LD11 Flashpoint: Gabby Versus Gabby

It's Gabby versus Gabby in LD11, scene of the state's legislative district battleground, which insiders in both parties make a tight race with less two weeks to go.
The allies of Vin Gopal tonight struck back against the campaign of state Senator Jen Beck (R-11), and called in Assemblywoman Gabriela Mosquera (D-4) to slap the incumbent Republican. The sponsor of A4218, which prevents domestic abusers from accessing firearms, Mosquera said Beck lied in a pair of political mailers about her role in in the passage of the bill.
Here's what Mosquera had to say:
“It is despicable that Senator Beck is trying to take ownership of a critical gun safety bill she is responsible for almost killing. Instead of standing with me to make sure that any victim of domestic abuse is kept safe, Jen worked to water down the bill and delay it.
"As a childhood survivor of domestic violence, this bill was extremely personal to me. I was proud to sponsor this bill because I believe it is a critical step in keeping victims here in New Jersey safe. We need to do everything in our power to make sure someone who has received a restraining order issued because of domestic violence accusations or has been convicted does not have access to deadly weapons.
"Senator Beck, on the other hand, showed no regard for the weight of this bill and, instead, delayed passage until she could be listed as a cosponsor to gain political points later on. Using domestic victims’ lives as game pieces for your own political gain is, on its own, disgusting. Using a photo of a respected former Congresswoman who survived an assassination attempt makes it even worse. I am outraged at her false claims of ownership of this legislation and voters should be too. Shame on you, Senator Beck.”