The Kip Bateman Battleground Interview: 'Menendez Wounded,' Lance's Chances, and Murphy's Required Relationship-Building

LD16 GOP Assembly candidates Mark Caliguire and Christine Madrid will hold a fundraiser tonight at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster, which is owned by President Donald Trump.

SOMERVILLE - InsiderNJ sat down this afternoon with state Senator Christopher "Kip" Bateman (R-16), who won reelection last year by about 600 votes in a battleground district where Democrats made inroads over the last two election cycles.

A moderate Republican, son of a former senate president, the late Senator Ray Bateman, the Somerset County senator voted aye on the $37.4 billion budget eventually signed by Governor Phil MUrphy.

INSIDERNJ: How did the budget impact Senator Kip Bateman?

BATEMAN: It was a very difficult budget. People were being pulled in a lot of different directions. The major fight was over which taxes to raise. I voted for the budget primarily because it really helped my district. I only had one losing town in my district. In particular, I worked with the Manville superintent and Senate President Steve Sweeney to get additional funding for Manville. They're $6 million underfunded if not more. For them to get $3 million in school aid, that was a success. North Plainfield is in Somerset County, and they also got more money in this budget, as did Branchburg and Somerville. It was a tough call, but at the end of the day I have to help my 16th district towns and from that perspective it was a good budget. I did vote against the corporate business tax, because we can't keep driving businesses out of this state.

INSIDERNJ: How did Governor Phil Murphy do during the budget process?

BATEMAN: Governor Murphy is still getting his bearings. He needs to improve his relationships with the legislature. I think he will. All new governors run into this and he's in his first elected office so he's at a disadvantage. But if he wants to get his agenda passed he needs to improve his relationships in the legislature. The senate president is strong and holds his caucus together.

INSIDERNJ: Does Democratic infighting over which taxes to raise give Republicans an opening next year?

BATEMAN: I think so. We'll make some inroads next year in midterm elections. Of course, there are a lot of factors outside of Trenton, but if you're a Republican, Democrat or independent you're fed up with taxes. Republicans want smaller government and lower taxes. New Jersey is a wonderful state to live in but it's becoming unaffordable. With our message of cutting spending and cutting taxes we have an opportunity.

INSIDERNJ: Do you have an opportunity this year with Bob Hugin at the top of the ticket running against U.S. Senator Bob Menendez?

BATEMAN: I think we have the best chance for the first time in many elections. Senator Menendez is wounded. The results from the Democratic Primary show voter concerns. And we need a Republican statewide. We need bipartisan support in the senate. If Bob Hugin gets his message across, he has a chance to get elected. Remember, we elected Christie Todd Whitman twice and Chris Christie twice. There's a chance.

INSIDERNJ: Can Republicans individuate themselves from President Donald Trump in this election cycle?

BATEMAN: You have to be independent. [7th District Congressman] Leonard Lance has proven that he is. He's spoken out against Donald Trump. He's an honest and hard working congressman who represents his district well. We don't want a rubber stamp, and Leonard Lance has distinguished himself from the President. His constituents appreciate his service. He comes from a long line of public servants. The last thing we want is to be perceived as a rubber stamp. I think come November he'll be victorious. I don't think Leonard is a rubber stamp. Just because we're Republicans doesn't mean we agree with Donald Trump. Let me tell you, I don't agree with him very often. I have concerns about his leadership; the things he's done and said.

INSIDERNJ: To what extent is the Somerset GOP - the party of your father, Christie Todd Whitman and Millicent Fenwick - at odds with Trump?

BATEMAN: You have the extreme left and right and it fluctuates. The Somerset GOP is successful because it's moderate, moderate on women's issues, social issues and the environment, while being fiscally conservative. Tom Kean won twice, and so did Christie Todd Whitman. They are moderate Republicans. Leonard Lance has spoken out against the President. Some counties are more traditionally conservative, but Somerset is a moderate county. I think respect for people is the bottom line. Somerset county is changing and becoming more moderate and progressive and you really have to represent your constituents.


Previous comments for: The Kip Bateman Battleground Interview: 'Menendez Wounded,' Lance's Chances, and Murphy's Required Relationship-Building

  1. Henry says:

    The RINO voted for Murphy's TAXES? Senator Bateman, do you really believe we are taxed too little in NJ and the state needed to create NEW taxes? You mushy moderate Republicans fight the President, while the democrats stand-up for and support the corrupt Menendez! TERRIBLE! New Jersey's economy has benefited by the Trump administration, while Murphy and the democrats are putting it in jeopardy!

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