LD15 Voters Need a Progressive Champion in the Assembly


New Jersey voters made it clear that they want a more progressive New Jersey by  electing Governor Phil Murphy. ​Governor Murphy’s platform laid out a plan for our  state to become a progressive beacon for the country. ​As an assemblywoman I  would hold him accountable by working to enact the most comprehensive  progressive legislation possible. LD 15 is a diverse district in a diverse state and I  would reflect well that diversity. The representation of diverse voices is essential to  real change that benefits all. As a child of immigrants and a Muslim woman of color,  I believe I would contribute a perspective that needs to be heard. Representation in  our state government is the right step towards making sure those in New Jersey  who don’t have a voice are heard.

As the Trump administration continues its environmental slash and burn policy, it is  more important than ever to have strong environmental protections in place at the  state and local levels. Climate change already disproportionately affects poor  communities and communities of color. Today less than 3 percent of our electricity  comes from clean renewables, but the New Jersey Off Fossil Fuels Act charts a path  for New Jersey to achieve 100 percent renewable energy by 2035. This is the type of  legislation I will champion, because it benefits all New Jerseyans, especially those in marginalized communities.

My advocacy for racial and social justice began when I taught second grade and  created my own social studies unit focusing on the civil rights movement. I saw that  even at a young age, children can understand and connect with the concept of  injustice. I continue that work today by organizing to educate and involve the  community through events, workshops, and community rallies. Through my work  at the municipal and county level I’ve been a leader, collaborating with fellow  activists, advocates, police chiefs and legislators to enact and strengthen written  policies to limit the use of local funds and interactions with ICE. I plan to continue  that work by actively supporting the Governor’s pledge to make NJ a sanctuary  state. I also support initiatives like the “Let’s Drive Campaign,” which would provide  access to driver’s licenses for people who are undocumented. This legislation is the  perfect example of a win-win. It provides a safe and legal avenue for vulnerable  New Jerseyans to travel to school and work, while creating revenue for the state  and an increased number of insured drivers on the road, which will benefit  everyone.

I applaud the recent progress New Jersey has made on voting rights, including the  introduction of automatic voter registration. However, there is much more to be  done. One priority should be the “We Are 1844 No More” bill, introduced to restore voting rights to people with criminal convictions. With the rise of mass  incarceration and with NJ having the highest rates of racial disparity in our prison  population, this is an issue of racial justice. African Americans make up just 15  percent of New Jersey’s population, but they represent almost half of those who  have lost their voting rights as a result of a criminal conviction. Voting is a  fundamental right. Denying that right denies too many New Jerseyans a say in their  own futures.

Through my work in the NJ chapter of the national Poor People’s Campaign, I have  met community members who have been failed by the system again and again.  Programs that should be in place to support people and help keep them out of  poverty instead operate to keep them exactly where they are. Too many people are  working two jobs and still not earning a living wage. Too many can’t afford health  coverage for themselves or their children. I know New Jersey can do better. I will  fight for a $15 minimum wage, without exemptions, including youth and farm  workers.

The lack of diversity in the NJ Legislature means that communities are not being  represented and that voices are not being heard. The excitement surrounding  fellow Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s primary win in New York  made it clear that Democrats are ready to hear new voices and perspectives. I plan  to be a fierce advocate for those who feel they don’t have a voice. Our communities  are fighting relentlessly, trying to support and provide for their families. I am  running for New Jersey State Assembly to have the opportunity to fight for all  communities and the many voices that go unheard.

Fatima Mughal is a Democratic candidate for the Assembly in LD15.

Previous comments for: LD15 Voters Need a Progressive Champion in the Assembly

  1. Henry says:

    Just what the NJ legislature needs, another "progressive liberal" Trump-basher in the Statehouse. We have way too many there already! A Cortez wannabe, more to come I'm sure!

  2. Bill Piper says:

    She took the words right out of my mouth. Please put in a word for Fatima Mughal to any Democratic Committee person you know in LD-15.

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