Legislative Agenda: Here’s What’s On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Thursday And Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here’s what’s on tap under the Gold Dome on Thursday (March 2nd) and Monday (March 6th):

SENATE QUORUM 12:00 PM Senate Chambers

Group (1) Committees scheduled to meet


Senate Community and Urban Affairs Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 1, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Sen. Singleton, Troy

A4770 [Schaer, Gary S./Mosquera, Gabriela M.+10], Lead in water, property providing childcare svc-install & maintain water filters

A4889 [Coughlin, Craig J./DiMaio, John+1], Local govt. officers-remove req. that disclose address on financial statements

S171 [Connors, Christopher J.+4], Veterans-municipal development trust funds be spent on affordable assistance

S2695 [Greenstein, Linda R./Cunningham, Sandra B.+1], Lead drinking water hazards- requires disclosure to tenants of residential units

S2961 [Stack, Brian P./Cunningham, Sandra B.], Tenants, sr citizens & certain with disabilities-extend protected tenancy period

S3363 [Scutari, Nicholas P./Pou, Nellie], Local govt. officers-remove req. that disclose address on financial statements

S3415 [Greenstein, Linda R.], Lead in water, property providing childcare svc-install & maintain water filters

S3468 [Thompson, Samuel D.], Warehouse development-concerns regulatory guidance for local approving authority

S3551 [Lagana, Joseph A./Bucco, Anthony M.], Electronic Permit Processing Review System-req certain materials for review

S3585 [Singleton, Troy+1], Affordable housing voucher program-expand funding for homeownership expenses

S3600 [Corrado, Kristin M./Pou, Nellie], Code Blue Shelter Matching Grant Prog-estab to support community-based nonprofit

S3602 [Stack, Brian P.], Weatherization/energy efficiency pilot prog-estab, address cockloft space;$30M


Senate Education Meeting 11:00 AM

Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Sen. Gopal, Vin

The Committee will meet to receive testimony from invited guests regarding how schools can help combat the national increase in teenage suicide rates. The Committee will also accept written testimony from members of the public.


Senate Labor Meeting Chair: Sen. Madden, Fred H.

The Committee will not meet.


Senate Transportation Meeting Chair: Sen. Diegnan, Patrick J.

The Committee will not meet.



SENATE QUORUM 12:00 PM Senate Chambers

Group (2) Committees scheduled to meet


Senate Budget and Appropriations Meeting 1:00 PM Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton NJ Chair: Sen. Sarlo, Paul A.

A2146 [Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina/Wimberly, Benjie E.+13], Business asst prog, State- creates, estab contracting goals for disadvantaged bus

A4772 [Verrelli, Anthony S./Egan, Joseph V.+4], Unemployment insurance benefits during labor disputes-concerns

S855 [Singleton, Troy/Beach, James+1], Business asst prog, State-creates, estab contracting goals for disadvantaged bus

S1222 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Gopal, Vin], National School Lunch and breakfast programs- establish online applications

S2459 [Ruiz, M. Teresa], Translation of documents & svcs.-req St entity provide, 15 most common languages

S3184 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Sarlo, Paul A.+1], Resiliency and Environmental System Investment Charge Program-establishes

S3215 [Sarlo, Paul A./Madden, Fred H.+2], Unemployment insurance benefits during labor disputes-concerns

S3275 [Pou, Nellie/Scutari, Nicholas P.], Reproductive rights-require DOH create website with information

S3333 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa I./Corrado, Kristin M.], Low Income Household Water Assistance Prog-concerns from taking cert actions

S3337 [Lagana, Joseph A./Johnson, Gordon M.], Resilient NJ Revolving Loan Fund- estab & auth issuance of bonds by NJ Infra Bank

S3578 [Testa, Michael L./Pou, Nellie], Real Estate Comm soliciting owners regarding home sale-req initial text message


Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Meeting 1:00 PM Committee Room 1, 1st Floor,

State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Sen. Vitale, Joseph F.

A3737 [Speight, Shanique/Swain, Lisa+12], Menstrual health public awareness campaign-establishes

S150 [Diegnan, Patrick J.], Medications w/black box warning-req prescribers obtain consent for certain

S405 [Johnson, Gordon M./Singer, Robert W.+2], Medicaid per diem rate for certain assisted living residences-incrs over 3 years

S679 [Bucco, Anthony M.], Marriage license application-revises form, permit changes in middle and surname

S2464 [Vitale, Joseph F./Gopal, Vin], Veterinarians-clarify not withing ambit of telemedicine & telehealth law

S2772 [Ruiz, M. Teresa], Women’s Menstrual Health Screening Prog-estab; screen patients for endometriosis

S3207 [Singer, Robert W.], Kinship legal guardian-req assignment of advocate upon petition of caregiver

S3393 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/O’Scanlon, Declan J.+1], Menstrual health public awareness campaign-establishes

S3607 [Vitale, Joseph F.], Medicaid-req automatic enrollment, cert persons recently inelig in health plan

Pending Referral:

S3547 [Pou, Nellie/Vitale, Joseph F.], Nursing Faculty Loan Redemption Program- modifies

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