LD38 Flare-Up: Langschultz Slaps at Gordon in Transit Crisis-Fueled Web Video

On the day state Senator Bob Gordon (D-38) held Port Authority of New York and New Jersey hearings, his Republican opponent released a web video critical of the Democratic incumbent.

Kelly Langschultz objected to Gordon's performance in an NJTV spot last week in which the senator claimed the state's commuter transit system "seems to be working." 

"For Bob Gordon to stand on the platform of an NJ Transit station and claim that 'the system seems to be working' and that 'there is no congestion' is embarrassing for him and infuriating for his constituents, me included," said Langschultz, who says he has been campaigning on NJ Transit platforms for months, speaking to irate commuters. "This is the man we're expecting to hold NJ Transit accountable?  With all due respect, Senator Gordon is clueless on this issue, and completely out of touch.

"I think what we're seeing in Bob Gordon is a Trenton insider and career politician whose interests are no longer with his constituents. Whatever he's working on in Trenton, it's not helping us here in Bergen and Hawthorne," the challenger added.
You can watch the full web ad here HERE
"Senator Gordon was out talking with commuters on the first day of what has been deemed the Summer of Hell, and like many riders he was pleased to find a relatively smooth morning commute that day," Gordon Campaign Manager Paul Weborg said in response to the web video. "New Jersey's transit issues is a top concern for constituents and that's why Senator Gordon has worked tirelessly to secure funding, increase transparency, and bring improvements to the system, including increased safety measures. Even today, while opponents threw up snarky political videos about the issue, Senator Gordon was holding a hearing on the ongoing projects that are affecting NJ commuters to make sure real progress is delivered."


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