Krychiw and New Union Dems Knock Off Four of Cryan’s Committee Candidates


The United New Union Democrats today won what they're calling their first victory in Union, successfully challenging petitions for four candidates of the current Democratic County Committee majority in Union.

“We appreciate the prompt and fair review of our challenges so the ballots best represent the valid candidates for this office,” said Jason Krychiw, a Township Committee candidate and Democratic County Committee candidate in the June 4th primary in Union.

“We are thankful for a favorable review and our County Committee candidates are ready to work hard for their districts,” added Misael Guzman, the second Township Committee candidate in Union for the United New Union Democrats.

Upon submission of their challenge, there were many questions about several of the petitions including whether or not candidates running were even registered democrats to begin with.

The upstart United New Union Democrats and their County Committee slate said the victory reinforced already gaining momentum in Union.

“This is just the first step towards achieving something we have known all along: our team represents the best interests of Union residents and we stand united to bring about progress and positive change in our town,” Krychiw said.

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