LD3 Flashpoint: Carpenters' PAC Officially Pushes Sweeney-Grenier Race to 'New Record' Status

The Carpenters have taken more than trowels and cement buckets into the 3rd District, the state's main legislative throw down zone, according to an update submitted by the state Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC).
A super PAC that goes by the handle Carpenters for Growth and Progress plugged LD3 with $756,020.
"I’ve updated the October 17 press release on legislative spending because I received the Carpenters quarterly report and it discloses their spending in the 3rd district," said ELEC point man Joe Donohue. "It wasn’t insignificant. With that addition, we are sure the 3rd district race is a new record."
The full PAC tally in LD3, as of today:
Garden State Forward $ 4,083,346
New Jerseyans for a Better Tomorrow $ 2,629,562 Candidate Spending $ 1,590,944
General Majority PAC $ 895,000
Carpenters Fund for Growth and Progress $ 756,020† Includes $250,000 to General Majority
Better Education for Kids $ 198,100
Stronger Foundations Inc. $ 121,900
Sub-Total $10,274,872†
Candidates- Cash-on-Hand $ 1,045,667
Assumes cash reserve is spent Total $11,320,539†
Remember, they work for you ,not the other way around. Call them and tell them you are disgusted. Also VOTE on Nov. 7th!
totally agree, these idiot teacher union heads are pissing away the hard earned $$$ of teachers like me on some nobody who loves Trump and maybe worse Christie! disgraceful. Wish i could renounce my union membership
What makes the NJEA leadership smarter than the CWA,FOP,PBA,AFSCME,IFPTE,SEIU,ALL the Building Trades unions,INCLUDINGTHE CARPENTERS, UNITE 54 , and EVERY other major Union and Worker Association ? Trick question ! .... they are NOT smarter! Not a single other Union or Association has backed Sweeney's opponent in LD 3. Not one! Yet the NJEA leadership claims that they ,and they alone, have a monopoly on knowing what is best for the workers. The NJEA leadership continues to spend millions ,on what is now clearly seen as a vendetta campaign,not a policy campaign. A good teacher would explain to a student that if everyone has one answer and you alone have another, there is a very good chance that you are wrong. Maybe it is time for some good teachers to explain this logic to the NJEA leadership. The excellent Teachers who live and work in New Jersey will be giving their leadership a big " F" on November 7th for wasting all of their hard-earned money!