Legislative Action: Here’s What Happened In Trenton On Tuesday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here’s what happened in Trenton on Tuesday (February 28th):

The Members of both Houses of the 220th Legislature met in Joint Session to receive the Annual Budget Message from the Honorable Phil Murphy, Governor of the State of New Jersey.




Bills Introduced:


S3664 Singleton,T Large warehouse development,cert-establish review processes and procedures REF SCU

S3665 Steinhardt,D Technology products & services-proh from procuring/using from cert countries REF SSG

S3666 Steinhardt,D Protected land adjacent, military fac-proh ownership, foreign government/person REF SSG

S3667 Steinhardt,D Agricultural trespass-revise offense to eliminate mental state requirements REF SEG

S3668 Steinhardt,D Tianeptine-establish as Schedule II controlled dangerous substance REF SJU

S3669 Bucco,A Domestic violence, victim-expands definition REF SJU

S3670 Greenstein,L Student Learning Standards, Social Studies-prov. instruction on labor movement REF SED

S3671 Greenstein,L Fire Dept chaplain-allow mun, determine to hold rank and receive salary/benefits REF SCU

S3672 Smith,B/Zwicker,A Building electrification-req BPU to estab beneficial program & implement plans REF SEG

S3673 Singleton,T Benjamin Moore & the Sappers Company Memorial Hwy-desig bridge, Crosswicks Creek REF STR

S3674 Turner,S/Cruz-Perez,N Child Tax Credit program-expand provisions for taxpayers over period of 2 years REF SBA

S3675 Johnson,G Alcoholic beverage licensing laws-make revisions, cert retailers & manufacturers REF SLP

S3676 Singleton,T Emergency shelter-provide reimbursement following certain evictions REF SHH

S3677 Polistina,V Elementary Home Reading Grant Program-establish; approp. to DOE $500K REF SED

S3678 Polistina,V Opioid antidote-higher ed instit maintain supply; campus medical prof administer REF SHI

S3679 Steinhardt,D Business income taxation-conduct study on impact of for previous & upcoming yrs REF SBA

S3680 Bucco,A/Schepisi,H Second Chance Program-establish; provide opportunities thru labor organizations REF SLA

S3681 Oroho,S Dental care for veterans-concerns; give priority to 100 percent disabled REF SHI

S3682 Oroho,S Deer-authorizes Sunday firearm and bow hunting on certain lands REF SEN

S3683 Turner,S Lead in drinking water-req school/child care center test for every two years REF SEN

S3684 Oroho,S Energy Security and Affordability Act-concerns security/diversity/affordability REF SEN

S3685 Testa,M/Cruz-Perez,N Commercial building, abandoned-provide CBT & income tax credit for replacement REF SEG

S3686 Singer,R/Pou,N Barber service-concerns licensure of persons rendering services in another state REF SCM

S3687 Polistina,V/Burgess,R+1 Teacher certification req-proh St Bd of Ed, limiting number of 2-yr coll credits REF SHI

S3688 Bramnick,J Motor vehicle accident reports-restricts access under certain circumstances REF SLP

S3689 Bramnick,J Insurance issues-create office to advocate for consumers REF SCM

S3690 Polistina,V/Ruiz,M Financial aid offers-req Secretary of Higher Ed. to estab guidelines for student REF SHI

S3691 Polistina,V/Zwicker,A Scientific Conference Grant Program-establishes;$250K REF SHI

S3692 Diegnan,P Anti-Bullying Youth Council-establish to assist Anti-Bullying Task Force REF SED

S3693 Greenstein,L/Zwicker,A Advertisement grant program-establish for emerging businesses REF SEG

S3694 Greenstein,L/Zwicker,A Needs-matching website-require EDA create for entities engaged in innovation REF SEG

S3695 Greenstein,L/Zwicker,A Financial Assistance, Office-establish in EDA to help access opportunities REF SEG

SR116 Polistina,V/Ruiz,M College Cost Transparency & Student Protection Act-urge Congress/President enact REF SHI


Concurrent Resolution Passed:


An unnumbered Concurrent Resolution providing for the Legislature to hold a Joint Session for the purpose of receiving the Governor’s Budget Message was adopted (26-0).



Bills Referred/SBA:


S2405 Cruz-Perez,N Complaints, public-State department required to provide a link on its website

S3503 Stanfield,J/Durr,E+1 Historical projects-promote on website and collect donations for projects

S3553 Stanfield,J/Durr,E Hawk peddle & vend food items-extend on State-owned or leased office building


Bills Received from Assembly/Concurrence w/Assembly Amendments/Given Second Reading:


S660 Aa (1R) Oroho,S/Gopal,V+28 Parking privileges-100% Disabled Vet. not req. to submit documentation to renew

S3110 ScaSaAa (3R) Smith,B/Codey,R+8 Real property & flood notifications-req sellers & landlords make notifications


Bills Received from Assembly/Referred to Committee:


A468 Murphy,C/McKnight,A+9 State agency websites-make accessible to people w/disabilities on mobile devices REF SBA

A664 Verrelli,A/Atkins,R+8 Second Chance Program-establish; provide opportunities thru labor organizations REF SLA

A1060 Aca (1R) Schaer,G/Mukherji,R+1 Barber service-concerns licensure of persons rendering services in another state REF SCM

A1100 AaAa (2R) Calabrese,C/Mukherji,R+11 Abandoned lines-req cert entities remove from poles & other structures REF SEG

A1439 Aca (1R) Kennedy,J/Stanley,S+7 Food waste-solid waste management district required to develop strategy plan REF SBA

A1685/3854 AcsAca (ACS/1R) Quijano,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V+14 Menstrual products-requires ingredients be listed on packageREF SCM

A1935 Aca (1R) Swain,L/Mukherji,R+10 Menstrual Hygiene Products Program-establishes;$200K REF SEG

A1938 Aca (1R) Swain,L/Mukherji,R+8 Menstrual products-estab req for St entities enter bulk purchasing arrangements REF SSG

A1988 Conaway,H/Wimberly,B+7 Sickle cell trait diagnoses-establishes central registry REF SHH

A2138 AcaAcaAca (3R) Moriarty,P/Mukherji,R+8 Home improvement & elevation contractor-estab prof bd to regulate; req licensure REF SBA

A2271 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/McKnight,A+1 Cranberry juice-designates as State beverage REF SSG

A2394 AcsAca (ACS/1R) Wimberly,B/Jaffer,S+1 Driver’s license restoration after suspension-clarifies procedures REF SLP

A2581 Lampitt,P/Park,E+6 Cosmetology/hairstyling-provide courses using distance learning technology REF SCM

A3117 Aca (1R) Mukherji,R/Spearman,W+4 Juvenile-clarifies rights to attorney representation; 12 month review hearing REF SLP

A3208 Aca (1R) Speight,S/Timberlake,B+14 Menstrual hygiene products-req cert pub asst prog include among covered benefits REF SHH

A3211 Speight,S/Haider,S+15 Feminine Hygiene Products for the Homeless Act-establishes REF SHH

A3737 Aca (1R) Speight,S/Swain,L+12 Menstrual health public awareness campaign-establishes REF SHH

A4055 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/DeAngelo,W+10 Ireland Trade Commission, NJ-estab in Department of State REF SSG

A4198 Aa (1R) Moriarty,P/McKnight,A+7 Personal identifying info-proh public disclosure from unemployment claim appeals REF SSG

A4458 Aca (1R) Speight,S/Umba,B+10 Student learning support-establish central registry, supplemental tutoring REF SED

A4615 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Reynolds-Jackson,V+10 Graduate medical ed prog in behavioral health care-foster devel & implementation REF SHH

A4617 Aca (1R) DeAngelo,W/Haider,S+4 Unemployed individuals-req. DOLWD identify & recruit for emp. in health care fac REF SHH

A4618 Freiman,R/Murphy,C+6 Behavioral health care workers & internship/externship-create online job portal REF SHH

A4621 Aca (1R) Mosquera,G/Greenwald,L+2 Prof & occupational licenses-req issuance of report on processing of application REF SCM

A4746 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Park,E+8 Mail-in ballot, accessible-requires availability for voters with disabilities REF SSG

A4864 Aca (1R) Mosquera,G/Sampson,W+3 Foreclosure Mediation Asst Prog-expand, help disaster victim process application REF SCU

A4866 AcaAcaAca (3R) Freiman,R/Mukherji,R+7 Resilient NJ Revolving Loan Fund-estab & auth issuance of bonds by NJ Infra Bank REF SBA

A4867 Kennedy,J/Spearman,W+10 Flood mitigation projects-prioritize funding for projects that include/allow for REF SEN

A4868 Moriarty,P/Tully,P+9 Small Business Resiliency Project Loan Program-establish in EDA REF SEG

A4939 McKeon,J/Mukherji,R+11 Right of person to marry or enter into civil union with person of any race-estab REF SJU

A4955 Kean,S/Thomson,E+4 John Tarantino Highway-designate portion of Highway 71 REF STR

A4962 Aca (1R) Moriarty,P/Dunn,A+3 Real estate listing contracts, long-term-create requirements for REF SCM

A4963 Moriarty,P/Spearman,W+1 Private detectives-require to register their foreign employers with State Police REF SLP

A5036 Tully,P/Swain,L+3 Electronic Permit Processing Review System-req certain materials for review REF SCU

A5208 Coughlin,C/Munoz,N+1 Legislature, former employee-concerns temporary return after retirement REF SSG

ACR168 Tucker,C/DeAngelo,W+10 VA State Home Construction Grant Prog-urge Governor to devel plan for applying REF SMV

AJR29 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Atkins,R+4 Black Business Month-designates August REF SCM

AJR113 Mosquera,G/McKnight,A+5 Period Poverty Awareness Week-establishes last full week of May REF SHH

AJR222 Coughlin,C/Park,E+4 Hate and bias crimes-condemns hate in all forms REF SJU


Bills Received from Assembly/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:


A2193 AcaAa (2R) Munoz,N/Calabrese,C+7 Telemedicine/telehealth-revises emerg care svcs referral standards for providers

A3681 AcaAca (2R) Lampitt,P/Wimberly,B+6 Educator Scholarship Program-establishes

A4007 Murphy,C+6 Vet., disab. & Purple Heart recipient-not req to own veh, exempt from meter fees

A4720 Aca (1R) Schaer,G/Swain,L+10 Holocaust & genocide instruction-distribute survey to school districts regarding

AJR195 Benson,D/Verrelli,A+1 Rail Safety Week-designates third week of September



The Senate adjourned at 4:05 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, March 2, 2023 (QUORUM, Committee Group “1” scheduled to meet).




Bills Introduced:


A5243 Torrissi,M Dwellings-criminalize unlawful occupancy REF AJU

A5244 Piperno,M/Eulner,K Possession/consumption, alcoholic beverages-concerns penal by underage person REF AJU

A5245 Stanley,S Electronic monitoring, certain offenders-establish program; appropriates $50M REF AJU

A5246 Stanley,S/Atkins,R Affordable housing voucher program-expand funding for homeownership expenses REF AHO

A5247 Stanley,S/Haider,S+1 Weatherization/energy efficiency pilot prog-estab, address cockloft space;$30M REF AHO

A5248 Stanley,S/Atkins,R Pharmaceutical services in long-term care facilities-regulates provision REF AHE

A5249 Stanley,S/Atkins,R Vehicular homicide of parent/guardian-req restitution be paid on behalf of child REF AJU

A5250 Space,P/DeAngelo,W Vets, dental care-req clinic connected with school give priority to 100% disab REF AMV

A5251 Space,P Core curriculum content standard and Statewide assessment-leg. approval req. REF AED

A5252 Space,P Affordable fair share housing-incr max mun percentage by age-restricted units REF AHO

A5253 DiMaio,J+2 Fully Funding Schools & Cutting Property Taxes Act-concerns State school aid REF AED

A5254 McKeon,J Data brokers-require registration; prohibit brokering, certain health records REF AST

A5255 McKeon,J NJ Green Bank-estab in EDA; approp from societal benefits charge to fund;$50M REF AEN

A5256 Moriarty,P/Lopez,Y Veterinarians-requires publication of prices of standard and emergency services REF ARP

A5257 Conaway,H Basic Screening Survey-require DOH use to access oral health in children REF AHE

A5258 Conaway,H Human remains-allow for natural organic reduction REF ACE

A5259 Conaway,H Anti-obesity medications-require SHBP, SEHBP, Medicaid & FamilyCare cover REF AHE

A5260 Atkins,R/McKnight,A+2 Voters with disabilities/elderly-require availability of outside voting process REF ASL

A5261 Atkins,R/Benson,D+2 California’s Advanced Clean Cars II rules-requires DEP adopt rules & regulations REF AEN

A5262 Atkins,R/Benson,D Transportation network company drivers-req to use electric veh. January 1, 2035 REF ATR

A5263 Atkins,R/Spearman,W+3 Minority recruitment and selection programs-require cert fire departments estab REF ALP

A5264 Atkins,R JRS member, deferred retir-permit to request reactivation of suspended annuities REF ASL

A5265 Atkins,R Fictitious reporting-upgrade crime of fourth degree to crime of third degree REF AJU

A5266 Moen,W Urban Enterprise Zone Microloan Program-establish to help certain businesses;$5M REF ACE

A5267 DeAngelo,W/Karabinchak,R State buildings, new and existing-require to include motion senor lights REF ASL

A5268 Mukherji,R Pretrial Partnership for Community & Services Pilot Prog-estab, cert defendants REF AJU

A5269 Space,P School bus fuel-exempts petroleum product gross receipts tax and motor fuel tax REF AED

A5270 Mukherji,R/Haider,S Alcoholic beverage licensing laws-makes various revisions, cert. retailers/manuf REF AOF

A5271 Auth,R/Munoz,N+14 Pandemic Bill of Rights for the Welfare of Individuals-establishes REF AHE

A5272 Atkins,R/Wimberly,B Boards of ed-req nonvoting representative be appointed, represent sending dist REF AED

A5273 Benson,D/Stanley,S Medicaid-req automatic enrollment, cert persons recently inelig in health plan REF AFI

A5274 Benson,D/Stanley,S Reserved parking-allow caregiver of person w/ intellectual disab make use of REF ATR

A5275 Benson,D Fire Dept chaplain-allow mun, determine to hold rank and receive salary/benefits REF ASL

A5276 Benson,D Deaf & hard of hearing-req DOH collect cert data, share with cert departments REF AHE

A5277 Space,P Affordable housing obligations-clarifies scope REF AHO

A5278 McCarthy Patrick,B+8 Electric vehicle fire suppression technology-create temporary grant program REF ATR

A5279 Wimberly,B Public work contractors-remove apprenticeship program requirements REF ALA

A5280 Wimberly,B Businesses owned by LGBTQ+ persons-establishes certification program REF ACE

A5285 Greenwald,L/Haider,S Victims, domestic violence-prov copies, cert enforcement records upon request REF ALP

ACR176 Space,P Homestead real property-limit assessment; allow exemption, $50K of home value REF AHO

AJR223 Sawyer,B+37 Paws Healing Heroes Day-designate March 16 REF AMV

AR178 Space,P Assembly Select Committee, Exec Branch’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic REF AHE


Concurrent Resolution Passed:


An unnumbered Concurrent Resolution providing for the Legislature to hold a Joint Session for the purpose of receiving the Governor’s Budget Message was adopted (Voice).


Bills Withdrawn From The Files:


A5102 Danielsen,J Vehicle idling-impose restrictions FROM ATR



The Assembly did not adjourn. The Assembly will meet on Thursday, March 9, 2023 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “A” and “B” scheduled to meet).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:




Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (2/27/2023):



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