LD2 Dems Torment Brown and Company for 'Ducking Debate'

Democrats in LD2 tonight charged their Republican opponents with bailing on a debate at the Civic Association of Atlantic City. Assemblyman Chris Brown (R-2) and his running mates Brenda Taube and Vince Sera confirmed their attendance and barely gave notice for pulling the plug.
“Despite this debate being scheduled for a month, Brown and his Republican running mates have cut and run,” said Colston Reid, campaign manager for the Bell, Mazzeo, Armato team. “I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise given how hard Chris Brown tried to dodge debates at the beginning of this campaign or given the terrible track record the three Republicans would have to defend on stage.”
Senator Colin Bell, Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo, and John Armato chose to stay and participate in a hastily modified forum, Reid said. Unfortunately they were only joined by Chris Brown campaign operatives who attempted to film Senator Bell, "despite their candidate’s fear of attending," the operative said.
“If Chris Brown is too chicken to explain his Trenton record to Atlantic County voters, we’ll do it for him. It’s not like we would have heard the truth from Brown tonight, anyways,” said Reid. “Brown voted against women’s healthcare, against property tax relief for middle-class families, against equal pay, for the gas tax, and with Chris Christie 90% of the time.”
Brown has shown himself to be a very poor candidate. Instead of being independent he has tied himself to some real GOP losers like that freeholder Carmen who loves to wear confederate flags and puts down women. Brown had an advantage in this race but it appears his confusion as to who he really is and what he represents has made him look like a loser.