Lance Still Opposed to Obamacare Repeal Bill

Rep. Leonard Lance (R-7) remains opposed to the repeal of Obamacare as currently proposed in Congress.
Having already once expressed his opposition to repeal, the congressman reiterated his resistance earlier today to CNN. The news comes in the aftermath of President Donald J. Trump meeting with GOP Reps. Fred Upton and Billy Long, who following the meeting expressed their newfound support for the Republican plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Lance told CNN that he has not spoken to either Trump or Vice President Mike Pence for several weeks.
Another New Jersey Republican Congressman, Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-3), backs the repeal of the Affordable Healthcare Act and wrote an amendment the original repeal bill lacked.
Throughout this negotiation process, MacArthur said the legislation must have protections for pre-existing conditions, and his amendment will make coverage of pre-existing conditions "sacrosanct for all Americans and ensure essential health benefits remains the federal standard," according to the congressman's district office.
But critics of the amendment say that under the proposed plan, people with preexisting conditions could be segregated in “high-risk pool.” Funding for these pools would fall short by an estimated $20 billion each year, including a $476 million annual shortfall in New Jersey alone, according to New Jersey Citizen Action. Before the Affordable Care Act, such high-risk pools were plagued by exorbitant premiums, waiting lists, and astronomical deductibles, the activist organization notes.