LD3 Flashpoint: Salem GOP V. Gloucester Dems, According to ELEC Cash on Hand Totals

The Salem Republican Party possesses the most cash on hand among GOP county party organizations with $242,950, compared to Gloucester Democrats reporting the second highest cash on hand totals among Democratic County Party organizations with $287,915 COH, according to the latest reports filed with the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC).
The totals represent a Monitor v. Merrimac scenario in the 3rd Legislative District, where Salem GOP Chairman Fran Grenier is posing a challenge to Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3) of Gloucester.
The report came as county party fund-raising during the first six months of 2017 reached its highest point in a decade due in part to an influx of national party funds related to this year’s gubernatorial election, according to ELEC.
Combined county party-fundraising totaled $3.6 million through June 30. That is 35 percent more than 2013, the last year when voters faced an election for governor and both legislative houses. It also is 73 percent higher than 2010, a non-election year that saw the weakest county party fundraising since 2001.
Jeff Brindle, ELEC’s Executive Director, said even though total county party fundraising this year is higher than some recent years, it was off 55 percent from the six-month total for 2003. The $7.9 million collected in 2003 was the most county parties raised during the first two quarters since 2001.
“While county party fundraising has been surprisingly robust this year, it still was much lower than earlier years when there were no restrictions on contributions by public contractors and independent groups weren’t competing for donor dollars,’’ said Brindle. “Fundraising remains a challenge for party officials.”
Brindle said pending bills sponsored by both parties contain ELEC recommendations that would permanently strengthen party fundraising by letting public contractors and other donors give more to party coffers and by expanding disclosure requirements for independent groups.
Brindle said a key reason fundraising is higher this year is a one-time influx of funds from the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) aimed at giving Democratic county organizations a boost in a gubernatorial election year.
So far, the DGA has pumped $415,000 into 14 county parties. Ten received checks worth $37,000, the maximum per year a county party can accept.
“ELEC records show that DGA also contributed to county parties in New Jersey during the 2001, 2005 and 2009 gubernatorial election years,’’ Brindle said. He further noted that the Republican Governors Association (RGA) gave an infusion of funds in 2005 to county parties. The RGA has not participated so far this year.
Among Democratic committees that filed reports, Bergen, Camden, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Passaic and Union Counties reported cash-on-hand above $100,000. Burlington reported a negative net worth, meaning it owes more than its cash reserves.
Campaign Finance Activity of Democratic County Party Committees January 1 through June 30, 2017
County Raised Spent Cash-On-Hand Net Worth*
Atlantic $ 37,502 $ 37,800 $ 34,562 $ 34,562
Bergen $ 239,231 $ 248,575 $ 120,698 $ 60,066
Burlington $ 62,644 $ 52,490 $ 12,402 $ (73,565)
Camden $ 198,498 $ 183,228 $ 152,854 $ 152,854
Cape May $ 10,203 $ 4,540 $ 6,858 $ 6,858
Cumberland $ 37,350 $ 44,598 $ 6,364 $ 6,364
Essex $ 251,105 $ 174,468 $ 190,980 $ 190,980
Gloucester $ 38,204 $ 78,157 $ 287,915 $ 287,915
Hudson $ 204,983 $ 130,422 $ 157,805 $ 18,660
Hunterdon $ 61,050 $ 44,992 $ 24,174 $ 24,174
Mercer $ 115,434 $ 89,919 $ 97,722 $ 97,722
Middlesex $ 172,445 $ 256,389 $ 17,886 $ 17,866
Monmouth $ 175,274 $ 164,159 $ 16,888 $ 16,888
Morris $ 99,029 $ 75,516 $ 35,651 $ 35,651
Ocean** $ 17,585 $ 15,650 $ 15,975 $ 32,142
Passaic $ 184,607 $ 94,169 $ 523,957 $ 523,957
Salem $ 0 $ 2,367 $ 26,593 $ 26,593
Somerset $ 77,237 $ 41,895 $ 37,706 $ 37,706
Sussex $ 53,240 $ 42,003 $ 20,974 $ 20,974
Union $ 111,596 $ 92,000 $ 127,437 $ 118,883
Warren** $ 26,795 $ 29,649 $ 764 $ 764
Democrats-Total $2,174,012 $1,902,984 $1,916,163 $1,638,01
Among Republican committees, Salem and Somerset Counties reported cash-on-hand above $100,000.
Campaign Finance Activity of Republican County Party Committees January 1 through June 30, 2017
County Raised Spent Cash-On-Hand Net Worth*
Atlantic $ 10,300 $ 12,156 $ 663 $ 663
Bergen $ 39,446 $ 76,528 $ 14,013 $ 14,013
Burlington $ 491,757 $ 479,004 $ 16,368 $ 846,181
Camden $ 8,512 $ 8,901 $ 18,701 $ 18,701
Cape May** $ 81,480 $ 42,065 $ 52,357 $ 52,357
Cumberland $ 42,486 $ 21,576 $ 56,831 $ 56,831
Essex $ 10,000 $ 17,729 $ 628 $ 628
Gloucester $ 31,670 $ 18,551 $ 20,492 $ 20,492
Hudson NA NA NA NA
Hunterdon $ 49,300 $ 41,364 $ 17,639 $ 17,639
Mercer $ 11,865 $ 3,082 $ 13,398 $ 13,398
Middlesex $ 21,989 $ 11,173 $ 44,466 $ 44,466
Monmouth $ 139,926 $ 116,634 $ 32,916 $ 32,916
Morris $ 34,156 $ 36,025 $ 21,583 $ 21,583
Ocean $ 23,806 $ 34,476 $ 3,777 $ 3,777
Passaic $ 11,058 $ 33,648 $ 5,618 $ 5,618
Salem $ 258,812 $ 35,388 $242,950 $ 242,950
Somerset $ 88,350 $ 110,474 $210,599 $ 209,176
Sussex $ 12,442 $ 10,290 $ 24,776 $ 24,776
Union $ 29,550 $ 28,080 $ 54,455 $ 54,455
Warren $ 14,100 $ 20,412 $ 493 $ 493
Republicans- Total $1,411,005 $1,157,556 $852,722 $1,681,112
*Net worth is cash-on-hand adjusted for debts owed to or by committee; NA=Not Available **First quarter totals
The numbers in this analysis are based on reports filed by 10 a.m. July 31, 2017. They have yet to be verified by ELEC staff, and should be considered preliminary. Individual reports can be reviewed on ELEC’s website (www.elec.state.nj.us)
Sweeney is a loser liar and uneducated Baffoon. He has destroyed lives. He's going to fall