LD8 Flashpoint: LaPlaca and Natale Call on GOP to Dump Eversmeyer

LaPlaca and Natale.
The Democratic candidates for the Assembly in LD8 said they were repulsed by Facebook photos of Republican candidate Karl Eversmeyer in blackface, and called on their GOP opponents to hit the eject button on him.
Eversmeyer is running for a seat on the Westampton Twp. Committee.
"We are appalled at the recent pictures that surfaced of a Westampton municipal candidate appearing in blackface and advancing highly offensive stereotypes of the African American community. It is inexcusable in any circumstance," Gina LaPlaca and Mark Natale said in a joint statement.

"Jean Stanfield and Ryan Peters should immediately condemn this behavior and call on Karl Eversmeyer to end his candidacy. Anyone showing this type of judgment is unfit to serve the residents of Westampton in public office."

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