At Lance's Office, Protesters Needle GOP Congressman's 'Ticklish Political Spot'

Like many northeastern Republicans in Congress, Leonard Lance is in a ticklish political spot.

Lance, who represents the 7th District in the central part of the state, was one of the GOP lawmakers who opposed a recent budget vote that was seen as a precursor to an overall tax cut plan. While all Republican House members from New Jersey save for Rodney Frelinghuysen joined him, Lance's position put him at odds with both the House Republican leadership and President Trump.

That could lead to a White House-backed challenge to Lance in next year's primary. Lance has successfully fought off challenges from the right in the last few election cycles, but those were - obviously - not backed by a Republican president.

But if Lance is worried about his right flank, he also has to be concerned with the left.

A small, but passionate, group dropped by the congressman's Flemington district office this morning to present him with large symbolic checks from "low and moderate income" New Jerseyans. The checks were made out to a variety of groups, including the "top 1 percent," the "Trump family," and "GOP donors."

"We want him to have a stronger voice and (to) speak out against this tax plan," said Liz Glynn of Lambertville.

A spokesman for Lance was not immediately available to comment.

The tax plan may be voted on tomorrow.

The biggest concern for New Jersey is that the House plan would scale back traditional deductions for state and local taxes. In its most recent form, the bill would eliminate deductions for state income taxes and limit those for property taxes. The bill would allow homeowners to deduct only $10,000 of their property taxes,. Currently, all property taxes are deductible on an individual's federal income taxes. The deduction for mortgage interest going forward also would be limited to those with mortgages of $500,000 or below,.

The proposed Senate bill goes further. It would eliminate the entire deduction for property taxes.

From a policy perspective, the problem for Lance and most other northeast Republicans is convincing their colleagues from the south and west that New Jersey residents need relief from tax rates that are not necessarily their fault. That's a hard sell, given the fact that many states have low property taxes.

The political quandary for Lance may be worse.

It's tough for any lawmaker to defy their party leaders. But it's also tough for lawmakers to support tax increases that may fall disproportionately on their constituents.

That latter point was driven home by the group that showed up at Lance's office

"This (plan) really hurts working families," Glynn said. "I'm worried about our future."

Michelle Shevlin, of Hampton, likened the plan to "income inequality on steroids."

She and others said the local tax changes would make homes more difficult to maintain and to sell.

As the group squeezed into Lance's office and presented a stack of checks to a staffer, Shevlin said the visitors represented "thousands" of district residents who will not vote for Lance if he supports the current tax plan.

That, of course, remains to be seen, but it aptly demonstrate Lance's dilemma.

Lance Spokesman John Byers issued a statement.

"Congressman Lance has been outspoken in his opposition to the tax bill for some time," Byers said. "Tax reform should benefit all Americans and not choose winners or losers between states. Abolishing state and local tax deductions would disproportionately harm residents of states like New Jersey. Congressman Lance will not ease up in making this point after [the] vote. There is more debate to come."


Previous comments for: At Lance's Office, Protesters Needle GOP Congressman's 'Ticklish Political Spot'

  1. Observer says:

    We need to call Bill Spadea (NJ101.5 morning show) and tell him to knock it off with his support of the Trump Tax plan. Spadea has made it his mission to pressure Lance into voting for the bill. Spadea is either clueless on the negative impact to the working/middle class or this is his vendetta for his past failed GOP primary campaigns (just Google search and you'll see what I'm talking about) Congressman, stay strong!

  2. PAparent says:

    Genuinely interested NJ residents seeking to make an Impact on behalf of ages ranging from young families to senior citizens.

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