LD15 Flashpoint: Reynolds Jackson of Trenton Knocks Off Verrelli of Hopewell to Land an Assembly Seat

EWING - Throwing a wrench into the plans of the Carpenters Union, Trenton came out to this special convention in LD15 this morning and delivered a Capital City victory to Councilwoman Verlina Reynolds Jackson.

Relatively new to the Freeholder Board, Verrelli of Hopewell sought the empty LD15 Assembly seat left behind by Acting Treasurer Liz Muoio with the powerful support of the Building Trades behind him.

In the end he couldn't overcome high Trenton turnout at the special convention, which mobilized behind Reynolds Jackson.

Final results:

94 for Reynolds Jackson;

77 for Verrelli.

[caption id="attachment_20935" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Muoio, right, and Reynolds Jackson.[/caption]

The councilwoman fired up a Capital City-heavy crowd prior to first-ballot voting with a no-nonsense "I am the best candidate" speech.

She also picked up the second ballot support of West Windsor Councilwoman Ayesha Hamilton, who bowed out with a mild - but forceful - speech about the empowerment of women and support for U.S. Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-12).

Building Trades allies who had lined up against the cinder block wall in anticipation of a blue collar win, looked downcast between the first and second ballot voting sessions, as Hamilton wrapped Reynolds Jackson in an embrace at the front of the room and awaited the results.

"God is good," Reynolds Jackson rejoiced at the end. "God is good. I have great support. We are the fighting 15th. I have you on speed dial and I hope you have me on speed dial."

Muoio congratulated her successor after the contest.

"Mercer does it right," the acting treasurer told InsiderNJ, referring to the convention process.

[caption id="attachment_20927" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Mercer County Executive Brian Hughes talks to reporters after hearing the results of LD15 voting.[/caption]


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