Andy our future!

  4. Stan says:

    Andy Kim is the real deal. I've been watching politics and politicians for over 60 years and am not easily impressed, but when I saw Andy in person and saw how he dealt wth a protestor I was very impressed

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