LD11 Flashpoint: Gopal 'Honored' to Receive the Backing of Over 100 Republicans


State Senate Candidate Vin Gopal today announced the endorsements of 100 Republicans in the 11th Legislative District.

"I am honored that over 100 prominent Republicans are crossing party-lines today to endorse my candidacy. This election is about bringing Democrats, Republicans and Independents together to make this state more affordable. Our message of inclusion, government consolidation and shared services has united folks across party lines. We will be announcing many new names next week also who want to join this bipartisan list."

Among today's endorsements is former Republican Assemblywoman Hazel Gluck along with numerous Elected Officials and Party Leaders.

"Vin Gopal represents new energy and new leadership. I am proud to support him," said Gluck, a former Jersey Shore Republican Assemblywoman and Freeholder who previously served as Chief of Staff to former Governor Christine Todd Whitman and as a Top Advisor and Cabinet Member to former Governor Tom Kean.

"As a lifelong Republican and Elected Official, I am proud to support Vin Gopal for State Senate. He will work in a bipartisan way to move our state forward," said Ryan Hager of Tinton Falls.

"I am a resident of Neptune City and although I am a registered Republican, I will be voting for Vin Gopal in this November’s election. As the President of the Superior Officer’s Association (SOA) for my local PBA, i know the law enforcement community is standing shoulder to shoulder with Vin," said Guy Thompson

Below, in addition to Kim Iadanza of Tinton Falls and Jean Arnone of Shrewsbury, is the full list - Additional names will be released next week. 

Agarwal Anil Freehold
Alsalman Maher Eatontown
Antonucci Bridget West Long Branch
Antonucci Peter West Long Branch
Atkins Bill Tinton Falls
Baumann Joe Interlaken
Beshara Anthony Entrepeneur and Business Owner
Blacknall Michael Freehold
Brewingon Greg Asbury Park
Cafolla Ariana Long Branch
Cafolla Katarina Long Branch
Cannizzaro Sal Entrepeneur and Red Bank Business Owner
Cannizzaro Frank Red Bank
Caputi Pasquale Colts Neck
Chandarana Bhavini Colts Neck
Chandra Nakul Tinton Falls
Choudhary Amod Colts Neck
Cohen Patricia Asbury Park
Griswold Tim
DeSeno Tommy Former Republican Freeholder Candidate, Fox News Columnist & Asbury Park NJ Native
Dua Binny Freehold
Fishkin Michele West Long Branch
Fishkin Tom West Long Branch
Fiorentino Anthony Asbury Park
Frisinia Kathleen Colts Neck
Frisinia David Colts Neck
Gaunt Loraine Red Bank
Gill Julie Red Bank
Gluck Hazel Former NJ Assemblywoman
Goboori Dhaneswori Ocean
Goboori Murali Ocean
Grillo Giovanni Freehold
Hafeez Harris Freehold
Hala Kathleen Neptune City
Hager Jean Tinton Falls
Hager Kenneth Tinton Falls
Hager Ryan Tinton Falls, NJ (BOE Member)
Hammer Christopher Eatontown
Jannarone Jeff Entrepeneur


Kado Karl Interlaken
Kelly Scott Eatontown
Kharod Sudhakau Asbury Park
Kharod Lata Asbury Park
Koczon Ted Red Bank Entrepeneur
Kowsaluk Daniel Ocean
Kowsaluk Sarah Ocean
Lahotti Chrita Ocean
Landolfi Maryellen Tinton Falls
Loiseau Leslie Asbury Park
Luongo John Colts Neck
Mahmud Arif Freehold
Malik Nisha Colts Neck
Michalski Michael Shrewsbury
Michalski Aime Shrewsbury
Misner Kimberly Neptune City
Mito Ronald Neptune
Mohamed Ashrae Freehold
O'Brien Judith Neptune
Ohri Anil Freehold
Palermo Mike Tinton Falls
Patel VijayKumar Freehold
Patel Priti Freehold
Patel Hamesh Ocean
Patrone Ralph Long Branch
Pepe Joe Long Branch
Phadke Lata Colts Neck
Purswani Kavita Freehold
Raju Ramesh Eatontown
Raval Sumul Colts Neck
Raval Simi Colts Neck
Ricciardi Gina Ocean Township
Rivera Edgar Asbury Park
Rosenthal Brent Freehold
Roth Ken Asbury Park
Royce Andrew Neptune
Ruffino Vito Eatontown
Rusin Thomas Freehold
Ryan Gerard Tinton Falls, NJ (BOE Member)
Sadik Zubaida Colts Neck
Saul James Shrewsbury
Sayegh Jack Owner, Monmouth County IHOP Franchise
Schubel Liam Freehold
Shah Pranav Colts Neck
Shah Hetal Ocean
Shah Darsit Ocean
Shah Kalpit Tinton Falls
Shah S. Freehold
Shukla Dhruva Ocean
Smith Wendy Tinton Falls
Sopko Joanne Neptune
Susino Anthony Neptune City BOE Member
Sylvia Damian Ocean Township
Thompson Guy Neptune City
Tinio Cesar Freehold
Tyler John Red Bank
Tyler Krishna Red Bank
Tyndale Meaghan Tinton Falls
Wichansky Paul Freehold
Williams Michael Tinton Falls
Yurcisin Michael Eatontown

Previous comments for: LD11 Flashpoint: Gopal 'Honored' to Receive the Backing of Over 100 Republicans

  1. Jim Granelli says:

    Good, they can change parties then.

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