LD31 Flashpoint: JC Councilman Rivera Backs Zadroga-Hart and McKnight

Today Jersey City Councilman-At-Large Danny Rivera released his endorsement of two Jersey City candidates in advance of the June 6 Democratic Primary in the 31st Legislative District.
His statement follows:
"I'm supporting both Kristen Zadroga-Hart and Angela McKnight in the June 6 Democratic Primary because this election is very much about the future of Jersey City. Both women have deep ties with our community and they may not agree on every issue, but I firmly believe they care about the future of our kids and our community. I know in their hearts Jersey City is first.
"With this endorsement, I'm asking the public to put Jersey City first and elect the Jersey City legislative candidates. I've known Kristen for more than 20 years and her passion for serving our City will make her an unstoppable force for good. I believe her and Angela can bring immense collective experience for the constituents they'll be serving."
A source close to Jersey City politics noted that while Rivera is the closest person on the city council to Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, he issued this endorsement for his own politics.