LD24 Flashpoint: Trish and Matteson Try to 'Fish-Hook Line' Oroho in Cemetery Ridge-Like Move

The LD24 contest has turned into a reenactment of Gettysburg, with Gina Trish and Kate Matteson dutifully outfitted in blue and attempting to re-create the horseback-bound roles of Hancock and Meade, while Assemblyman Parker Space (R-24)  dons Pickett greys and goes through the rigors of channeling Southern fried passions.

Swarmed by Trish and Matteson allies in the days since InsiderNJ first reported on Space posing with the Confederate Flag at a Hank Williams concert, Space last night accepted the tag team intervention of the district's reigning Republican pooh-bah, state Senator Steve Oroho (R-24), who called on hypocritical, corruption-saddled Democrats to cease and desist.

Today, Trish and Matteson struck back, as Democrats gleefully attempt to project deep-cut strategic designs on a usually politically dormant, fire engine-red region of the state come general election time.

"We completely agree with Senator Steve Oroho that convicted elected officials should be removed from office," the assembly hopefuls, viewed as sacrificial lambs as recently as last month. "Once a public figure loses the faith of those they represent they should find the door. At the same time, while it is not illegal to snap photos and make jokes in front of a confederate flag, and it is also not illegal to have a confederate flag tattooed on your left arm, these careless acts have led many of Senator Oroho's constituents to lose faith in Assemblyman Parker Space."

The pair continued to dress down the respected elder statesman.

"And even though he claims that standing with the most symbolic visual of slavery and division of our great nation is a 'little thing', we disagree and we have lost faith in Parker Space's ability to represent the 24th District and deliver for our families and our neighbors," they added. "So this begs the question, Senator Oroho, if you believe so strongly that our elected leaders should 'take a position on whether or not a convicted elected official should leave public office' how come neither you, nor Assemblyman Space, are sponsors of any of the bipartisan bills that are pending before the legislature on this topic? As the next Assemblywomen from LD24 we will stand up to racism and at the same time sponsor legislation to combat public corruption unlike our current legislators."

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