Legislative Action: Here's What Happened In Trenton On Friday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened in Trenton on Friday, June 30th:



Nominations Advise and Consent:



Michael Noriega, of Fanwood.



Jeffrey Kaelin, of Cape May, to replace Thomas Fote.



Sarah Flint, of Princeton, to replace Jonathan Yavelow.



Dr. Susana Tapia, of Montclair, to replace Catherine Ainora.


Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:



Keith E. Lynott, J.S.C., of Maplewood. Dina M. Mikulka, J.S.C., of Newton.

Jason W. Rockwell, J.S.C., of Middletown.

Yolanda C. Rodriguez, J.S.C., of Mount Laurel.

Natalie S. Watson, J.S.C., of Tinton Falls.



Antonio R. Salters, of Hillside, to replace John Paitakes.


Nominations Reported from Committee:



Jeffrey Kaelin, of Cape May, to replace Thomas Fote.



Sarah Flint, of Princeton, to replace Jonathan Yavelow.



Dr. Susana Tapia, of Montclair, to replace Catherine Ainora.


Bills Introduced:


S4050 Cryan,J Division of Food and Nutrition-tranfer from Department of Agriculture to DHS REF SHH

S4051 Cryan,J Election-related actions and campaign finance laws-concerns REF SSG

S4054 Greenstein,L/Cryan,J Temporary disability insurance and family leave insurance benefits-concerns REF SLA

S4076 Vitale,J SHBP and SEHBP-requires study and implementation of reference-based pricing REF SHH


Bills On Emergency Resolution:


S3011 ScaSaSa (3R) Scutari,N Drunk driving offenses, cert-extend expiration date of P.L.2019, c.248 & clarify (35-1) (Ruiz)



Bills Passed:


A1 AcaAca (2R) Coughlin,C/Greenwald,L+4 Stay senior prop tax credit affordability prog-estab; approp not more than $300M (37-0)

A536/2841 AcsAcaAcaAca (ACS/3R) Freiman,R/McKeon,J+8 Pharmacy Benefits Manager Licensure & Regulation Act-concerns (36-1)

A2190 AcaAca (2R) Caputo,R/Chaparro,A+2 Internet gaming law-extends authorization to 2028 (37-0)

A3334 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Jimenez,A+10 Medicaid claims, school-based-req. reimb. for covered behavioral health services (36-0)

A3808 AcaAca (2R) Lopez,Y/Park,E+7 Tenant, temporary/permanent restraining order-allow to change locks on unit (37-0)

A4089 AcaAcaSaSaSca (5R) DeAngelo,W/Benson,D+6 Solar electric power generation fac-extends cert deadlines, completion/operation (35-1)

A4284 AcaAaScaSaSa (5R) Moriarty,P/Jaffer,S+10 Credit card surcharge-proh. for transaction greater than cost to process payment (34-0)

A4674 Aca (1R) Moriarty,P/Danielsen,J+12 Senior freeze reimb.-concerns eligibility if elig. claimant exceeds income limit (36-0)

A4682 AcaAaAca (3R) Schaer,G/Timberlake,B+38 Service employees, certain-estab. employment protections during ownership change (21-14)

A4694 AcaSaSa (3R) Tully,P/Swain,L+3 Tax treatment of income earned outside state of residence-concerns (37-0)

A4701 w/GR (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Speight,S+16 Affordable Housing Trust Fund-support construction and rehabilitation;$25M (36-0)

A4797 AcaAca (2R) Karabinchak,R/Benson,D+20 Asphalt pavement, reclaimed-increase percentage used for local road projects (36-0)

A4914 AcaAcaAcaAcaSa (5R) Conaway,H/Stanley,S+15 Hospital at Home Act-establishes (37-0)

A5060 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Lampitt,P+21 Sick leave, school district employee-expands scope of (28-6)

A5082 AcaAcaAca (3R) Greenwald,L/Mukherji,R+13 Pediatric medical day care services-establish Medicaid per diem rate;$3.6M (36-0)

A5165 AcaSca (2R) DeAngelo,W/Murphy,C Refrigerants, cert-clarify which are permissible within Uniform Contruction Code (36-1)

A5173 Aca (1R) McKnight,A/Speight,S+7 Senior program services, certain community-concerns reimbursement levels (36-0)

A5175 AcaAcaAcaScaAa (5R) Verrelli,A/McKnight,A+2 General Election-change certain deadlines (36-0)

A5209 Freiman,R/Sarlo,P+9 Agritourism Fund-require annual appropriation from General Fund;$2.5M (37-0)

A5225 AcaAca (2R) McKnight,A/Speight,S+8 Palliative care benefits, community-based-provide coverage under Medicaid (36-0)

A5323 AcaAca (2R) Pintor Marin,E/Wimberly,B State tax law-revises various provisions (36-0)

A5329 Sca (1R) Stanley,S/Atkins,R+2 School buses, certain-extends useful service life to 20 years (37-0)

A5415 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Freiman,R+7 Housing assistance for certain homebuyers and developers-provide tax credit;$25M (36-0)

A5584 Jimenez,A/Freiman,R New Jersey False Claims Act-revises to comply w/ fed law, Medicaid fraud cases (36-0)

A5595 Aca (1R) Lopez,Y/Wimberly,B+4 New Jersey Residential Foreclosure Prevention Program-expands (35-0)

A5596 AcaAca (2R) Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+5 Affordable Housing Rehabilitation and Renovation Program-establishes in HMFA (36-0)

A5651 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Moriarty,P+1 Qualified offshore wind projects, cert-concerns treatment of fed tax benefits (21-14)

A5654 Freiman,R/Reynolds-Jackson,V+5 Lands for recreation & conservation purposes-approp for grants to aquire;$9.184M (36-0)

A5655 Sumter,S/Tully,P+35 Open space acquisition & park development projects-appropriates $87.783M (37-0)

A5655 w/GR (1R) Sumter,S/Tully,P+35 Open space acquisition & park development projects-appropriates $87.783M (36-0)

A5669 (LIV) Pintor Marin,E/Wimberly,B State budget FY 2023-2024-State funds $54.357B and federal funds $26.144B (25-12)

A5672 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Speight,S+11 Child tax credit-increases under gross income tax (31-5)

S3 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Lagana,J+13 PAAD & Senior Gold Prescription Discount Prog-revise income eligibility criteria (37-0)

S3 ScaAa (2R) Vitale,J/Lagana,J+13 PAAD & Senior Gold Prescription Discount Prog-revise income eligibility criteria (36-0)

S405 ScaSca (2R) Johnson,G/Singer,R+15 Medicaid per diem rate for certain assisted living residences-incrs over 3 years (37-0)

S419 Sca (1R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+2 Renewable and Efficient Energy Financing Program-establishes (37-0)

S427 Smith,B/Pou,N+1 Retrofit of existing warehouses w/solar-ready zones-provide CBT tax credit (37-0)

S520 ScsAcaAca (SCS/2R) Cruz-Perez,N/Calabrese,C+1 Shellfish producers, commercial-exempt from prohibition on taking on Sunday (34-2)

S524 ScsSca (SCS/1R) Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+12 Mental Illness Diversion Program-divert elig. person to mental health services (21-15)

S1221 ScaScaAca (3R) Ruiz,M/Gopal,V+16 Feminine hygiene products-school districts provide, cert schools; State pay cost (35-1)

S1442 AcaAa (2R) Singleton,T/Thomson,E+5 Public works contractor registration & payroll-require to be completed on online (35-0)

S1614 ScaAca (2R) Vitale,J/Pou,N+21 Epinephrine auto-injector device & asthma inhaler-req health insur prov coverage (35-0)

S1615 ScaSa (2R) Singleton,T/Vitale,J+15 Prescr drug supply chain-estab data reporting req; report on trends in pricing (24-11)

S1895 ScaSca (2R) Singer,R/Gopal,V+6 Medicaid reimbursement for certain behavioral health & addiction svcs.-increases (37-0)

S2369 ScaSca (2R) Singer,R/Madden,F+11 FamilyCare reimb rate-estab min for traumatic brain injury special care facility (37-0)

S2747 ScaSca (2R) Zwicker,A/Beach,J+6 Colleges & universities, State-establishes fringe benefit rate (36-1)

S2771 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Turner,S+5 Community school pilot program-establish 5 year (27-6)

S2802 Sca (1R) Lagana,J/Bramnick,J+4 Uniform Public Expression Protection Act-expedited motion for SLAPP dismissal (37-0)

S2824 ScsScaAa (SCS/2R) Vitale,J/Pou,N+2 Health benefits plans, individual & small employer-revises various requirements (34-1)

S2857 ScaAca (2R) Gopal,V/Ruiz,M+5 Sustainable NJ Fund-estab. in DCA to support certain sustainability inititatives (35-1)

S3011 ScaSaSa (3R) Scutari,N Drunk driving offenses, cert-extend expiration date of P.L.2019, c.248 & clarify (29-7)

S3044 Aca (1R) Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L Electric School Bus Program-supplemental appropriation for implementation;$15M (26-9)

S3092 SaSaAa (3R) Smith,B/Codey,R Meter collar adapter-authorize installation & operation on resid electric meters (36-0)

S3102 Sca (1R) Smith,B/Singleton,T+2 Electric vehicle charging station incentive program-establish uptime requirement (35-1)

S3153 ScaAa (2R) Codey,R/Kennedy,J+2 Food waste-allow schools to receive and compost from other schools (36-0)

S3275 ScaAca (2R) Pou,N/Scutari,N+5 Reproductive rights-require DOH create website with information (23-11)

S3374 ScaSa (2R) Lagana,J/Tully,P Towing and storage, non-consensual-concerns fees charged (35-1)

S3406 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Cryan,J+12 Fiscal monitoring report, annual-require public institutions of higher ed submit (37-0)

S3480 SaScaAa (3R) Vitale,J/Pou,N+5 Small Business Health Insurance Affordability Act-revises certain requirements (35-0)

S3748 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Gopal,V/Sarlo,P+7 Film & digital media content production tax credit program-revise provisions (33-1)

S3756 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Scutari,N/Sarlo,P+1 SHBP & SEHBP-provide increased competition to reduce State health care costs (24-13)

S3771 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Zwicker,A+5 Public Defender services-eliminates fees, liens and warrants (22-15)

S3772 Pou,N/Atkins,R Parole revocation proceedings-direct Off of Public Defender prov representation (21-15)

S3776 ScaSa (2R) Lagana,J/Schepisi,H Prevailing wage requirements for certain fabrication-concerns (37-0)

S3814 ScaSa (2R) Ruiz,M/Pou,N+3 Emergency teacher certificate-establish in certain circumstances (37-0)

S3837 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Cruz-Perez,N+1 Administrative appropriations to UEZs-clarifies process; makes appropriation (27-10)

S3839 ScaAca (2R) Greenstein,L/Steinhardt,D+6 Correctional facility, State-requires 10-minute shift overlap (36-0)

S3848 ScaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Burgess,R+13 Bloomfield College-provides for merger with Montclair State University (37-0)

S3864 ScaSca (2R) Turner,S/Ruiz,M+6 Maternal and Infant Health Innovation Center Act-establish; approp $2.220M (23-12)

S3887 Sa (1R) Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N+3 NJCLASS Teacher Loan Redemption Program-expand eligibility (37-0)

S3929 ScaSaSca (3R) Vitale,J/Scutari,N+4 Mental health treatment, involuntary commitment-revise certain requirements (36-1)

S3941 Gopal,V/Turner,S+6 Certification and credentialing fees for teachers, certain-waives for one year (37-0)

S3953 Sarlo,P/Haider,S 1999 Statewide Transportation and Local Bridge Fund-approp unexpected funds (37-0)

S3976 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Cruz-Perez,N+6 Mobility & Transportation Innovation Program-establish in DOT;$10M (37-0)

S3977 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+7 Social Impact Investment Fund-establishes;$20M (25-12)

S3978 Sarlo,P/Pintor Marin,E+1 Fiscal Year 2023-makes supplemental appropriations;$158.525M (34-2)

S3980 Sarlo,P/Singleton,T+2 New Jersey Debt Defeasance and Prevention Fund-credits $400M (31-6)

S3987 Gopal,V/Pou,N Legislative Youth Council-establish & select instit of higher education as host (37-0)

S3989 Sca (1R) Sarlo,P/Testa,M+2 Boardwalk Preservation Fund-establishes in DCA; appropriates $100M (37-0)

S4011 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Coughlin,C New Jersey Community-Anchored Development Program-modifies (26-11)

S4023 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Pou,N+2 New Jersey Economic Recovery Act of 2020-revises various changes (37-0)


Bills Passed Concurring w/Amendment by Amendment:


S2848 ScsAcaAcaSa (SCS/3R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+1 Public Remote Net Metering Prog-adopt rules & regulations establishing To Concur by Sa (37-0) (Greenstein)


Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:


A2371 AcaScaSa (3R) Lopez,Y/Tully,P+2 Digital Asset and Blockchain Technology Act (29-0) (Pou)

A4914 AcaAcaAcaAcaSa (5R) Conaway,H/Stanley,S+15 Hospital at Home Act-establishes (37-0) (Vitale)

S1756 ScaScsSa (SCS/1R) Pou,N/Zwicker,A Digital Asset and Blockchain Technology Act (29-0) (Pou)

S3011 ScaSaSa (3R) Scutari,N Drunk driving offenses, cert-extend expiration date of P.L.2019, c.248 & clarify (32-0) (Ruiz)


Bills Received from Assembly/Concurrence w/Assembly Amendments/Given Second Reading:


A5175 AcaAcaAcaScaAa (5R) Verrelli,A/McKnight,A+2 General Election-change certain deadlines

S3 ScaAa (2R) Vitale,J/Lagana,J+13 PAAD & Senior Gold Prescription Discount Prog-revise income eligibility criteria

S520 ScsAcaAca (SCS/2R) Cruz-Perez,N/Calabrese,C+1 Shellfish producers, commercial-exempt from prohibition on taking on Sunday

S1221 ScaScaAca (3R) Ruiz,M/Gopal,V+16 Feminine hygiene products-school districts provide, cert schools; State pay cost

S1442 AcaAa (2R) Singleton,T/Thomson,E+5 Public works contractor registration & payroll-require to be completed on online

S1614 ScaAca (2R) Vitale,J/Pou,N+21 Epinephrine auto-injector device & asthma inhaler-req health insur prov coverage

S2824 ScsScaAa (SCS/2R) Vitale,J/Pou,N+2 Health benefits plans, individual & small employer-revises various requirements

S2848 ScsAcaAcaSa (SCS/3R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+1 Public Remote Net Metering Prog-adopt rules & regulations establishing

S2857 ScaAca (2R) Gopal,V/Ruiz,M+5 Sustainable NJ Fund-estab. in DCA to support certain sustainability inititatives

S3044 Aca (1R) Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L Electric School Bus Program-supplemental appropriation for implementation;$15M

S3092 SaSaAa (3R) Smith,B/Codey,R Meter collar adapter-authorize installation & operation on resid electric meters

S3153 ScaAa (2R) Codey,R/Kennedy,J+2 Food waste-allow schools to receive and compost from other schools

S3275 ScaAca (2R) Pou,N/Scutari,N+5 Reproductive rights-require DOH create website with information

S3480 SaScaAa (3R) Vitale,J/Pou,N+5 Small Business Health Insurance Affordability Act-revises certain requirements

S3839 ScaAca (2R) Greenstein,L/Steinhardt,D+6 Correctional facility, State-requires 10-minute shift overlap

S3848 ScaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Burgess,R+13 Bloomfield College-provides for merger with Montclair State University


Bills Received from Assembly/Concurrence w/Governor's Recommendation/Given Second Reading:


A4701 w/GR (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Speight,S+16 Affordable Housing Trust Fund-support construction and rehabilitation;$25M

A5655 w/GR (1R) Sumter,S/Tully,P+35 Open space acquisition & park development projects-appropriates $87.783M


Bills Received from Assembly/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:


A1 AcaAca (2R) Coughlin,C/Greenwald,L+4 Stay senior prop tax credit affordability prog-estab; approp not more than $300M

A536/2841 AcsAcaAcaAca (ACS/3R) Freiman,R/McKeon,J+8 Pharmacy Benefits Manager Licensure & Regulation Act-concerns

A2190 AcaAca (2R) Caputo,R/Chaparro,A+2 Internet gaming law-extends authorization to 2028

A3334 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Jimenez,A+10 Medicaid claims, school-based-req. reimb. for covered behavioral health services

A4674 Aca (1R) Moriarty,P/Danielsen,J+12 Senior freeze reimb.-concerns eligibility if elig. claimant exceeds income limit

A4682 AcaAaAca (3R) Schaer,G/Timberlake,B+38 Service employees, certain-estab. employment protections during ownership change

A4797 AcaAca (2R) Karabinchak,R/Benson,D+20 Asphalt pavement, reclaimed-increase percentage used for local road projects

A4914 AcaAcaAcaAcaSa (5R) Conaway,H/Stanley,S+15 Hospital at Home Act-establishes

A5082 AcaAcaAca (3R) Greenwald,L/Mukherji,R+13 Pediatric medical day care services-establish Medicaid per diem rate;$3.6M

A5173 Aca (1R) McKnight,A/Speight,S+7 Senior program services, certain community-concerns reimbursement levels

A5225 AcaAca (2R) McKnight,A/Speight,S+8 Palliative care benefits, community-based-provide coverage under Medicaid

A5323 AcaAca (2R) Pintor Marin,E/Wimberly,B State tax law-revises various provisions

A5415 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Freiman,R+7 Housing assistance for certain homebuyers and developers-provide tax credit;$25M

A5584 Jimenez,A/Freiman,R New Jersey False Claims Act-revises to comply w/ fed law, Medicaid fraud cases

A5595 Aca (1R) Lopez,Y/Wimberly,B+4 New Jersey Residential Foreclosure Prevention Program-expands

A5596 AcaAca (2R) Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+5 Affordable Housing Rehabilitation and Renovation Program-establishes in HMFA

A5651 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Moriarty,P+1 Qualified offshore wind projects, cert-concerns treatment of fed tax benefits

A5654 Freiman,R/Reynolds-Jackson,V+5 Lands for recreation & conservation purposes-approp for grants to aquire;$9.184M

A5655 w/GR (1R) Sumter,S/Tully,P+35 Open space acquisition & park development projects-appropriates $87.783M

A5669 (LIV) Pintor Marin,E/Wimberly,B State budget FY 2023-2024-State funds $54.357B and federal funds $26.144B

A5672 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Speight,S+11 Child tax credit-increases under gross income tax


Senate Republican Appointments:


Senator Anthony M. Bucco (25) Republican Leader Senator Steven V. Oroho (24) Leader Emeritus


The Senate adjourned at 8:45 P.M. to meet again at a date and time to be announced.




Bills Introduced:


A5685 McKnight,A Legislative Youth Council-establish & select instit of higher education as host REF AHI

A5687 Greenwald,L/Murphy,C Local contracting, cert-determine/utilize cost-saving practices, goods & svcs REF ASL




A1 AcaAca (2R) Coughlin,C/Greenwald,L+4 Stay senior prop tax credit affordability prog-estab; approp not more than $300M To Aa (Bergen)

A1 AcaAca (2R) Coughlin,C/Greenwald,L+4 Stay senior prop tax credit affordability prog-estab; approp not more than $300M To Table Aa (41-33-0) (Greenwald)

A4701 w/GR (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Speight,S+16 Affordable Housing Trust Fund-support construction and rehabilitation;$25M Waive 22:5 (74-0-0) (Pintor Marin)

A5253 DiMaio,J+28 Fully Funding Schools & Cutting Property Taxes Act-concerns State school aid Relieve from Committee (DiMaio)

A5253 DiMaio,J+28 Fully Funding Schools & Cutting Property Taxes Act-concerns State school aid To Table (42-33-0) (Greenwald)

A5651 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Moriarty,P+1 Qualified offshore wind projects, cert-concerns treatment of fed tax benefits To Aa (Simonsen)

A5651 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Moriarty,P+1 Qualified offshore wind projects, cert-concerns treatment of fed tax benefits To Table Aa (42-32-0)


A5655 w/GR (1R) Sumter,S/Tully,P+35 Open space acquisition & park development projects-appropriates $87.783M Waive Rule 22:5 (76-0-0) (Sumter)

S405 ScaSca (2R) Johnson,G/Singer,R+15 Medicaid per diem rate for certain assisted living residences-incrs over 3 years Waive Rule 15:11 (Voice)(Greenwald)

S3275 ScaAca (2R) Pou,N/Scutari,N+5 Reproductive rights-require DOH create website with information To Aa (Webber)

S3275 ScaAca (2R) Pou,N/Scutari,N+5 Reproductive rights-require DOH create website with information To Table Aa (42-31-0) (Greenwald)


Bills Passed:


A1 AcaAca (2R) Coughlin,C/Greenwald,L+4 Stay senior prop tax credit affordability prog-estab; approp not more than $300M (41-33-0)

A536/2841 AcsAcaAcaAca (ACS/3R) Freiman,R/McKeon,J+8 Pharmacy Benefits Manager Licensure & Regulation Act-concerns (54-23-0)

A583 AcaAcaAca (3R) Spearman,W/Quijano,A+16 Works Act-businesses create pre-emp training prog in partnership w/nonprofit org (77-0-0)

A757 AcsAcs (ACS) Gove,D/Rumpf,B+20 Vol firefighters, rescue & first aid squad memb-allows $5K income tax deduction (77-0-0)

A1176 AcaSca (2R) Jasey,M/Kennedy,J+36 Suicide prevention programs-require institutions of higher education implement (77-0-0)

A1181 AcaAca (2R) Jasey,M/Timberlake,B+13 Graduation requirements, high school-req. to complete financial aid application (45-32-0)

A1569 AcaAca (2R) Moen,W/Murphy,C+14 Human trafficking-pub. trans emp complete training course, handling & responding (78-0-0)

A1701 Aca (1R) Quijano,A/McKnight,A+8 Disaster & emerg related assistance-estab unit, address residents access & needs (76-0-0)

A1715 AcaSca (2R) Speight,S/McKnight,A+4 SNAP-requires standard certification period of 12 and 24 months (69-5-1)

A2190 AcaAca (2R) Caputo,R/Chaparro,A+2 Internet gaming law-extends authorization to 2028 (76-2-0)

A3334 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Jimenez,A+10 Medicaid claims, school-based-req. reimb. for covered behavioral health services (78-0-0)

A3424 Sa (1R) Sumter,S/Reynolds-Jackson,V+17 Biannual Small Business Matchmaker Initiative-establishes in Department of State (76-1-0)

A3681 AcaAcaSa (3R) Lampitt,P/Wimberly,B+11 Educator Scholarship Program-establishes (72-5-0)

A3811 AcaAca (2R) Moen,W/Benson,D+3 Geotechnical testing & certain monitoring of transportation projects-requires (58-18-1)

A3912 Sca (1R) Greenwald,L/Calabrese,C+8 Wineries-permits alternating proprietorship (77-0-0)

A3945 Quijano,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 Male Teachers of Color Mentorship Pilot Program-establishes;$50K (70-7-0)

A4011 Aca (1R) Haider,S/McKnight,A+2 Reading literacy-estab 3-yr pilot prog, incr reading levels of cert students;$1M (77-0-0)

A4033 Coughlin,C/Wimberly,B+3 School district's annual audit-extends deadline for completion (78-0-0)

A4049 AcaAcaAca (3R) McKnight,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V+10 Presumptive eligibility for Medicaid home & community based services-provides (78-0-0)

A4052 Aca (1R) Reynolds-Jackson,V/Conaway,H+19 Sickle cell center pilot program, 3-year-establishes;$10.2M (75-0-0)

A4089 AcaAcaSaSaSca (5R) DeAngelo,W/Benson,D+6 Solar electric power generation fac-extends cert deadlines, completion/operation (77-0-0)

A4090 SaSa (2R) Freiman,R/Pintor Marin,E+12 Financial Report, State's Annual-publish report summarizing & analyzing contents (78-0-0)

A4093 Atkins,R/Reynolds-Jackson,V+19 Mammograms-req. health insur coverage, women over & under 35, cert circumstances (78-0-0)

A4110 Sca (1R) Jasey,M/Sumter,S+17 Safe Haven Infant Protection Act-allow persons who give birth to surrender under (78-0-0)

A4284 AcaAaScaSaSa (5R) Moriarty,P/Jaffer,S+10 Credit card surcharge-proh. for transaction greater than cost to process payment (74-3-0)

A4296 AcaAcaAca (3R) Karabinchak,R/Jasey,M+7 Vision Zero Task Force-establishes; concerns traffic safety (76-0-0)

A4337 Aa (1R) Conaway,H/Atkins,R+5 Hypodermic syringes & needles-provide 2-1-1 phone system, safe disposal location (75-0-0)

A4488 Sca (1R) Lopez,Y/Singleton,T Common interest community regulation of certain vehicles-limits (77-0-0)

A4522 AcaAcaAca (3R) Moen,W/McKnight,A+1 Solar panels installed in single-family home-concerns disclosure of information (78-0-0)

A4547 Aca (1R) Kennedy,J/Stanley,S+1 Gardens, community-exempts composting on-site under certain conditions (78-0-0)

A4639 Caputo,R/Jasey,M+18 High school graduation proficiency test-eliminates (64-9-1)

A4674 Aca (1R) Moriarty,P/Danielsen,J+12 Senior freeze reimb.-concerns eligibility if elig. claimant exceeds income limit (78-0-0)

A4682 AcaAaAca (3R) Schaer,G/Timberlake,B+38 Service employees, certain-estab. employment protections during ownership change (43-33-0)

A4691 AcaAa (2R) Swain,L/DeAngelo,W+7 Hazard mitigation plans, State & county-req. climate change threat assessments (69-8-0)

A4694 AcaSaSa (3R) Tully,P/Swain,L+3 Tax treatment of income earned outside state of residence-concerns (77-0-0)

A4701 w/GR (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Speight,S+16 Affordable Housing Trust Fund-support construction and rehabilitation;$25M (76-0-0)

A4759 AcaAca (2R) Swain,L/Haider,S+10 Perfluoroalkyl & polyfluoroalkyl substances-provide notice of elevated levels (78-0-0)

A4784 Aca (1R) McKeon,J/Sampson,W+12 Catalytic converter on vehicle-req vehicle identification number be stamped on (67-10-0)

A4794 AcaAcs (ACS) Benson,D/Mukherji,R+2 Electric vehicle charging depots-req request for proposal to estab demo program (62-12-1)

A4797 AcaAca (2R) Karabinchak,R/Benson,D+20 Asphalt pavement, reclaimed-increase percentage used for local road projects (78-0-0)

A4821/4823 AcsAca (ACS/1R) Karabinchak,R/Conaway,H+6 Microplastics in water-DEP adopt regulation concerning identification/testing of (78-0-0)

A4835 Moen,W/Benson,D+15 School buses, Type S-permits certain persons to operate (76-0-0)

A4888 Quijano,A/Wimberly,B+1 Name change order-eliminates fee for filing certified copy (72-5-0)

A4913 AcaAa (2R) Conaway,H/Stanley,S+1 Health insur carriers-req reimb providers using check/electronic fund transfer (76-0-0)

A4914 AcaAcaAcaAcaSa (5R) Conaway,H/Stanley,S+15 Hospital at Home Act-establishes (78-0-0)

A4914 AcaAcaAcaAcaSa (5R) Conaway,H/Stanley,S+15 Hospital at Home Act-establishes (77-0-0)

A4942 AcaAa (2R) Murphy,C/Moriarty,P "Pet Insurance Act"-concerns (76-0-0)

A5069 Aca (1R) Conaway,H/Speight,S+6 Social media platforms-prohibits use of certain addictive practices or features (78-0-0)

A5082 AcaAcaAca (3R) Greenwald,L/Mukherji,R+13 Pediatric medical day care services-establish Medicaid per diem rate;$3.6M (78-0-0)

A5096 Sca (1R) Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+21 Alcohol and substance use-replace statutory terms (76-2-0)

A5158 Aca (1R) Tully,P/Murphy,C+3 Advertisement grant program-establish for emerging businesses (69-9-0)

A5159 Aca (1R) Tully,P/Freiman,R+6 Financial Assistance, Office-establish in EDA to help access opportunities (53-24-1)

A5160 Aca (1R) Tully,P/Murphy,C+4 Needs-matching website-require EDA create for entities engaged in innovation (56-22-0)

A5165 AcaSca (2R) DeAngelo,W/Murphy,C Refrigerants, cert-clarify which are permissible within Uniform Contruction Code (77-0-0)

A5173 Aca (1R) McKnight,A/Speight,S+7 Senior program services, certain community-concerns reimbursement levels (78-0-0)

A5184 Aca (1R) Sawyer,B/Murphy,C+3 Disabled veteran assistance dogs-req organizations training to register w/ DMVA (75-3-0)

A5189 Sca (1R) Speight,S/Tully,P+9 Pretrial release-elim for cert motor vehicle theft offenses prior 30-day-period (78-0-0)

A5225 AcaAca (2R) McKnight,A/Speight,S+8 Palliative care benefits, community-based-provide coverage under Medicaid (78-0-0)

A5227 Aca (1R) Danielsen,J/Space,P+4 Fishing buddy license-expands eligibility for fee (77-0-0)

A5275 Sca (1R) Benson,D/Atkins,R+2 Fire Dept chaplain-allow mun, determine to hold rank and receive salary/benefits (76-0-0)

A5294 Greenwald,L/Swain,L+2 Investment metal bullion & cert investment coins-exempts from sales and use tax (74-0-0)

A5319 Tucker,C/Dunn,A+3 Catholic Charities, Diocese of Paterson-SOS Vet Unmet Needs Fund;$500K (78-0-0)

A5323 AcaAca (2R) Pintor Marin,E/Wimberly,B State tax law-revises various provisions (77-0-0)

A5326 Aca (1R) Spearman,W/Sumter,S+3 Community Crisis Response Advisory Council/response pilot prog-estab;$20M (59-18-1)

A5329 Sca (1R) Stanley,S/Atkins,R+2 School buses, certain-extends useful service life to 20 years (76-1-0)

A5412 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Swain,L+9 Nonpublic school transportation program-estab to provide funding to consortiums (78-0-0)

A5415 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Freiman,R+7 Housing assistance for certain homebuyers and developers-provide tax credit;$25M (56-21-1)

A5440 Moriarty,P/Conaway,H+3 Products containing delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol-prohibit production and sale (75-0-1)

A5442 Aca (1R) Karabinchak,R/Conaway,H+2 Large-scale geothermal heat pump system-conduct study, feasibility and costs (76-1-0)

A5462 Aca (1R) Coughlin,C/McKnight,A+1 Office of Food Security Advocate-estab cert conditions for use of monies (78-0-0)

A5508 Danielsen,J+1 Bear deterrent spray-authorize possession of (76-0-0)

A5510 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Swain,L+6 Deceptive audio or visual media, certain-prohibits & imposes criminal penalty (66-10-0)

A5511 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Murphy,C+8 Deceptive audio or visual media known as deepfakes-proh creation or disclosure (61-14-1)

A5512 Aca (1R) Tully,P/Greenwald,L+9 Deep Fake Technology Unit-establish in DLPS; appropriates $10M (49-29-0)

A5531 DeAngelo,W/Tucker,C+10 County veteran transportation grant program-establishes; approp $2M (78-0-0)

A5554 Aca (1R) Chaparro,A/Benson,D+2 Methane emissions-require DEP to study (72-4-0)

A5574 Freiman,R/Speight,S+6 SNAP & WFNJ recipients-req DHS provide info regarding fraudulent activities (77-0-0)

A5584 Jimenez,A/Freiman,R New Jersey False Claims Act-revises to comply w/ fed law, Medicaid fraud cases (78-0-0)

A5595 Aca (1R) Lopez,Y/Wimberly,B+4 New Jersey Residential Foreclosure Prevention Program-expands (75-1-0)

A5596 AcaAca (2R) Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+5 Affordable Housing Rehabilitation and Renovation Program-establishes in HMFA (76-2-0)

A5610 AcaAcaAca (3R) Greenwald,L/Spearman,W+1 Alcoholic beverages-revise penalties, possession/consumption by underage persons (77-0-0)

A5632 Aca (1R) Conaway,H+1 Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact-adopts (77-0-0)

A5648 Barranco,C/Rooney,K Land and improvements, cert-authorize to sell as surplus property, Twp of Morris (76-0-0)

A5651 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Moriarty,P+1 Qualified offshore wind projects, cert-concerns treatment of fed tax benefits (46-30-0)

A5654 Freiman,R/Reynolds-Jackson,V+5 Lands for recreation & conservation purposes-approp for grants to aquire;$9.184M (78-0-0)

A5655 Sumter,S/Tully,P+35 Open space acquisition & park development projects-appropriates $87.783M (78-0-0)

A5655 w/GR (1R) Sumter,S/Tully,P+35 Open space acquisition & park development projects-appropriates $87.783M (76-0-0)

A5669 (LIV) Pintor Marin,E/Wimberly,B State budget FY 2023-2024-State funds $54.357B and federal funds $26.144B (51-27-0)

A5672 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Speight,S+11 Child tax credit-increases under gross income tax (75-3-0)

A5684 Coughlin,C/Speight,S+3 Working Class Families Anti-Hunger Act-cert nonpublic sch prov meals to students (71-3-4)

AJR199 Moen,W/McKnight,A+4 Workforce Development Month-designates September of each year (76-0-0)

AJR221 Sca (1R) Wimberly,B/Sumter,S+2 Larry Doby Day-designates July 5 of each year (78-0-0)

AJR228 Park,E/Tucker,C+2 Korean War-commemorates 70th anniversary of armistice (77-0-0)

AJR230 Karabinchak,R/Schaer,G+8 State of Israel-recognizes 75th anniversary of establishment (74-0-0)

AR172 Murphy,C/Jaffer,S+29 Sikhism instruction-urge incorporation into social studies curriculum (75-0-0)

AR192 Lopez,Y/McKnight,A+1 Domestic violence abusers, possess firearms-urges Supreme Court to overturn (60-4-10)

AR193 McKeon,J/Park,E FBI and DOJ-condemns House of Representatives proposal to defund (45-19-8)

AR194 Timberlake,B/Lampitt,P LGBTQIA+ Pride Month-designates June 2023 in New Jersey (65-5-3)

S3 ScaAa (2R) Vitale,J/Lagana,J+13 PAAD & Senior Gold Prescription Discount Prog-revise income eligibility criteria (77-0-0)

S146 Diegnan,P/Corrado,K+12 Transportation research-require to consider needs of individuals w/disabilities (77-0-0)

S405 ScaSca (2R) Johnson,G/Singer,R+15 Medicaid per diem rate for certain assisted living residences-incrs over 3 years (76-0-0)

S520 ScsAcaAca (SCS/2R) Cruz-Perez,N/Calabrese,C+1 Shellfish producers, commercial-exempt from prohibition on taking on Sunday (64-11-1)

S524 ScsSca (SCS/1R) Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+12 Mental Illness Diversion Program-divert elig. person to mental health services (45-28-2)

S861 Sca (1R) Zwicker,A/Steinhardt,D+1 Christmas trees-allow municipalities conduct annual event for open burning of (77-0-0)

S1221 ScaScaAca (3R) Ruiz,M/Gopal,V+16 Feminine hygiene products-school districts provide, cert schools; State pay cost (77-0-0)

S1388 Aca w/GR (2R) Singer,R/Bucco,A+14 Military Pro Bono Program-provide legal representation, active-duty service memb (78-0-0)

S1442 AcaAa (2R) Singleton,T/Thomson,E+5 Public works contractor registration & payroll-require to be completed on online (78-0-0)

S1614 ScaAca (2R) Vitale,J/Pou,N+21 Epinephrine auto-injector device & asthma inhaler-req health insur prov coverage (77-1-0)

S1615 ScaSa (2R) Singleton,T/Vitale,J+15 Prescr drug supply chain-estab data reporting req; report on trends in pricing (55-20-1)

S2369 ScaSca (2R) Singer,R/Madden,F+11 FamilyCare reimb rate-estab min for traumatic brain injury special care facility (77-0-0)

S2802 Sca (1R) Lagana,J/Bramnick,J+4 Uniform Public Expression Protection Act-expedited motion for SLAPP dismissal (76-0-0)

S2818 Sa (1R) Turner,S/Kennedy,J+1 Working Group to Study Princing of Motor Fuels by Retail Dealers-establishes (78-0-0)

S2824 ScsScaAa (SCS/2R) Vitale,J/Pou,N+2 Health benefits plans, individual & small employer-revises various requirements (69-7-1)

S2848 ScsAcaAca (SCS/2R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+1 Public Remote Net Metering Prog-adopt rules & regulations establishing (78-0-0)

S2848 ScsAcaAcaSa (SCS/3R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+1 Public Remote Net Metering Prog-adopt rules & regulations establishing (77-0-0)

S2857 ScaAca (2R) Gopal,V/Ruiz,M+5 Sustainable NJ Fund-estab. in DCA to support certain sustainability inititatives (68-9-0)

S2902 Sca (1R) Sarlo,P/Wimberly,B+1 Ticket prices, postseason athletic events-allow to be increased, offset expenses (71-6-0)

S3005 Sca (1R) Bucco,A/Barranco,C+4 Warren E. Wilhide Interchange-desig Harter Road Interchange of Highway Rt 287 as (77-0-0)

S3013 Aca (1R) Scutari,N/Pou,N+8 Women's business enterprises-prov. definition include owned in whole or in part (75-2-0)

S3038 ScsSca (SCS/1R) Gopal,V/Greenstein,L+21 Breweries, limited-allows to hold events & coordinate with certain food vendors (77-0-0)

S3044 Aca (1R) Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L Electric School Bus Program-supplemental appropriation for implementation;$15M (49-27-1)

S3090 w/GR (1R) Gopal,V/Lagana,J+8 Retirement allowance, PFRS-provides after 20 years of service regardless of age (77-0-0)

S3092 SaSaAa (3R) Smith,B/Codey,R Meter collar adapter-authorize installation & operation on resid electric meters (77-0-0)

S3110 ScaSaAa w/GR (4R) Smith,B/Codey,R+9 Real property & flood notifications-req sellers & landlords make notifications (76-0-0)

S3150 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Greenstein,L+8 Firearm trafficking, result in injury/death-estab strict liab criminal penalties (75-0-1)

S3153 ScaAa (2R) Codey,R/Kennedy,J+2 Food waste-allow schools to receive and compost from other schools (78-0-0)

S3206 Sca (1R) Zwicker,A/Smith,B+8 Tourism-req to promote Central Jersey, overnight stays, agritourism; req fed fds (76-1-1)

S3275 ScaAca (2R) Pou,N/Scutari,N+5 Reproductive rights-require DOH create website with information (48-23-1)

S3292 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Turner,S+5 Veterans benefits-prohibit persons from receiving comp. for advising/assisting (77-0-0)

S3328 Gopal,V/Turner,S+5 Alcoholic bev retail lic-allow use in nonprofit movie theater that promote arts (77-0-0)

S3374 ScaSa (2R) Lagana,J/Tully,P Towing and storage, non-consensual-concerns fees charged (77-0-0)

S3402 Sca (1R) Zwicker,A/Singer,R+2 Science, Innovation & Technology, Comm-prov grants to employee, instit higher ed (78-0-0)

S3406 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Cryan,J+12 Fiscal monitoring report, annual-require public institutions of higher ed submit (77-0-0)

S3480 SaScaAa (3R) Vitale,J/Pou,N+5 Small Business Health Insurance Affordability Act-revises certain requirements (77-0-0)

S3748 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Gopal,V/Sarlo,P+7 Film & digital media content production tax credit program-revise provisions (63-13-0)

S3753 Madden,F/Turner,S+2 Office of Emergency Management-designate as State Agency for Surplus Property (76-0-0)

S3756 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Scutari,N/Sarlo,P+1 SHBP & SEHBP-provide increased competition to reduce State health care costs (50-27-0)

S3771 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Zwicker,A+5 Public Defender services-eliminates fees, liens and warrants (46-29-1)

S3772 Pou,N/Atkins,R Parole revocation proceedings-direct Off of Public Defender prov representation (45-31-0)

S3776 ScaSa (2R) Lagana,J/Schepisi,H Prevailing wage requirements for certain fabrication-concerns (73-2-0)

S3782 Lagana,J/Kennedy,J+1 Malt alcoholic beverages-concerns deposit marked cans or bottles (75-0-0)

S3783 Sca (1R) Zwicker,A/Cruz-Perez,N+5 New Jersey Innovation Evergreen Act-modifies certain provisions (74-4-0)

S3796 Greenstein,L/Stanfield,J+38 Environmental infrastructure projects for FY 2024-expand cert sums to make loans (77-0-1)

S3797 Codey,R/Greenstein,L+7 Environmental infrastructure projects for FY 2024-appropriates funds to DEP (77-0-1)

S3839 ScaAca (2R) Greenstein,L/Steinhardt,D+6 Correctional facility, State-requires 10-minute shift overlap (78-0-0)

S3848 ScaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Burgess,R+13 Bloomfield College-provides for merger with Montclair State University (77-0-0)

S3864 ScaSca (2R) Turner,S/Ruiz,M+6 Maternal and Infant Health Innovation Center Act-establish; approp $2.220M (52-16-9)

S3873 Sca (1R) Zwicker,A/Johnson,G+3 Transportation infrastructure projects-expend certain sums to make loans for (76-0-1)

S3903 Madden,F/Cruz-Perez,N+6 Officer Robert J. Shisler Memorial Highway-desig portion, Highway Route No. 47 (78-0-0)

S3929 ScaSaSca (3R) Vitale,J/Scutari,N+4 Mental health treatment, involuntary commitment-revise certain requirements (76-1-0)

S3941 Gopal,V/Turner,S+6 Certification and credentialing fees for teachers, certain-waives for one year (69-7-1)

S3943 Pou,N/Wimberly,B Law enforcement agencies-allow AG to appoint officer in charge when superseding (47-29-0)

S3950 Gopal,V/O'Scanlon,D+3 State school aid reductions-establishes exemption from for cert school districts (55-23-0)

S3953 Sarlo,P/Haider,S 1999 Statewide Transportation and Local Bridge Fund-approp unexpected funds (75-1-1)

S3976 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Cruz-Perez,N+6 Mobility & Transportation Innovation Program-establish in DOT;$10M (61-10-1)

S3977 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+7 Social Impact Investment Fund-establishes;$20M (53-23-0)

S3978 Sarlo,P/Pintor Marin,E+1 Fiscal Year 2023-makes supplemental appropriations;$158.525M (73-4-0)

S3980 Sarlo,P/Singleton,T+2 New Jersey Debt Defeasance and Prevention Fund-credits $400M (72-5-0)

S3989 Sca (1R) Sarlo,P/Testa,M+2 Boardwalk Preservation Fund-establishes in DCA; appropriates $100M (71-6-0)

S4011 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Coughlin,C New Jersey Community-Anchored Development Program-modifies (71-4-0)

S4023 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Pou,N+2 New Jersey Economic Recovery Act of 2020-revises various changes (67-9-0)

SCR144 Smith,B/Speight,S+1 Financial Plan of NJ Infrastructure Bank-approve FY 2024 (77-0-1)

SJR123 Greenstein,L/Diegnan,P+11 State Troopers Fraternal Association-honors accomplishments (77-0-0)

SJR128 Sca (1R) Schepisi,H/Vitale,J+6 Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Day-designates July 14 of each year (75-0-0)


Bills Passed Concurring w/Amendment by Amendment:


A5175 AcaAcaAcaScaAa (5R) Verrelli,A/McKnight,A+2 General Election-change certain deadlines To Concur by Aa (75-3-0) (Verrelli)


Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:


S3 ScaAa (2R) Vitale,J/Lagana,J+13 PAAD & Senior Gold Prescription Discount Prog-revise income eligibility criteria (Tully)

S1442 AcaAa (2R) Singleton,T/Thomson,E+5 Public works contractor registration & payroll-require to be completed on online (Thomson)

S3153 ScaAa (2R) Codey,R/Kennedy,J+2 Food waste-allow schools to receive and compost from other schools (Kennedy)


Bills Received from Governor/Conditional Veto:


A4701 w/GR (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Speight,S+16 Affordable Housing Trust Fund-support construction and rehabilitation;$25M

A5655 w/GR (1R) Sumter,S/Tully,P+35 Open space acquisition & park development projects-appropriates $87.783M


Bills Received from Senate/Concurrence w/Senate Amendments/Given Second Reading:


A4089 AcaAcaSaSaSca (5R) DeAngelo,W/Benson,D+6 Solar electric power generation fac-extends cert deadlines, completion/operation

A4284 AcaAaScaSaSa (5R) Moriarty,P/Jaffer,S+10 Credit card surcharge-proh. for transaction greater than cost to process payment

A4694 AcaSaSa (3R) Tully,P/Swain,L+3 Tax treatment of income earned outside state of residence-concerns

A4914 AcaAcaAcaAcaSa (5R) Conaway,H/Stanley,S+15 Hospital at Home Act-establishes

A5165 AcaSca (2R) DeAngelo,W/Murphy,C Refrigerants, cert-clarify which are permissible within Uniform Contruction Code

A5329 Sca (1R) Stanley,S/Atkins,R+2 School buses, certain-extends useful service life to 20 years

S2848 ScsAcaAcaSa (SCS/3R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+1 Public Remote Net Metering Prog-adopt rules & regulations establishing


Bills Received from Senate/Referred to Committee:


S419 Sca (1R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+2 Renewable and Efficient Energy Financing Program-establishes REF AEN

S427 Smith,B/Pou,N+1 Retrofit of existing warehouses w/solar-ready zones-provide CBT tax credit REF AEN

S3102 Sca (1R) Smith,B/Singleton,T+2 Electric vehicle charging station incentive program-establish uptime requirement REF AEN

S3814 ScaSa (2R) Ruiz,M/Pou,N+3 Emergency teacher certificate-establish in certain circumstances REF AED

S3837 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Cruz-Perez,N+1 Administrative appropriations to UEZs-clarifies process; makes appropriation REF ACE

S3887 Sa (1R) Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N+3 NJCLASS Teacher Loan Redemption Program-expand eligibility REF AED

S3987 Gopal,V/Pou,N Legislative Youth Council-establish & select instit of higher education as host REF ACD


Bills Received from Senate/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:


S3 ScaAa (2R) Vitale,J/Lagana,J+13 PAAD & Senior Gold Prescription Discount Prog-revise income eligibility criteria

S405 ScaSca (2R) Johnson,G/Singer,R+15 Medicaid per diem rate for certain assisted living residences-incrs over 3 years

S524 ScsSca (SCS/1R) Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+12 Mental Illness Diversion Program-divert elig. person to mental health services

S1615 ScaSa (2R) Singleton,T/Vitale,J+15 Prescr drug supply chain-estab data reporting req; report on trends in pricing

S1895 ScaSca (2R) Singer,R/Gopal,V+6 Medicaid reimbursement for certain behavioral health & addiction svcs.-increases

S2369 ScaSca (2R) Singer,R/Madden,F+11 FamilyCare reimb rate-estab min for traumatic brain injury special care facility

S2747 ScaSca (2R) Zwicker,A/Beach,J+6 Colleges & universities, State-establishes fringe benefit rate

S2771 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Turner,S+5 Community school pilot program-establish 5 year

S2802 Sca (1R) Lagana,J/Bramnick,J+4 Uniform Public Expression Protection Act-expedited motion for SLAPP dismissal

S3011 ScaSaSa (3R) Scutari,N Drunk driving offenses, cert-extend expiration date of P.L.2019, c.248 & clarify

S3374 ScaSa (2R) Lagana,J/Tully,P Towing and storage, non-consensual-concerns fees charged

S3406 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Cryan,J+12 Fiscal monitoring report, annual-require public institutions of higher ed submit

S3748 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Gopal,V/Sarlo,P+7 Film & digital media content production tax credit program-revise provisions

S3756 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Scutari,N/Sarlo,P+1 SHBP & SEHBP-provide increased competition to reduce State health care costs

S3771 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Zwicker,A+5 Public Defender services-eliminates fees, liens and warrants

S3772 Pou,N/Atkins,R Parole revocation proceedings-direct Off of Public Defender prov representation

S3776 ScaSa (2R) Lagana,J/Schepisi,H Prevailing wage requirements for certain fabrication-concerns

S3864 ScaSca (2R) Turner,S/Ruiz,M+6 Maternal and Infant Health Innovation Center Act-establish; approp $2.220M

S3929 ScaSaSca (3R) Vitale,J/Scutari,N+4 Mental health treatment, involuntary commitment-revise certain requirements

S3941 Gopal,V/Turner,S+6 Certification and credentialing fees for teachers, certain-waives for one year

S3953 Sarlo,P/Haider,S 1999 Statewide Transportation and Local Bridge Fund-approp unexpected funds

S3976 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Cruz-Perez,N+6 Mobility & Transportation Innovation Program-establish in DOT;$10M

S3977 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+7 Social Impact Investment Fund-establishes;$20M

S3978 Sarlo,P/Pintor Marin,E+1 Fiscal Year 2023-makes supplemental appropriations;$158.525M

S3980 Sarlo,P/Singleton,T+2 New Jersey Debt Defeasance and Prevention Fund-credits $400M

S3989 Sca (1R) Sarlo,P/Testa,M+2 Boardwalk Preservation Fund-establishes in DCA; appropriates $100M

S4011 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Coughlin,C New Jersey Community-Anchored Development Program-modifies

S4023 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Pou,N+2 New Jersey Economic Recovery Act of 2020-revises various changes



The Assembly adjourned at 8:36 P.M. to meet again at a date and time to be announced. Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:

A536/2841 AcsAcaAcaAca (ACS/3R) Freiman,R/McKeon,J+8 Pharmacy Benefits Manager Licensure & Regulation Act-concerns

A1176 AcaSca (2R) Jasey,M/Kennedy,J+36 Suicide prevention programs-require institutions of higher education implement

A1715 AcaSca (2R) Speight,S/McKnight,A+4 SNAP-requires standard certification period of 12 and 24 months

A3334 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Jimenez,A+10 Medicaid claims, school-based-req. reimb. for covered behavioral health services

A3424 Sa (1R) Sumter,S/Reynolds-Jackson,V+17 Biannual Small Business Matchmaker Initiative-establishes in Department of State

A3681 AcaAcaSa (3R) Lampitt,P/Wimberly,B+11 Educator Scholarship Program-establishes

A3808 AcaAca (2R) Lopez,Y/Park,E+7 Tenant, temporary/permanent restraining order-allow to change locks on unit

A3912 Sca (1R) Greenwald,L/Calabrese,C+8 Wineries-permits alternating proprietorship

A4089 AcaAcaSaSaSca (5R) DeAngelo,W/Benson,D+6 Solar electric power generation fac-extends cert deadlines, completion/operation

A4090 SaSa (2R) Freiman,R/Pintor Marin,E+12 Financial Report, State's Annual-publish report summarizing & analyzing contents

A4110 Sca (1R) Jasey,M/Sumter,S+17 Safe Haven Infant Protection Act-allow persons who give birth to surrender under

A4284 AcaAaScaSaSa (5R) Moriarty,P/Jaffer,S+10 Credit card surcharge-proh. for transaction greater than cost to process payment

A4488 Sca (1R) Lopez,Y/Singleton,T Common interest community regulation of certain vehicles-limits

A4682 AcaAaAca (3R) Schaer,G/Timberlake,B+38 Service employees, certain-estab. employment protections during ownership change

A4694 AcaSaSa (3R) Tully,P/Swain,L+3 Tax treatment of income earned outside state of residence-concerns

A4797 AcaAca (2R) Karabinchak,R/Benson,D+20 Asphalt pavement, reclaimed-increase percentage used for local road projects

A4914 AcaAcaAcaAcaSa (5R) Conaway,H/Stanley,S+15 Hospital at Home Act-establishes

A5060 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Lampitt,P+21 Sick leave, school district employee-expands scope of

A5096 Sca (1R) Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+21 Alcohol and substance use-replace statutory terms

A5165 AcaSca (2R) DeAngelo,W/Murphy,C Refrigerants, cert-clarify which are permissible within Uniform Contruction Code

A5175 AcaAcaAcaScaAa (5R) Verrelli,A/McKnight,A+2 General Election-change certain deadlines

A5189 Sca (1R) Speight,S/Tully,P+9 Pretrial release-elim for cert motor vehicle theft offenses prior 30-day-period

A5225 AcaAca (2R) McKnight,A/Speight,S+8 Palliative care benefits, community-based-provide coverage under Medicaid

A5275 Sca (1R) Benson,D/Atkins,R+2 Fire Dept chaplain-allow mun, determine to hold rank and receive salary/benefits

A5323 AcaAca (2R) Pintor Marin,E/Wimberly,B State tax law-revises various provisions

A5329 Sca (1R) Stanley,S/Atkins,R+2 School buses, certain-extends useful service life to 20 years

A5651 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Moriarty,P+1 Qualified offshore wind projects, cert-concerns treatment of fed tax benefits

AJR221 Sca (1R) Wimberly,B/Sumter,S+2 Larry Doby Day-designates July 5 of each year

S146 Diegnan,P/Corrado,K+12 Transportation research-require to consider needs of individuals w/disabilities

S520 ScsAcaAca (SCS/2R) Cruz-Perez,N/Calabrese,C+1 Shellfish producers, commercial-exempt from prohibition on taking on Sunday

S524 ScsSca (SCS/1R) Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+12 Mental Illness Diversion Program-divert elig. person to mental health services

S861 Sca (1R) Zwicker,A/Steinhardt,D+1 Christmas trees-allow municipalities conduct annual event for open burning of

S1221 ScaScaAca (3R) Ruiz,M/Gopal,V+16 Feminine hygiene products-school districts provide, cert schools; State pay cost

S1388 Aca w/GR (2R) Singer,R/Bucco,A+14 Military Pro Bono Program-provide legal representation, active-duty service memb

S1442 AcaAa (2R) Singleton,T/Thomson,E+5 Public works contractor registration & payroll-require to be completed on online

S1614 ScaAca (2R) Vitale,J/Pou,N+21 Epinephrine auto-injector device & asthma inhaler-req health insur prov coverage

S1615 ScaSa (2R) Singleton,T/Vitale,J+15 Prescr drug supply chain-estab data reporting req; report on trends in pricing

S2369 ScaSca (2R) Singer,R/Madden,F+11 FamilyCare reimb rate-estab min for traumatic brain injury special care facility

S2802 Sca (1R) Lagana,J/Bramnick,J+4 Uniform Public Expression Protection Act-expedited motion for SLAPP dismissal

S2818 Sa (1R) Turner,S/Kennedy,J+1 Working Group to Study Princing of Motor Fuels by Retail Dealers-establishes

S2824 ScsScaAa (SCS/2R) Vitale,J/Pou,N+2 Health benefits plans, individual & small employer-revises various requirements

S2848 ScsAcaAcaSa (SCS/3R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+1 Public Remote Net Metering Prog-adopt rules & regulations establishing

S2902 Sca (1R) Sarlo,P/Wimberly,B+1 Ticket prices, postseason athletic events-allow to be increased, offset expenses

S3005 Sca (1R) Bucco,A/Barranco,C+4 Warren E. Wilhide Interchange-desig Harter Road Interchange of Highway Rt 287 as

S3038 ScsSca (SCS/1R) Gopal,V/Greenstein,L+21 Breweries, limited-allows to hold events & coordinate with certain food vendors

S3044 Aca (1R) Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L Electric School Bus Program-supplemental appropriation for implementation;$15M S3090 w/GR (1R) Gopal,V/Lagana,J+8 Retirement allowance, PFRS-provides after 20 years of service regardless of age

S3092 SaSaAa (3R) Smith,B/Codey,R Meter collar adapter-authorize installation & operation on resid electric meters

S3110 ScaSaAa w/GR (4R) Smith,B/Codey,R+9 Real property & flood notifications-req sellers & landlords make notifications

S3150 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Greenstein,L+8 Firearm trafficking, result in injury/death-estab strict liab criminal penalties

S3153 ScaAa (2R) Codey,R/Kennedy,J+2 Food waste-allow schools to receive and compost from other schools

S3206 Sca (1R) Zwicker,A/Smith,B+8 Tourism-req to promote Central Jersey, overnight stays, agritourism; req fed fds

S3275 ScaAca (2R) Pou,N/Scutari,N+5 Reproductive rights-require DOH create website with information

S3292 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Turner,S+5 Veterans benefits-prohibit persons from receiving comp. for advising/assisting

S3328 Gopal,V/Turner,S+5 Alcoholic bev retail lic-allow use in nonprofit movie theater that promote arts

S3374 ScaSa (2R) Lagana,J/Tully,P Towing and storage, non-consensual-concerns fees charged

S3402 Sca (1R) Zwicker,A/Singer,R+2 Science, Innovation & Technology, Comm-prov grants to employee, instit higher ed

S3406 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Cryan,J+12 Fiscal monitoring report, annual-require public institutions of higher ed submit

S3480 SaScaAa (3R) Vitale,J/Pou,N+5 Small Business Health Insurance Affordability Act-revises certain requirements

S3748 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Gopal,V/Sarlo,P+7 Film & digital media content production tax credit program-revise provisions

S3753 Madden,F/Turner,S+2 Office of Emergency Management-designate as State Agency for Surplus Property

S3756 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Scutari,N/Sarlo,P+1 SHBP & SEHBP-provide increased competition to reduce State health care costs

S3772 Pou,N/Atkins,R Parole revocation proceedings-direct Off of Public Defender prov representation

S3776 ScaSa (2R) Lagana,J/Schepisi,H Prevailing wage requirements for certain fabrication-concerns

S3782 Lagana,J/Kennedy,J+1 Malt alcoholic beverages-concerns deposit marked cans or bottles

S3783 Sca (1R) Zwicker,A/Cruz-Perez,N+5 New Jersey Innovation Evergreen Act-modifies certain provisions

S3796 Greenstein,L/Stanfield,J+38 Environmental infrastructure projects for FY 2024-expand cert sums to make loans

S3797 Codey,R/Greenstein,L+7 Environmental infrastructure projects for FY 2024-appropriates funds to DEP

S3839 ScaAca (2R) Greenstein,L/Steinhardt,D+6 Correctional facility, State-requires 10-minute shift overlap

S3864 ScaSca (2R) Turner,S/Ruiz,M+6 Maternal and Infant Health Innovation Center Act-establish; approp $2.220M

S3873 Sca (1R) Zwicker,A/Johnson,G+3 Transportation infrastructure projects-expend certain sums to make loans for

S3903 Madden,F/Cruz-Perez,N+6 Officer Robert J. Shisler Memorial Highway-desig portion, Highway Route No. 47

S3929 ScaSaSca (3R) Vitale,J/Scutari,N+4 Mental health treatment, involuntary commitment-revise certain requirements

S3943 Pou,N/Wimberly,B Law enforcement agencies-allow AG to appoint officer in charge when superseding

S3950 Gopal,V/O'Scanlon,D+3 State school aid reductions-establishes exemption from for cert school districts

S3976 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Cruz-Perez,N+6 Mobility & Transportation Innovation Program-establish in DOT;$10M

S3989 Sca (1R) Sarlo,P/Testa,M+2 Boardwalk Preservation Fund-establishes in DCA; appropriates $100M

S4011 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Coughlin,C New Jersey Community-Anchored Development Program-modifies

S4023 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Pou,N+2 New Jersey Economic Recovery Act of 2020-revises various changes

SJR123 Greenstein,L/Diegnan,P+11 State Troopers Fraternal Association-honors accomplishments

SJR128 Sca (1R) Schepisi,H/Vitale,J+6 Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Day-designates July 14 of each year


Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (6/28/2023):


P.L.2023, c.65. S3848 ScaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Burgess,R+13 6/30/2023 Bloomfield College-provides for merger with Montclair State University P.L.2023, c.66.

S3978 Sarlo,P/Pintor Marin,E+1 6/30/2023 Fiscal Year 2023-makes supplemental appropriations;$158.525M P.L.2023, c.67.

S3977 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+7 6/30/2023 Social Impact Investment Fund-establishes;$20M P.L.2023, c.68.

S3980 Sarlo,P/Singleton,T+2 6/30/2023 New Jersey Debt Defeasance and Prevention Fund-credits $400M P.L.2023, c.69.

S3771 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Zwicker,A+5 6/30/2023 Public Defender services-eliminates fees, liens and warrants P.L.2023, c.70.

S3941 Gopal,V/Turner,S+6 6/30/2023 Certification and credentialing fees for teachers, certain-waives for one year P.L.2023, c.71.

A2190 AcaAca (2R) Caputo,R/Chaparro,A+2 6/30/2023 Internet gaming law-extends authorization to 2028 P.L.2023, c.72.

A5672 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Speight,S+11 6/30/2023 Child tax credit-increases under gross income tax P.L.2023, c.73.

A5584 Jimenez,A/Freiman,R 6/30/2023 New Jersey False Claims Act-revises to comply w/ fed law, Medicaid fraud cases P.L.2023, c.74.

A5669 (LIV) Pintor Marin,E/Wimberly,B 6/30/2023 State budget FY 2023-2024-State funds $54.357B and federal funds $26.144B P.L.2023, c.75.

A1 AcaAca (2R) Coughlin,C/Greenwald,L+4 6/30/2023 Stay senior prop tax credit affordability prog-estab; approp not more than $300M P.L.2023, c.76.

A5595 Aca (1R) Lopez,Y/Wimberly,B+4 6/30/2023 New Jersey Residential Foreclosure Prevention Program-expands P.L.2023, c.77.

A5596 AcaAca (2R) Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+5 6/30/2023 Affordable Housing Rehabilitation and Renovation Program- establishes in HMFA P.L.2023, c.78.

A5415 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Freiman,R+7 6/30/2023 Housing assistance for certain homebuyers and developers-provide tax credit;$25M P.L.2023, c.79.

S3 ScaAa (2R) Vitale,J/Lagana,J+13 6/30/2023 PAAD & Senior Gold Prescription Discount Prog-revise income eligibility criteria P.L.2023, c.80.

S405 ScaSca (2R) Johnson,G/Singer,R+15 6/30/2023 Medicaid per diem rate for certain assisted living residences-incrs over 3 years P.L.2023, c.81.

S2857 ScaAca (2R) Gopal,V/Ruiz,M+5 6/30/2023 Sustainable NJ Fund-estab. in DCA to support certain sustainability inititatives P.L.2023, c.

82. S3953 Sarlo,P/Haider,S 6/30/2023 1999 Statewide Transportation and Local Bridge Fund-approp unexpected funds  P.L.2023, c.83.

A4701 w/GR (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Speight,S+16 6/30/2023 Affordable Housing Trust Fund-support construction and rehabilitation;$25M P.L.2023, c.84.

A4674 Aca (1R) Moriarty,P/Danielsen,J+12 6/30/2023 Senior freeze reimb.-concerns eligibility if elig. claimant exceeds income limit P.L.2023, c.85.

A5082 AcaAcaAca (3R) Greenwald,L/Mukherji,R+13 6/30/2023 Pediatric medical day care services-establish Medicaid per diem rate;$3.6M P.L.2023, c.86.

A5173 Aca (1R) McKnight,A/Speight,S+7 6/30/2023 Senior program services, certain community-concerns reimbursement levels P.L.2023, c.87.

A5209 Freiman,R/Sarlo,P+9 6/30/2023 Agritourism Fund-require annual appropriation from General Fund;$2.5M P.L.2023, c.88.

A5655 w/GR (1R) Sumter,S/Tully,P+35 6/30/2023 Open space acquisition & park development projects-appropriates $87.783M P.L.2023, c.89.

A5654 Freiman,R/Reynolds-Jackson,V+5 6/30/2023 Lands for recreation & conservation purposes-approp for grants to aquire;$9.184M P.L.2023, c.90.

S1307 ScaScaAca (3R) Beach,J/Lampitt,P+3 7/3/2023 Nursing asst., certified-estab. program; prov private duty svcs to cert Medicaid P.L.2023, c.91.

S1388 Aca w/GR (2R) Singer,R/Bucco,A+14 7/3/2023 Military Pro Bono Program-provide legal representation, active-duty service memb P.L.2023, c.92.

S3090 w/GR (1R) Gopal,V/Lagana,J+8 7/3/2023 Retirement allowance, PFRS-provides after 20 years of service regardless of age P.L.2023, c.93.

S3110 ScaSaAa w/GR (4R) Smith,B/Codey,R+9 7/3/2023 Real property & flood notifications-req sellers & landlords make notifications P.L.2023, c.94.

S3943 Pou,N/Wimberly,B 7/3/2023 Law enforcement agencies-allow AG to appoint officer in charge when superseding P.L.2023, c.95.

A5060 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Lampitt,P+21 7/3/2023 Sick leave, school district employee-expands scope of P.L.2023, c.96.

A5323 AcaAca (2R) Pintor Marin,E/Wimberly,B 7/3/2023 State tax law-revises various provisions

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