Legislative Action: Here's What Happened In Trenton On Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened in Trenton on Monday (February 13th):




Nominations Notice of Intention:



Scott C. Arnette, J.D., of Monmouth Beach. Christie L. Bevacqua, of Tinton Falls.

Tariq H. Chaudhri, Esq., of Vineland.


Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:



Thomas R. Smith, Esq., of Hamilton.


Bills Introduced:


S3584 Steinhardt,D Pension & annuity fund assets-review businesses with ties to Chinese govt REF SSG

S3585 Singleton,T+1 Affordable housing voucher program-expand funding for homeownership expenses REF SCU

S3586 Singleton,T Public office or employment-proh individual from holding in cert circumstances REF SSG

S3587 Lagana,J Pediatric medical day care services-establish Medicaid per diem rate;$3.6M REF SHH

S3589 Cryan,J/Corrado,K Catholic Charities, Diocese of Paterson-SOS Vet Unmet Needs Fund;$500K REF SMV

S3590 Zwicker,A FamilyCare-concerns enrollment in conjunction with licensure application REF SHH

S3591 Zwicker,A Graduate medical ed prog in behavioral health care-foster devel & implementation REF SHH

S3592 Zwicker,A Gender-affirming health care-estab certain protections for persons to receive REF SHH

S3593 Zwicker,A General Election-change certain deadlines REF SSG

S3594 Zwicker,A Reporting election results-require on night of primary and general election REF SSG

S3595 Zwicker,A Primary election-change certain deadlines REF SSG

S3596 Madden,F Health care professionals, certain-codifies & extends authorization to practice REF SCM

S3597 Zwicker,A Angel Investor Tax Credit Act-increase credits, investments in tech businesses REF SEG

S3598 Gopal,V Voting machines-req to be recertified annually and after software modifications REF SSG

S3602 Stack,B Weatherization/energy efficiency pilot prog-estab, address cockloft space;$30M REF SCU

S3606 Vitale,J/Singer,R Residents of long-term care facilities-provide certain protections REF SHH

S3607 Vitale,J Medicaid-req automatic enrollment, cert persons recently inelig in health plan REF SHH


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:


A1728 Aa (1R) Speight,S/Reynolds-Jackson,V+12 Human trafficking in women & children of color-expands duties of Comm to prevent REP

A4035 Aca (1R) Mukherji,R/Dancer,R+1 Executive director of St Agriculture Development Committee-appointed by Governor REP

A4756 Acs (ACS) Spearman,W/Wimberly,B+4 Children's System of Care, Div.-estab goals, prioritize svc to homeless children REP

A4935 Aca (1R) Benson,D/Spearman,W+1 Crash reports-concerns electronic transmission REP

S860 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Zwicker,A Uniform Partition of Heirs Prop Act-provide alt process, prop w/multiple owners REP/SCA

S929 Sca (1R) Singer,R/Bucco,A+4 Cigarette & tobacco products tax rev-incr amount prov to Comm on Cancer Research REP/SCA

S980 Sca (1R) Diegnan,P Childhood pay-for-success programs, early-establishes;$25M REP/SCA

S1028 Sca (1R) Singleton,T Kidney Disease Prevention and Education Task Force-establishes REP/SCA

S1211 Singleton,T/Gopal,V+1 Human trafficking offense-civil actions against person profiting from commission REP

S1517 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Gopal,V+2 Restraining order-issue for situations where domestic viol statutes do not apply REP/SCA

S2021 Sca (1R) Beach,J/Codey,R+11 Caregiver's Assistance Act-income tax credit incurred for care of sr family memb REP/SCA

S2257 Ruiz,M Endometriosis-estab. req, screen cert people who are pregnant & have given birth REP

S2284/3389 Scs (SCS) Lagana,J/Sarlo,P+4 Motor vehicle theft-upgrades to second degree crime REP/SCS

S2764 Singleton,T+1 VETeach Pilot Program-estab in DOE, facilitate teacher certification of veterans REP

S2769 ScaSca (2R) Vitale,J+2 Nursing homes-revises reporting req. concerning financial disclosure & ownership REP/SCA

S3006/3345 ScaScs (SCS) Codey,R/Bucco,A+9 Motor vehicle related crimes, certain-increases penalties for repeat convictions REP/SCS

S3096 Sca (1R) Gopal,V Heroin mixtures-estab. new crime, upgrades penalty involving heroin and fentanyl REP/SCA

S3144 Gopal,V/Singer,R+3 Medicaid, adult medical day care-increase per diem rate; suppl. approp. $3.6M REP

S3262 Sca (1R) Burgess,R/Ruiz,M+1 Children's System of Care, Div.-estab goals, prioritize svc to homeless children REP/SCA

S3301 Stanfield,J/Ruiz,M Human trafficking in women & children of color-expands duties of Comm to prevent REP

S3325 Sarlo,P/Lagana,J Fentanyl-enhance penalties for possession, distribution, & manufacture of REP

S3335 Sca (1R) Johnson,G/Diegnan,P Crash reports-concerns electronic transmission REP

S3346 Sarlo,P/Lagana,J Burglary of residence-upgrades to crime of second degree REP

S3349 ScaSca (2R) Sarlo,P/Cryan,J Public school tuition, non-resident-require payment of actual cost per pupil REP/SCA

S3357 Sca (1R) Codey,R Memory care training-req to include in annual long-term care training program REP/SCA

S3390 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Lagana,J+6 Motor vehicle master key-expands criminal penalties related to illegal use of REP/SCA

S3577 Sarlo,P Executive director of St Agriculture Development Committee-appointed by Governor REP


Bills Referred/SBA:


S929 Sca (1R) Singer,R/Bucco,A+4 Cigarette & tobacco products tax rev-incr amount prov to Comm on Cancer Research

S980 Sca (1R) Diegnan,P Childhood pay-for-success programs, early-establishes;$25M

S2021 Sca (1R) Beach,J/Codey,R+11 Caregiver's Assistance Act-income tax credit incurred for care of sr family memb

S2257 Ruiz,M Endometriosis-estab. req, screen cert people who are pregnant & have given birth

S3096 Sca (1R) Gopal,V Heroin mixtures-estab. new crime, upgrades penalty involving heroin and fentanyl

S3144 Gopal,V/Singer,R+3 Medicaid, adult medical day care-increase per diem rate; suppl. approp. $3.6M

S3325 Sarlo,P/Lagana,J Fentanyl-enhance penalties for possession, distribution, & manufacture of

S3346 Sarlo,P/Lagana,J Burglary of residence-upgrades to crime of second degree


Bills Combined:


S3345 Sarlo,P/Lagana,J+2 Auto theft trafficking network-upgrades crime of leader of; crime of participant COMB/W

S3006 (SCS) S3389 Gopal,V/Lagana,J+6 Theft of motor vehicle & receiving stolen motor vehicle-establishes crimes COMB/W S2284 (SCS)


The Senate adjourned at 5:35 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, February 16, 2023 (QUORUM, Committee Group “3” scheduled to meet).





Bills Introduced:


A5178 Verrelli,A Cannabis products-establishes THC potency limits REF AOF

A5179 Verrelli,A Fire Life Safety Damper and Smoke Control System Inspection Verification Act REF ASL

A5180 Jaffer,S/Jasey,M+1 Gender-affirming health care-estab certain protections for persons to receive REF AHE

A5181 Lampitt,P Student financial aid-revise calculation of need and circumstances for reduction REF AHI

A5182 Lampitt,P Mental health treatment, involuntary commitment-revise certain requirements REF AHU

A5183 Sauickie,A Juror compensation-make equal to minimum wage rate REF AJU

A5184 Sawyer,B Disabled veteran assistance dogs-req organizations training to register w/ DMVA REF AMV

A5185 Eulner,K/Piperno,M Emergency medical technician-streamline certification process for cert veterans REF AHE

A5186 Wirths,H/Space,P Fossil fuel-powered kitchen appliances-prohibit rules and regulations of use REF AEN

A5209 Freiman,R Agritourism Fund-require annual appropriation from General Fund;$2.5M REF AAN

AR176 Piperno,M/Eulner,K Governor Murphy's 2019 New Jersey Energy Master Plan-oppose REF AEN


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:


A1060 Aca (1R) Schaer,G/Mukherji,R Barber service-concerns licensure of persons rendering services in another state REP/ACA

A2138 AcaAcaAca (3R) Moriarty,P/Mukherji,R+8 Home improvement & elevation contractor-estab prof bd to regulate; req licensure REP/ACA

A2581 Lampitt,P/Park,E+4 Cosmetology/hairstyling-provide courses using distance learning technology REP

A2682 Aca (1R) Mukherji,R/Benson,D+19 Alzheimer's & Dementia Care Long-Term Planning Commission-establishes in DHS REP/ACA

A4234 Aca (1R) Haider,S/Calabrese,C Economic conditions, various-req stress testing on State's ability to prov svcs REP/ACA

A4621 Aca (1R) Mosquera,G/Greenwald,L Prof & occupational licenses-req issuance of report on processing of application REP/ACA

A4784 McKeon,J/Sampson,W+4 Catalytic converter on vehicle-req vehicle identification number be stamped on REP

A4785 Aca (1R) McKeon,J/Flynn,V+1 Foreign investments, certain-permit certain insurance companies to make REP

A4962 Aca (1R) Moriarty,P/Dunn,A+2 Real estate listing contracts, long-term-create requirements for REP/ACA

A5036 Tully,P/Swain,L Electronic Permit Processing Review System-req certain materials for review REP

A5190 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Atkins,R+2 Motor vehicle theft-require Attorney General conduct study REP

S1033 ScaSa (2R) Vitale,J/Ruiz,M+9 Alzheimer's & Dementia Care Long-Term Planning Commission-establishes in DHS REP

S2539 Sa (1R) Singleton,T/Turner,S+2 Economic conditions, various-req stress testing on State's ability to prov svcs REP


Bills Reported Referred/AAP:


A512 Aca (1R) Freiman,R/Thomson,E+15 Retirement plans, qualified-income tax exemption for contributions REP/ACA REF AAP

A2760 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Wimberly,B+2 Affordable housing and assistance applications, certain-consolidates REP REF AAP

A3712 Acs (ACS) Schaer,G/Greenwald,L+2 Lead drinking water hazards-requires disclosure to tenants of residential units REP REF AAP

A4275 McKnight,A/Wimberly,B+1 Mental Health and Addiction Services-establishes Office of Ombudsman REP REF AAP

A4549 Freiman,R/Swain,L+1 Grow New Jersey Assistance Program-allow tax credit against income tax liability REP REF AAP

A4613 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Pintor Marin,E+3 Primary Care Practitioner Loan Redemption Prog-renames, extends eligibility;$10M REP/ACA REF AAP

A4614 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Jasey,M+2 Nursing Faculty Loan Redemption Program-modifies REP/ACA REF AAP

A4615 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Reynolds-Jackson,V+3 Graduate medical ed prog in behavioral health care-foster devel & implementation REP/ACA REF AAP

A4643 Mukherji,R Automobile insurance-revise law concerning physical damage inspection by insurer REP REF AAP

A4940 Jaffer,S/Speight,S+2 Pelvic floor examination-require DOH to establish public awareness campaign REP REF AAP

A5034 Aca (1R) Tully,P/Speight,S Auto theft trafficking network-upgrades crime of leader of; crime of participant REP/ACA REF AAP

A5187 Wimberly,B/Spearman,W Home detention for juveniles-authorize for certain motor vehicle offenses REP REF AAP

A5188 McKnight,A/Stanley,S Automotive Anti-Theft Systems Task Force-establish REP REF AAP

A5189 Speight,S/Tully,P Pretrial release-elim for cert motor vehicle theft offenses prior 30-day-period REP REF AAP

S737/951 ScsAca (SCS/1R) Lagana,J/Gopal,V+4 Retirement plans, qualified-income tax exemption for contributions REP/ACA REF AAP


Bills Reported Referred/AHE:


A4738 McKeon,J/Murphy,C Adult medical day care services-revises eligibility REP REF AHE


Bills Reported Referred/AJU:


A4976 Aca (1R) McKeon,J/Park,E Consumer Legal Funding Act-concerns REP/ACA REF AJU


Bills Not Reported/Amended:


A5093 Aca (1R) Freiman,R/Schaer,G Multi-level marketing companies-estab penal for action relating to operation of


The Assembly adjourned at 5:37 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, February 16, 2023 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “C” and “D” scheduled to meet).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:






Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (2/9/2023):



Previous comments for: Legislative Action: Here's What Happened In Trenton On Monday

  1. James says:

    me and my family have been living there for more than 15 years, I hope all the amendments will be for the better, but the result I still need to go to the local office https://ssa-office.com/org/social-security-office-in-trenton/ and I hope that in my business I will not need to redo several documents for new laws

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